During testing the Opta's resillience to switching network interfaces from a switch/host pc/router, which the opta can encounter in a production environment, an issue that seems to be related to UDP Multicast has come to light when testing a scenario where an mDNS responder was running on the Opta.
When running a simple program like this:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "EthernetUdp.h"
#include "EthernetInterface.h"
#include "mbed.h"
auto net = EthernetInterface::get_default_instance();
EthernetUDP udp;
IPAddress multicastIp("");
void setup(){
SocketAddress ip("");
SocketAddress netmask("");
SocketAddress gateway("");
net->set_network(ip, netmask, gateway);
void loop() {
if (net->get_connection_status() == NSAPI_STATUS_GLOBAL_UP){
Serial.println("Sending message");
char packetBuffer[] = "Hello, Server!";
udp.beginMulticast(multicastIp, 1567);
udp.beginPacket(multicastIp, 1567);
int packetSize = udp.parsePacket();
if (packetSize) {
// Read the packet into the buffer
char replyBuffer[256];
int len = udp.read(replyBuffer, 255);
// udp.stop();
And bringing the ethernet interface from the switch/router/host pc up and down like this bash script:
for i in {1..2000}
for j in {1..5}
t_down=$((500 + $RANDOM % 5000))
t_up=$((1000 + $RANDOM % 2000))
echo -ne "_"
ifconfig $eth down
./usleep $(($t_down * 1000))
echo -ne "\b-"
ifconfig $eth up
./usleep $(($t_up * 1000))
echo -ne "\b."
if (( $t_up<3000 )); then
t_wait=$((3000 - t_up))
./usleep $(($t_wait * 1000))
sleep 2
if ping -c 1 $opta &> /dev/null
echo -n "|"
echo "X"
exit 1
The Opta can come in a state where it thinks it is connected, NSAPI_STATUS_GLOBAL_UP, but it is not responsive to pings and packets do not get sent out.
If it comes in this state, often bringing the ethernet interface from the switch/router/host pc down and up resolves the issue.
However, this is not always desirable or possible, leaving the Opta in an unresponsive state.
Dear Community,
During testing the Opta's resillience to switching network interfaces from a switch/host pc/router, which the opta can encounter in a production environment, an issue that seems to be related to UDP Multicast has come to light when testing a scenario where an mDNS responder was running on the Opta.
When running a simple program like this:
And bringing the ethernet interface from the switch/router/host pc up and down like this bash script:
(Use e.g. this for usleep: https://github.com/pklaus/usleep-binary)
The Opta can come in a state where it thinks it is connected, NSAPI_STATUS_GLOBAL_UP, but it is not responsive to pings and packets do not get sent out.
If it comes in this state, often bringing the ethernet interface from the switch/router/host pc down and up resolves the issue.
However, this is not always desirable or possible, leaving the Opta in an unresponsive state.
A different way to reproduce this problem is to apply this patch: https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-mbed/pull/902, enable DHCP and just wait (like the snippet here: https://github.com/arduino/ArduinoCore-mbed/issues/891#issuecomment-2181547003), and run the shell script (or simply unplug and re-plug the ethernet after 3 seconds). The reason this works to reproduce the problem is i guess because DHCP also uses UDP Multicast under the hood.