arduino-libraries / RTCZero

RTC Library for SAMD21 based boards
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
76 stars 79 forks source link

Suggestion: getAlarmEpoch() #67

Open sergerold opened 3 years ago

sergerold commented 3 years ago


I noticed that there is no 'getAlarmEpoch()' method. I have implemented in my own sketch but it may be worthwhile adding to the library.

uint32_t getAlarmEpoch()
            struct tm alarmTime;

            alarmTime.tm_isdst = -1;
            alarmTime.tm_yday = 0;
            alarmTime.tm_wday = 0;
            alarmTime.tm_year = pRtcAlarm->getAlarmYear() + EPOCH_TIME_YEAR_OFF;
            alarmTime.tm_mon = pRtcAlarm->getAlarmMonth() - 1;
            alarmTime.tm_mday = pRtcAlarm->getAlarmDay();
            alarmTime.tm_hour = pRtcAlarm->getAlarmHours();
            alarmTime.tm_min = pRtcAlarm->getAlarmMinutes();
            alarmTime.tm_sec = pRtcAlarm->getAlarmSeconds();

            return mktime(&alarmTime);
