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Feature Request: PortentaH7 with MQTT #213

Closed hpssjellis closed 3 years ago

hpssjellis commented 3 years ago

Feature Request: PortentaH7 with MQTT

Lots of MQTT libraries allowing WiFi and Ethernet connections with MQTT brokers like or I guess the Arduino Cloud, but none of them seem to work for me with the PortentaH7. It should not be very hard as I have gotten CayenneLPP sending JSON data to a LoRaWan Helium server which then sends the data to the Adafruit MQTT.

Any suggestions?

hpssjellis commented 3 years ago


I did manage to get some type of connection using these 2 methods:

  ArduinoMqttClient - WiFi Simple Sender
  This example connects to a MQTT broker and publishes a message to
  a topic once a second.
  The circuit:
  - Arduino MKR 1000, MKR 1010 or Uno WiFi Rev.2 board
  This example code is in the public domain.
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <ArduinoMqttClient.h>

#include "arduino_secrets.h"
///////please enter your sensitive data in the Secret tab/arduino_secrets.h
char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID;        // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = SECRET_PASS;    // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)

// To connect with SSL/TLS:
// 1) Change WiFiClient to WiFiSSLClient.
// 2) Change port value from 1883 to 8883.
// 3) Change broker value to a server with a known SSL/TLS root certificate 
//    flashed in the WiFi module.

WiFiClient wifiClient;
MqttClient mqttClient(wifiClient);

const char broker[] = "";
int        port     = 1883;
const char topic[]  = "feeds/photocell";

const long interval = 1000;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;

int count = 0;

void setup() {
  //Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only

  // attempt to connect to Wifi network:
  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: ");
  while (WiFi.begin(ssid, pass) != WL_CONNECTED) {
    // failed, retry

  Serial.println("You're connected to the network");

  // You can provide a unique client ID, if not set the library uses Arduino-millis()
  // Each client must have a unique client ID
  // mqttClient.setId("clientId");

  // You can provide a username and password for authentication
   mqttClient.setUsernamePassword("username", "aio_key");

  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");

  if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, port)) {
    Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = ");

    while (1);

  Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!");

void loop() {
  // call poll() regularly to allow the library to send MQTT keep alives which
  // avoids being disconnected by the broker

  // avoid having delays in loop, we'll use the strategy from BlinkWithoutDelay
  // see: File -> Examples -> 02.Digital -> BlinkWithoutDelay for more info
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) {
    // save the last time a message was sent
    previousMillis = currentMillis;

    Serial.print("Sending message to topic: ");

    // send message, the Print interface can be used to set the message contents


and this other method with a bit of an unsecure GET method.

  Web client
 This sketch connects to a website ( using the WiFi module.
 This example is written for a network using WPA encryption. For
 WEP or WPA, change the Wifi.begin() call accordingly.
 * Arduino Portenta H7
 created 13 July 2010
 by dlf (Metodo2 srl)
 modified 31 May 2012
 by Tom Igoe

#include <WiFi.h>

#include "arduino_secrets.h" 
///////please enter your sensitive data in the Secret tab/arduino_secrets.h
char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID;        // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = SECRET_PASS;        // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)
int keyIndex = 0;                 // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP)

int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
// if you don't want to use DNS (and reduce your sketch size)
// use the numeric IP instead of the name for the server:
// IPAddress server(93,184,216,34);  // IP address for (no DNS)
char server[] = "";       // host name for (using DNS)

WiFiClient client;

void setup() {
  //Initialize serial and wait for port to open:
  while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only

  // check for the WiFi module:
  if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
    Serial.println("Communication with WiFi module failed!");
    // don't continue
    while (true);

  // attempt to connect to Wifi network:
  while (status != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
    // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
    status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);

    // wait 3 seconds for connection:
  Serial.println("Connected to wifi");

  Serial.println("\nStarting connection to server...");
  // if you get a connection, report back via serial:
  if (client.connect(server, 80)) {
    Serial.println("connected to server");
    // Make a HTTP request:
    client.println("GET /api/v2/{username}/feeds/photocell?x-aio-key={aio_dhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdh} HTTP/1.1");
    client.print("Host: ");
    client.println("Connection: close");

void loop() {
  // if there are incoming bytes available
  // from the server, read them and print them:
  while (client.available()) {
    char c =;

  // if the server's disconnected, stop the client:
  if (!client.connected()) {
    Serial.println("disconnecting from server.");

    // do nothing forevermore:
    while (true);

void printWifiStatus() {
  // print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
  Serial.print("SSID: ");

  // print your board's IP address:
  IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
  Serial.print("IP Address: ");

  // print the received signal strength:
  long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
  Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
  Serial.println(" dBm");

Any other suggestions or should we close this issue?