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[Library Manager] Please add Ethernet_Manager Library #11073

Closed khoih-prog closed 3 years ago

khoih-prog commented 3 years ago

Please add Ethernet_Manager library to Library Manager.

Thanks and Regards.


Releases v1.0.0

  1. Initial coding to support SAMD21/SAMD51, nRF52, SAM DUE, Teensy.
  2. Provide support to W5x00, ENC28J60 and Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet.
  3. Supporting Ethernet, EthernetLarge, Ethernet2, Ethernet3, EthernetENC, UIPEthernet and Teensy NativeEthernet Libraries

Supported Boards

This Ethernet_Manager library currently supports these following boards:

  1. nRF52 boards, such as AdaFruit Feather nRF52832, nRF52840 Express, BlueFruit Sense, Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 Express, Metro nRF52840 Express, NINA_B302_ublox, NINA_B112_ublox, etc.

  2. SAM DUE

  3. SAMD21

    • Arduino SAMD21: ZERO, MKRs, NANO_33_IOT, etc.
    • Adafruit SAMD21 (M0): ItsyBitsy M0, Feather M0, Feather M0 Express, Metro M0 Express, Circuit Playground Express, Trinket M0, PIRkey, Hallowing M0, Crickit M0, etc.
    • Seeeduino: LoRaWAN, Zero, Femto M0, XIAO M0, Wio GPS Board, etc.
  4. SAMD51

    • Adafruit SAMD51 (M4): Metro M4, Grand Central M4, ItsyBitsy M4, Feather M4 Express, Trellis M4, Metro M4 AirLift Lite, MONSTER M4SK Express, Hallowing M4, etc.
    • Seeeduino: Wio Terminal, Grove UI Wireless
  5. Teensy (4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3,2, 3.1, 3.0, LC)

  6. ESP32

  7. ESP8266

Supported Ethernet shields/modules:

  1. W5x00 using Ethernet, EthernetLarge, Ethernet2 or Ethernet3 library
  2. ENC28J60 using EthernetENC or UIPEthernet library
  3. Teensy 4.1 NativeEthernet using NativeEthernet Library version stable111+.
cmaglie commented 3 years ago
