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ReadBytesUntil should be able to return empty if a terminator is detected without data #491

Open Suisse00 opened 2 years ago

Suisse00 commented 2 years ago


Just some feedback and an open question of a possible redesign of ReadBytesUntil functions.

ReadBytesUntil should have a return state that means "we detected your terminator character but there were no data".

I don't think it should be the user to peek at this since the name of the method implicitly suggest it does that and it was just not in mind in the first place.

ReadBytesUntil, it is where things can be more dangerous. I would go with returning 0 meaning the terminator has been found but there was no data and "-1" (maximum of _sizet) means the terminator has not been found. However, doing so will be a breaking change.

Disclaimer: I'm not a heavy user of Arduino, so I don't know your actual restriction, limitations, overall users history with breaking changes, ...

Such discussion should affect ticket #290 in someway (don't just read the title)

NOTE: There is ReadStringUntil that technically do the job already.

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Suisse00 commented 2 years ago

Update description. Title should read as "ReadBytesUntil should be able to return empty if a terminator is detected without data" instead