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Is SPI thread safe? #388

Open tokiedokie opened 2 years ago

tokiedokie commented 2 years ago

I need to use same SPI port (MOSI, MISO, SCK) with different Chip Select (CS). However SPI class is not supporting CS. Therefore I need to code like:

#include "SPI.h"
#include "mbed.h"

rtos::Thread thread;

auto CS0 = D7;
auto CS1 = D6;

void thread_func() {
    digitalWrite(CS0, LOW);
    digitalWrite(CS0, HIGH);

void setup() {
    pinMode(CS0, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(CS0, HIGH);
    pinMode(CS1, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(CS1, HIGH);


    digitalWrite(CS1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(CS1, HIGH);

void loop() {}

Is this thread safe? Is there any chance CS0 and CS1 to go LOW at the same time?

On the other hand, mbed's SPI supports CS pin. If Arduino's SPI is not thread safe, how about using mbed's SPI CS pin?

tokiedokie commented 2 years ago

Any ideas?

sdzienge commented 2 years ago

@tokiedokie I would assume that Arduino SPI is not thread safe as I don't know for sure. You're already using the mbed rtos namespace for threading, why not add PlatformMutex, or rtos::Semaphore to protect access to the CS pin. I've done exactly that successfully in a few sketches.