arduino / ArduinoCore-mbed

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Cant't recompile EDGE_CONTROL mbed core #585

Open brinata opened 1 year ago

brinata commented 1 year ago

I need to add cellular support on MBED core for edge control, the script mbed-os-to-arduino give me back the following erros:

I'm working on windows10

$ ./mbed-os-to-arduino -a EDGE_CONTROL:EDGE_CONTROL

MBED_CLEAN=0 MBED_UPDATE=0 APPLY_PATCHES=1 RESTORE_GDB_INFO=0 LOCAL_REPO= REMOTE_BRANCH= MBED_CORE_LOCATION=/c/Users/Ronni/AppData/local/arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/mbed_edge/3.4.1

VARIANT=EDGE_CONTROL BOARD=EDGE_CONTROL Checking for prerequisites... done. Creating MbedOS Application... done. Checking out preferred 'mbed-os' version... done. Setting up Mbed Application...[mbed] Working path "C:\Users\Ronni\AppData\Local\Temp\mbed-os-program" (program) [mbed] EDGE_CONTROL now set as default target in program "mbed-os-program" [mbed] Working path "C:\Users\Ronni\AppData\Local\Temp\mbed-os-program" (program) [mbed] GCC_ARM now set as default toolchain in program "mbed-os-program" done. Applying patches... done. Compiling Mbed Application...pippo argument -m/--mcu: EDGE_CONTROL is not a supported MCU. Supported MCUs are: ADV_WISE_1510, ADV_WISE_1570, ARCH_MAX, ARCH_PRO, ARDUINO_NANO33BLE, ARM_CM3DS_MPS2, ARM_MPS2_M0, ARM_MPS2_M0P, ARM_MPS2_M3, ARM_MPS2_M4, ARM_MPS2_M7, ARM_MUSCA_B1, ARM_MUSCA_S1, B_L4S5I_IOT01A, B_U585I_IOT02A, CY8CKIT064B0S2_4343W, CY8CKIT_062S2_43012, CY8CKIT_062_BLE, CY8CKIT_062_WIFI_BT, CY8CPROTO_062S3_4343W, CY8CPROTO_062_4343W, CYSBSYSKIT_01, CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W, CYW9P62S1_43012EVB_01, CYW9P62S1_43438EVB_01, DISCO_F413ZH, DISCO_F429ZI, DISCO_F469NI, DISCO_F746NG, DISCO_F769NI, DISCO_H747I, DISCO_H747I_CM4, DISCO_H747I_CM7, DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1, DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A, DISCO_L476VG, DISCO_L496AG, DISCO_L4R9I, DISCO_L562QE, DISCO_WB5MMG, EFM32GG11_STK3701, EFM32GG_STK3700, EP_AGORA, EP_ATLAS, EV_COG_AD3029LZ, EV_COG_AD4050LZ, FF1705_L151CC, FF_LPC546XX, FVP_MPS2_M0, FVP_MPS2_M0P, FVP_MPS2_M3, FVP_MPS2_M4, FVP_MPS2_M7, GD32_F307VG, GD32_F450ZI, GR_LYCHEE, GR_MANGO, HEXIWEAR, K22F, K64F, K66F, K82F, KL25Z, KL43Z, KL46Z, KW41Z, LPC1114, LPC1768, LPC54114, LPC546XX, MAX32620FTHR, MAX32625MBED, MAX32625PICO, MAX32630FTHR, MAX32660EVSYS, MAX32670EVKIT, MIMXRT1050_EVK, MIMXRT1170_EVK, MOTE_L152RC, MTS_DRAGONFLY_F411RE, MTS_DRAGONFLY_F413RH, MTS_DRAGONFLY_L471QG, MTS_DRAGONFLY_L496VG, MTS_MDOT_F411RE, NRF52840_DK, NRF52_DK, NUCLEO_F070RB, NUCLEO_F072RB, NUCLEO_F091RC, NUCLEO_F103RB, NUCLEO_F207ZG, NUCLEO_F303K8, NUCLEO_F303RE, NUCLEO_F303ZE, NUCLEO_F401RE, NUCLEO_F411RE, NUCLEO_F412ZG, NUCLEO_F413ZH, NUCLEO_F429ZI, NUCLEO_F439ZI, NUCLEO_F446RE, NUCLEO_F446ZE, NUCLEO_F722ZE, NUCLEO_F746ZG, NUCLEO_F756ZG, NUCLEO_F767ZI, NUCLEO_G031K8, NUCLEO_G071RB, NUCLEO_G0B1RE, NUCLEO_G431KB, NUCLEO_G431RB, NUCLEO_G474RE, NUCLEO_H743ZI2, NUCLEO_H7A3ZI_Q, NUCLEO_L073RZ, NUCLEO_L152RE, NUCLEO_L432KC, NUCLEO_L433RC_P, NUCLEO_L452RE_P, NUCLEO_L476RG, NUCLEO_L486RG, NUCLEO_L496ZG, NUCLEO_L496ZG_P, NUCLEO_L4R5ZI, NUCLEO_L4R5ZI_P, NUCLEO_L552ZE_Q, NUCLEO_U575ZI_Q, NUCLEO_WB15CC, NUCLEO_WB55RG, NUCLEO_WL55JC, NUMAKER_IOT_M252, NUMAKER_IOT_M263A, NUMAKER_IOT_M487, NUMAKER_PFM_M453, NUMAKER_PFM_M487, NUMAKER_PFM_NANO130, NUMAKER_PFM_NUC472, NU_M2354, PORTENTA_H7_M4, PORTENTA_H7_M7, RHOMBIO_L476DMW1K, RZ_A1H, S1SBP6A, S5JS100, SDP_K1, SDT32620B, SDT32625B, SDT52832B, SDT64B, SFE_ARTEMIS, SFE_ARTEMIS_ATP, SFE_ARTEMIS_DK, SFE_ARTEMIS_MODULE, SFE_ARTEMIS_NANO, SFE_ARTEMIS_THING_PLUS, SFE_EDGE, SFE_EDGE2, TB_SENSE_12, TMPM46B, TMPM4G9, TMPM4KN, UHURU_RAVEN, WIO_3G, WIO_BG96, WIO_EMW3166, XDOT_L151CC [mbed] ERROR: "C:\Users\Ronni\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python.exe" returned error. Code: 2 Path: "C:\Users\Ronni\AppData\Local\Temp\mbed-os-program" Command: "C:\Users\Ronni\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.10_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python.exe -u C:\Users\Ronni\AppData\Local\Temp\mbed-os-program\mbed-os\tools\ -t GCC_ARM -m EDGE_CONTROL --source . --build .\BUILD\EDGE_CONTROL\GCC_ARM -v"

manchoz commented 1 year ago

Hi, You need MbedOS from this branch

$ ./mbed-os-to-arduino -r <path to the Arduino mbed-os branch> -a EDGE_CONTROL:EDGE_CONTROL
brinata commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I'll try.

do I have to clone it or install it using arduino-cli ? does it exist a kind of guide to setup the building environment under windows ? the script mbed-os-to-arduino recall al lot of unix apps...

manchoz commented 1 year ago

Hi, You need to clone it: this is not a core; it is code required to build the libmbed.a library that is part of the core for the Edge Control.

About using mbed-os-to-arduino on Windows, please take a look at Cygwin, MinGW, or MSys2 are the way to go.

Please, note mbed-os-to-arduino is an internal tool, and it is only required to build the libmbed.a library for the board variants after you make changes to the base MbedOS code. It is not meant to build MbedOS applications for Arduino boards.

brinata commented 1 year ago

I've received this erros:

Copying generic MbedOS headers to core... ./mbed-os-to-arduino: line 252: rsync: command not found

I'm working under the git bash console but I'm not able to find rsync for windows...

manchoz commented 1 year ago

There are several ports of RSync for Windows, depending on your scenario.


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