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Arduino IDE 1.x
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Selectable Hardware folder for Boards Manager #2874

Open agdl opened 9 years ago

agdl commented 9 years ago

Using the new IDE I had "problems" in finding the hardware folder where the core is installed.

Talking about this I think that could be nice to add an "open hardware folder" somewhere in the IDE in order to have a quick link to that folder. This is useful when someone has to search for something in the core.

Another way could be to make it selectionable by the user as for the sketchbook because in this way for example as i did fo my sketchbook i can place it on my dropbox folder so i have my sketches every where. Doing it in this way the user can have the boards installed on every machine without downloading the core every time.

However i also think that a little improvement could also be to choose the sketchbook (and hardware folder) location at the first Arduino IDE start. In this way a (maybe) unuseful folder isn't created.

NicoHood commented 9 years ago

The boards manager also needs a button to add .zip board files as the library menu.

ffissore commented 9 years ago

@NicoHood nice one. Can you move it to a separate issue?

NicoHood commented 9 years ago