arduino / ArduinoCore-API

Hardware independent layer of the Arduino cores defining the official API
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Bug in I2C slave STM32F103 #241

Closed AndKe closed 3 days ago

AndKe commented 3 days ago


#include <Wire.h>
long lastms;
volatile int x = 0;
volatile int y = 0;

#define STM
void receiveEvent(int howMany) {
  x =;

void requestEvent() {
  y = 1;

void setup() {

  #ifdef STM
  pinMode(PB6, INPUT); //PB6=SCL
  pinMode(PB7, INPUT); //PB7=SDA

  //Arduino Nano
  pinMode(A4, INPUT);
  pinMode(A5, INPUT);


  Wire.begin(11);                // join i2c bus as slave

  lastms = millis();

void loop() {
  if (millis() > lastms + 1000) {
    lastms = millis();
  if (x != 0) {
    Serial.println(x, HEX);
    x = 0;
  if (y != 0) {
    y = 0;


Current behavior

If compiled for Nano, the application works. (displaying the incoming I2C requests.) When compiled for STM32F103 - with CDC serial, it does not. (it outputs only the "-" each 1sec.)

The incoming data is at the same time decoded by an oscilloscope, so pullups etc are ok.

Expected behavior

I expect the code to work on STM32F103C8 /Bluepill like it did on Nano

Additional information

On incoming I2C data, PB6 (SCK) is being pulled low, and held low by the controller, effectively killing all further traffic. This happens even if USB /Serial support is set to NONE

per1234 commented 3 days ago

Hi @AndKe. This repository only defines the standardized core HardwareI2C class API:

Since it is very architecture-specific, the class and the "Wire" library can not be implemented in the universal code hosted in this repository. It is implemented independently in each Arduino boards platform.

So I will close this as off topic. You are welcome to request assistance with the problem over on Arduino Forum:

AndKe commented 2 days ago

After several days of chasing /verifying this nasty bug I did, ask in the forum:

there is very little help to get.

I do understand that you cannot/will not cover every chip MCU, but it would be very nice of you to throw a compiler warning if Wire Slave is used with for exampled STM32F103 series - so that less time was wasted on things like this.

JAndrassy commented 2 days ago