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Arduino IDE (Wiring / Sketch) for Linux boards or different ARM A5 / A8 boards? #3505

Closed shiftleftplusone closed 7 years ago

shiftleftplusone commented 9 years ago

EDIT: Duplicate of

hey, after is supposed to have cancelled it's Arduino Tre project (no longer listed on products page), so regrettably the Due's ARM Cortex M3 is currently the upper limit of MCU performance.

Now, will it be possible to implement the Arduino IDE (Wiring / Sketch) for Linux boards, e.g. on BeagleBone Black or on Raspberry Pi ? Or maybe even on different, more powerful boards feat. more powerful MCUs than just the Due, e.g. at least an ARM Cortex A5 like on ATSAMA5D3 Xplained evaluation board ? (see: )

Chris--A commented 9 years ago

The ESP8266 is very popular. I use the IDE to program & upload my sketches. It is built around an Xtensa LX106 and can run from 60 to 180 Mhz, has Wifi & 96K RAM.

I got most of mine from $2.50 - $3.

Have a look at

shiftleftplusone commented 9 years ago

thank you for your hint! But the Boards I was referring to, are much more powerful: the Due has got 92 k RAM (which is actually quite restricted), the ESP8266 you mentioned hasn't got substantially more (96k) - but the ATSAMA5D3 Xplained and the BBB have 512MB RAM by 500-900 MHz, the TRE has been designed to provide similar technical features, and finally the RasPi 2 even 1GB LPDDR2 RAM by 4x 900 MHz cpu clock. My question was more about boards providing this enhanced level of performance.

IMO it would be fine if we could control Xplained or preferably BBB or Raspi by Arduino IDE and Sketch/Wiring for the same kind of applications which could be established so far just by using different programming platforms, e.g. Python or "native" GCC.

shiftleftplusone commented 9 years ago

When can we expect an improvement in the support of bigger and more powerful boards, like e.g.

BeagleBone Black, Raspberry Pi, or maybe even for ATSAMA5D3 Xplained evaluation board


per1234 commented 7 years ago

will it be possible

It already is! Program Raspberry Pi using the Arduino IDE:

As for the other hardware, of course it's possible. Look around to see if someone's already done it. If not, get working! Of course the Arduino developers aren't going to spend a bunch of time to add support for programming boards Arduino doesn't sell but they have made it extremely easy to easy to create 3rd party hardware packages so we are all free to do what we like with the Arduino IDE.

shiftleftplusone commented 7 years ago

this is an old topic, it's solved already since quite a long time for the Pi. Unfortunately there were no bigger and more powerful boards available originally by Arduino itself.