arduino-libraries / WiFiNINA

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Nano connect RP2040 with Pico SDK (Philhower) hangs when WiFi.localip() is called. #282

Open rcds2 opened 1 month ago

rcds2 commented 1 month ago

WiFi module firmware: 1.5 WiFiNINA Library version: 1.8.14 Pico SDK version: 3.8.1

I am using the WiFiNINA WiFiPing unmodified example sketch. New board, nothing connected to it. I know the WiFi connection works properly because: 1) The same example sketch, unmodified, works fine when using Arduinos' MBED OS core. 2) When using the Pico SDK, I get a SUCCESS! ping reply when I comment out the line " IPAdress ip = WiFi.localIP();".

Please help! Thank you in advance.