arduino / Arduino

Arduino IDE 1.x
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Bazel Support #6860

Open jeremyje opened 6 years ago

jeremyje commented 6 years ago

It'd be nice if the Arduino compile had Bazel ( integration.

Something like:

  name = "example",
  srcs = ["example.ino"],
  board = "@io_github_arduino_arduino//boards:esp8266",
  libraries = ["rs232"],

This would download the board definition, arduino compiler, and required libraries and build them to bazel-bin/example.bin

hblok commented 6 years ago

This might be relevant:

Kernald commented 5 years ago

These PlatformIO rules are working fine (I opened a few issues this past month, and the developer has been reactivate to fix them, that's nice), but have a few issues inherent to the way they're built: they're using PlatformIO as a kind of middleware, which isn't the way it's meant to be used. You cannot leverage any standard C/C++ feature that Bazel have, re-using modules with other code means writing a build target using cc_library, and a second one using platformio_library (for the same source set), it also requires to have PlatformIO in your path, which makes reproducibility hit-and-miss. In addition to that, PlatformIO's dependency management is great... for simple cases. It's a mess with nested folders.

While it's great to have those rules (they aren't perfect, but they work), I would love to see some board-specific C/C++ toolchains, native definition of Arduino libraries (Wire...), and a simple rule to manage the upload.

sascha1337 commented 4 years ago

pump this up ! when bazel ?

victorromeo commented 4 years ago

Agreed. Love to see Bazel supported here in a more independent way. Arduino's linker isn't great when referencing libraries outside Arduino IDE paths.

simonhorlick commented 3 years ago

I spent a bit of time adding a Bazel toolchain that works for the ESP32. It's a bit rough around the edges, but it might be useful:

sascha1337 commented 3 years ago

hah mate, been a while since askin, but better late than never right ? Thanks mate.

henriksod commented 1 year ago

Bump! Currently looking for this.