arduino / ArduinoCore-megaavr

Arduino Core for the ATMEGA4809 CPU
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Library Arduino_Uno_WiFi_Dev_Ed_Library claims to run on (avr) #39

Closed barend69 closed 4 years ago

barend69 commented 4 years ago

Library Arduino_Uno_WiFi_Dev_Ed_Library claims to run on (avr) architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on (megaavr) architecture(s)

per1234 commented 4 years ago

The Arduino_Uno_WiFi_Dev_Ed_Library is for the Arduino Uno WiFi. That library is of no use for the Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2. If you have an Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2, then you should be using the WiFiNINA library instead: