arduino / EduIntro

Arduino library aimed at making super-fast introductory workshops to Arduino. Based on the idea of having components as objects in the code.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Rename the library to Basics.h? #3

Open tamberg opened 5 years ago

tamberg commented 5 years ago

Hi, I really like that only a single include is needed:

#include <EduIntro.h>

Everything else being so neat and simple, how about:

#include <Basics.h>

Just like the File > Example > Basics > ...

Or something else a little friendlier to beginners.

(I understand you named it for a specific workshop.)

Kind regards, Thomas

dcuartielles commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion, to be honest I hadn't thought about it that way .... but sounds like a good idea.

However, this is a different way of programming than the traditional coding style. It is implemented as an abstraction - as you know - allowing people to program as they talk about things ... I think we need to give it a thought and maybe consider the possibility of adding a "courseware" or similar to the examples list. Maybe even adding a pop-up window, as Processing does, so that it would be possible to have this as a second programming paradigm.

I will circulate this idea of yours with the team and see how people feel about it.