arduino / ArduinoCore-sam

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Initial current leakage in Arduino Due during port initialization #74

Open mangaldeep443 opened 8 years ago

mangaldeep443 commented 8 years ago

Hi Arduino Support Team,

I have integrated my arduino due board with matlab for my application. I found that whenever I start to establish the connection, I found a small current leakage which always triggered my motor for (200ms).

I also contacted the MATLAB support team, and they have also encountered the same problem. I have also attached the voltage-time graph for 'due' board better understanding.

Please have a look at this bug and If it is a genuine bug Please fix it.


dlabun commented 8 years ago

Do you realize that graph shows voltage and not current? Odds are this not an Arduino bug but rather an issue with how Matlab is initializing the Due.