arduino / arduino-cli

Arduino command line tool
GNU General Public License v3.0
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arduino-cli monitor command does not use port in sketch.yaml file #2581

Closed marcelofern closed 2 months ago

marcelofern commented 2 months ago

Describe the request

The arduino-cli monitor command does not pick up the port written in the sketch.yaml file. It would be great if it could, so that I can run monitor the same way I run other commands (compile/upload)

Describe the current behavior

For example

$ ls                                                                                     
hello_world.ino  sketch.yaml

$ cat sketch.yaml                                                                        
default_fqbn: arduino:avr:uno
default_port: /dev/ttyUSB0

$ arduino-cli monitor                                                                    
Error: required flag(s) "port" not set
  arduino-cli monitor [flags]

  arduino-cli monitor -p /dev/ttyACM0
  arduino-cli monitor -p /dev/ttyACM0 --describe

      --board-options strings        List of board options separated by commas. Or can be used multipl
e times for multiple options.
  -c, --config strings               Configure communication port settings. The format is <ID>=<value>
      --describe                     Show all the settings of the communication port.
      --discovery-timeout duration   Max time to wait for port discovery, e.g.: 30s, 1m (default 1s)
  -b, --fqbn string                  Fully Qualified Board Name, e.g.: arduino:avr:uno
  -h, --help                         help for monitor
  -p, --port string                  Upload port address, e.g.: COM3 or /dev/ttyACM2
  -l, --protocol string              Upload port protocol, e.g: serial
  -q, --quiet                        Run in silent mode, show only monitor input and output.
      --raw                          Set terminal in raw mode (unbuffered).
      --timestamp                    Timestamp each incoming line.

Global Flags:
      --additional-urls strings   Comma-separated list of additional URLs for the Boards Manager.
      --config-file string        The custom config file (if not specified the default will be used).
      --format string             The output format for the logs, can be: text, json, jsonmini, yaml (
default "text")
      --log                       Print the logs on the standard output.
      --log-file string           Path to the file where logs will be written.
      --log-format string         The output format for the logs, can be: text, json
      --log-level string          Messages with this level and above will be logged. Valid levels are:
 trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
      --no-color                  Disable colored output.

required flag(s) "port" not set

Arduino CLI version

Version: 0.35.2-arch Commit: 01de174c7e3c08b9c4db121e77a5f7947f968097

Operating system


Operating system version

Arch linux, so it's rolling release sorry.

Additional context

No response

Issue checklist

alessio-perugini commented 2 months ago

@marcelofern this was fixed in But currently, it's only present in the master branch. It will be shipped with the next release which should be the v1.0.0

marcelofern commented 2 months ago

Legend @alessio-perugini thank you!