This EthernetWebServer_SSL library is a simple yet complete TLS/SSL WebClient and non-TLS/SSL WebServer library for TAVR, eensy, SAM DUE, Arduino SAMD21, Adafruit SAMD21/SAMD51, Adafruit nRF52, ESP32/ESP8266, STM32, etc. boards using Ethernet shields. The functions are similar and compatible to those of ESP32 WebServer and ESP8266WebServer libraries to make life much easier to port sketches from ESP8266/ESP32.
nRF52 boards, such as AdaFruit Feather nRF52832, nRF52840 Express, BlueFruit Sense, Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 Express, Metro nRF52840 Express, NINA_B302_ublox, NINA_B112_ublox, etc.. Currently SSL WebClient is not working.
Adafruit SAMD51 (M4): Metro M4, Grand Central M4, ItsyBitsy M4, Feather M4 Express, Trellis M4, Metro M4 AirLift Lite, MONSTER M4SK Express, Hallowing M4, etc.
The EthernetWebServer class, found in EthernetWebServer.h header, is a simple WebServer class, knowing how to handle HTTP requests such as GET and POST and can only support one one client at a time.
The EthernetSSLClient class, found in SSLClient.h header, is a simple WebClient class, knowing how to handle HTTP/HTTPS requests such as GET and POST and can only support one client at a time.
Please add EthernetWebServer_SSL library to Library Manager.
Thanks and Regards.
Why do we need this EthernetWebServer_SSL library
This EthernetWebServer_SSL library is a simple yet complete TLS/SSL WebClient and non-TLS/SSL WebServer library for TAVR, eensy, SAM DUE, Arduino SAMD21, Adafruit SAMD21/SAMD51, Adafruit nRF52, ESP32/ESP8266, STM32, etc. boards using Ethernet shields. The functions are similar and compatible to those of
ESP32 WebServer
libraries to make life much easier to port sketches from ESP8266/ESP32.This EthernetWebServer_SSL library adds TLS 1.2 functionality to EthernetClient, using BearSSL as an underlying TLS engine.
Currently supported Boards
This EthernetWebServer_SSL library currently supports these following boards:
nRF52 boards, such as AdaFruit Feather nRF52832, nRF52840 Express, BlueFruit Sense, Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 Express, Metro nRF52840 Express, NINA_B302_ublox, NINA_B112_ublox, etc.. Currently SSL WebClient is not working.
Teensy (4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3,2, 3.1, 3.0, LC)
AVR Mega1280, 2560, ADK.. SSL WebClient not supported yet. Check Trivial sketch won't compile using Arduino 1.8.13
ESP8266. SSL WebClient not supported yet. Check HTTPS GET request - ESP8266 - ENC28j60
Supporting Ethernet shields/modules:
libraryThe library provides these features:
Library is based on and modified from:
The EthernetWebServer class, found in
header, is a simple WebServer class, knowing how to handle HTTP requests such as GET and POST and can only support one one client at a time.The EthernetSSLClient class, found in
header, is a simple WebClient class, knowing how to handle HTTP/HTTPS requests such as GET and POST and can only support one client at a time.