arduino-libraries / USBHost

USB Host Library for Arduino
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Problems with declaring variables #12

Open abp250 opened 8 years ago

abp250 commented 8 years ago


I am trying to use this library to intervace with my Logitech extreme 3D pro joystick controller so I made a few additions to the source code. I basically followed the same format that the Mouse and Keyboard use but adapted it to be used for the joystick device.


#include <JoystickController.h>

extern "C" {
void __joystickControllerEmptyCallback() { }

void OnJoystickChanged()  __attribute__ ((weak, alias("__joystickControllerEmptyCallback")));

uint8_t JoystickController::getButtons_a()      { return buttons_a; }
uint8_t JoystickController::getButtons_b()      { return buttons_b; }
uint8_t JoystickController::getSliderValue()    { return slider; }
uint32_t JoystickController::getAxesValues()    { return axes; }
uint16_t JoystickController::getXValue()        { return x; }
uint16_t JoystickController::getYValue()        { return y; }
uint8_t JoystickController::getHatValue()       { return hat; }
uint8_t JoystickController::getTwistValue()     { return twist; }



#include <hidboot.h>

class JoystickController : public JoystickReportParser
    JoystickController(USBHost &usb) : hostJoystick(&usb), axes(0) , buttons_a(0), buttons_b(0) , slider(0) {
        hostJoystick.SetReportParser(0, this);

    uint8_t getButtons_a();
    uint8_t getButtons_b();
    uint8_t getSliderValue();
    uint32_t getAxesValues();
    uint16_t getXValue();
    uint16_t getYValue();
    uint8_t getHatValue();
    uint8_t getTwistValue();

    virtual void OnJoystickChanged(JOYSTICKINFO *js);

    union { //axes and hat switch
        uint32_t axes;
        struct {
          uint32_t x : 10;
          uint32_t y : 10;
          uint32_t hat : 4;
          uint32_t twist : 8;      
    uint8_t buttons_a;
    uint8_t buttons_b;  
    uint8_t slider;



I added this to hidboot.cpp:

void JoystickReportParser::Parse(HID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf)
    bool match = true;

    // Checking if there are changes in report since the method was last called
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<7; i++) {
        if( buf[i] != prevState.oldPad[i] ) {
            match = false;
    // Calling Game Pad event handler
    if (!match && pjs) {

        for (uint8_t i=0; i<7; i++) 
            prevState.oldPad[i] = buf[i];

and i added this to hdiboot.h:

 * \brief JOYINFO definition.

    union { //axes and hat switch
        uint32_t axes;
        struct {
          uint32_t x : 10;
          uint32_t y : 10;
          uint32_t hat : 4;
          uint32_t twist : 8;      
    uint8_t buttons_a;
    uint8_t buttons_b;  
    uint8_t slider;


 * \class JoystickReportParser definition.
class JoystickReportParser : public HIDReportParser
//      JoystickEvents      *joystickEvents;
        JOYSTICKINFO        joystickInfo;
        uint8_t             oldPad[7];
        uint8_t             oldHat;
        uint16_t            oldButtons;
    }   prevState;

    //JoystickReportParser(JoystickEvents *evt);
    virtual void Parse(HID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf);

    virtual void OnJoystickChanged(JOYSTICKINFO *js) {};


in hid.h, added: #define HID_PROTOCOL_JOYSTICK 0x03

And when I tried to implement this in an Arduino sketch, I got the following errors:

JoystickController:9: error: cannot declare variable 'joy' to be of abstract type 'JoystickController'

 JoystickController joy(usb);


In file included from C:\Users\Aaron\Documents\Arduino\JoystickController\JoystickController.ino:3:0:

C:\Users\Aaron\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHost\src/JoystickController.h:11:7: note:   because the following virtual functions are pure within 'JoystickController':

 class JoystickController : public JoystickReportParser


In file included from C:\Users\Aaron\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHost\src/hidboot.h:24:0,

                 from C:\Users\Aaron\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHost\src/JoystickController.h:7,

                 from C:\Users\Aaron\Documents\Arduino\JoystickController\JoystickController.ino:3:

C:\Users\Aaron\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHost\src/hid.h:157:15: note:  virtual void HIDReportParser::Parse(HID*, bool, uint32_t, uint8_t*)

  virtual void Parse(HID *hid, bool is_rpt_id, uint32_t len, uint8_t *buf) = 0;


Using library USBHost at version 1.0.4 in folder: C:\Users\Aaron\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USBHost 
exit status 1
cannot declare variable 'joy' to be of abstract type 'JoystickController'

I searched for any differences in how the mouse and keyboard controllers were initialized and I couldn't find anything. I'm not very experienced in C++ so i need some help.

Thanks in advance,


bbx10 commented 8 years ago

I also do not have much C++ experience but I did notice a small difference. Below shows the addition of the HID_PROTOCOL_JOYSTCK parameter. I hope this helps.

hid.h:#define HID_PROTOCOL_NONE           0x00
hid.h:#define HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD       0x01
hid.h:#define HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE          0x02
**hid.h:#define HID_PROTOCOL_JOYSTICK       0x03**
**JoystickController.h:        HIDBoot<HID_PROTOCOL_JOYSTICK> hostJoystick;**
KeyboardController.h:  HIDBoot<HID_PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD> hostKeyboard;
MouseController.h:  HIDBoot<HID_PROTOCOL_MOUSE> hostMouse;
abp250 commented 8 years ago


Thank you, but I do have that in the code already. I forgot to include it in the additions of code in the lib. I added that in the post. Thank you.