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[AE-49] Colour mode mismatch between CameraCaptureRawBytes.ino and CameraRawBytesVisualizer.pde #662

Open aliphys opened 1 year ago

aliphys commented 1 year ago


:disappointed: This is what happens when useGreyScale is set to true for the Nicla Vision: image :smile: This is what is observed, when userGreyScale is set to false for the Nicla Vision image

This creates three problems:


The CameraCaptureRawBytes sketch is used to send a video stream over Serial to the computer. Which can then be displayed with the CameraRawBytesVisualizer Processing sketch.

A series of pre-directives, configures the IMAGE_MODE to be either CAMERA_RGB (Nicla Vision and GIGA boards) or CAMERA-GREYSCALE (Portenta H7 family).

In the default configuration, the accompanying CameraRawBytesVisualizer sketch is configured to be compatible with CAMERA_GREYSCLE, even though the header comment states that the Processing sketch is for RGB.

Thanks @marqdevx , @Hannes7eicher and @jacobhylen for letting me pick your brains :brain:

aliphys commented 1 year ago

Replicated issue on Arduino GIGA R1 WiFi with OV7675 cc @karlsoderby

useGrayScale set to false image

useGreyScale set to true image

aliphys commented 1 year ago

Possible solution: Use keyPressed() method in Processing to switch the boolean value for useGrayScale.

Something like:

void keyPressed() {
  if (key == ' ') {
    useGrayScale = !useGrayScale;

This does not require the user to change the useGrayScale variable manually, and can be switched without restarting the Processing sketch. -> Smoother user experience and less room for error

rneurink commented 1 year ago

See case CAMERA_GRAYSCALE:, it is commented out and currently GRAYSCALE sets to camera to use a bayer output. This is why the grayscale image looks really weird. If you uncomment these lines you can get it to work.