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[Library Manager] Please add ESP_MultiResetDetector Library #11115

Closed khoih-prog closed 3 years ago

khoih-prog commented 3 years ago

Please add ESP_MultiResetDetector library to Library Manager.

Thanks and Regards.


ESP_MultiResetDetector is a library for the ESP8266 and ESP32 boards to detects a configurable multi reset, within configurable timeout (default 10s) seconds, so that an alternative start-up mode can be used. Example use cases are to allow re-configuration of a device's WiFi / MQTT / Blynk credentials or to count the number of resets within a pre-determined timed.

This library is based on, modified, bug-fixed and improved from

  1. Stephen Denne's DoubleResetDetector
  2. ESP_DoubleResetDetector

to add multiple reset detection support to ESP8266 and ESP32 using EEPROM, SPIFFS and LittleFS besides original RTC.

This library can be used to detect a multi reset within a predetermined time to force the program to enter a special operation such as Config Portal, Clear Default Data, etc., using :

  1. EEPROM, SPIFFS or LittleFS for ESP8266 and ESP32 boards.
  2. RTC memory for ESP8266 boards (unadvised).

Currently supported Boards

This ESP_MultiResetDetector library currently supports these following boards:

  1. ESP32 boards using EEPROM, SPIFFS or LittleFS.
  2. ESP8266 boards RTC memory, EEPROM, SPIFFS or LittleFS

Releases v1.1.1

  1. Initial coding to support Multiple Reset Detection.
  2. Sync with ESP_DoubleResetDetector v1.1.1
cmaglie commented 3 years ago
