arduino / arduino-ide

Arduino IDE 2.x
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.12k stars 362 forks source link

Warning: Encountered two children with the same key, `STM32 MCU based boards`. Keys should be unique #1153

Open kittaakos opened 1 year ago

kittaakos commented 1 year ago

Describe the problem

I have the following setup:

When I start the application I see the following errors logged:

root ERROR Warning: Encountered two children with the same key, `STM32 MCU based boards`. Keys should be unique so that components maintain their identity across updates. Non-unique keys may cause children to be duplicated and/or omitted — the behavior is unsupported and could change in a future version.
    in div (created by ComponentList)
    in ComponentList (created by FilterableListContainer)
    in div (created by FilterableListContainer)
    in FilterableListContainer

IDE2 shows the platform twice: (Note that the one from Speed Studio is causing the problem.)

Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 13 54 35
click to see core list --format json

```json [ { "id": "adafruit:samd", "installed": "1.7.10", "latest": "1.7.10", "name": "Adafruit SAMD Boards", "maintainer": "Adafruit", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Adafruit pyBadge M4 Express (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_pybadge_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit Grand Central M4 (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_grandcentral_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit Circuit Playground Express (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_circuitplayground_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit ProxLight Trinkey M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_proxlighttrinkey_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit pyBadge AirLift M4 (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_pybadge_airlift_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit Feather M0 Express (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_feather_m0_express" }, { "name": "Adafruit NeoKey Trinkey M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_neokeytrinkey_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit QT Py M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_qtpy_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit Slide Trinkey M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_slidetrinkey_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit Feather M4 Express (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_feather_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit PyPortal M4 Titano (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_pyportal_m4_titano" }, { "name": "Adafruit BLM Badge (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_blm_badge" }, { "name": "Adafruit pIRKey (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_pirkey" }, { "name": "Adafruit PyGamer M4 Express (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_pygamer_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit NeoPixel Trinkey M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_neotrinkey_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit Feather M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_feather_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit Crickit M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_crickit_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit Feather M4 CAN (SAME51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_feather_m4_can" }, { "name": "Adafruit Hallowing M4 (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_hallowing_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit Metro M4 AirLift Lite (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_metro_m4_airliftlite" }, { "name": "Adafruit PyPortal M4 (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_pyportal_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit MONSTER M4SK (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_monster_m4sk" }, { "name": "Adafruit Trinket M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_trinket_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit Matrix Portal M4 (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_matrixportal_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit Metro M4 (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_metro_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit Rotary Trinkey M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_rotarytrinkey_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0 Express (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_itsybitsy_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit Trellis M4 (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_trellis_m4" }, { "name": "Adafruit Gemma M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_gemma_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit Hallowing M0 (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_hallowing" }, { "name": "Adafruit Metro M0 Express (SAMD21)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_metro_m0" }, { "name": "Adafruit ItsyBitsy M4 (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "adafruit:samd:adafruit_itsybitsy_m4" } ] }, { "id": "TeeOnArdu:avr", "installed": "1.0.3", "latest": "1.0.3", "name": "Adafruit TeeOnArdu", "maintainer": "Adafruit", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Circuit Playground (TeensyCore)", "fqbn": "TeeOnArdu:avr:CirPlayTeensyCore" }, { "name": "TeeOnArdu (Leo on TeensyCore)", "fqbn": "TeeOnArdu:avr:TeeOnArdu" }, { "name": "Flora (TeensyCore)", "fqbn": "TeeOnArdu:avr:FloraTeensyCore" } ] }, { "id": "adafruit:wiced", "installed": "0.6.6", "latest": "0.6.6", "name": "Adafruit WICED", "maintainer": "Adafruit", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Adafruit WICED Feather", "fqbn": "adafruit:wiced:feather" } ] }, { "id": "arduboy-homemade:avr", "installed": "1.3.4", "latest": "1.3.4", "name": "Arduboy homemade package", "maintainer": "Mr.Blinky", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "8BitCADE XL Level UP", "fqbn": "arduboy-homemade:avr:8bitcadexlup" }, { "name": "Homemade Arduboy", "fqbn": "arduboy-homemade:avr:arduboy-homemade" }, { "name": "Arduboy FX", "fqbn": "arduboy-homemade:avr:arduboy-fx" }, { "name": "Arduboy FX DevKit", "fqbn": "arduboy-homemade:avr:arduboy-fx-devkit" }, { "name": "Arduboy", "fqbn": "arduboy-homemade:avr:arduboy" }, { "name": "Arduboy DevKit", "fqbn": "arduboy-homemade:avr:arduboy-devkit" }, { "name": "8BitCADE XL", "fqbn": "arduboy-homemade:avr:8bitcadexl" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:avr", "installed": "1.8.99", "latest": "1.8.99", "name": "Arduino AVR Boards", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino Robot Control", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:robotControl" }, { "name": "Arduino Industrial 101", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:chiwawa" }, { "name": "Arduino Mini", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:mini" }, { "name": "Arduino Gemma", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:gemma" }, { "name": "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:mega" }, { "name": "Arduino Esplora", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:esplora" }, { "name": "LilyPad Arduino USB", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:LilyPadUSB" }, { "name": "Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:diecimila" }, { "name": "Arduino Uno Mini", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:unomini" }, { "name": "Arduino Mega ADK", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:megaADK" }, { "name": "Arduino Leonardo", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:leonardo" }, { "name": "Arduino Yún Mini", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:yunmini" }, { "name": "Adafruit Circuit Playground", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:circuitplay32u4cat" }, { "name": "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:pro" }, { "name": "Arduino Leonardo ETH", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:leonardoeth" }, { "name": "LilyPad Arduino", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:lilypad" }, { "name": "Arduino NG or older", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:atmegang" }, { "name": "Arduino Robot Motor", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:robotMotor" }, { "name": "Arduino Nano", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:nano" }, { "name": "Arduino Fio", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:fio" }, { "name": "Arduino Uno WiFi", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:unowifi" }, { "name": "Arduino Uno", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:uno" }, { "name": "Arduino BT", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:bt" }, { "name": "Arduino Micro", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:micro" }, { "name": "Linino One", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:one" }, { "name": "Arduino Yún", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:yun" }, { "name": "Arduino Ethernet", "fqbn": "arduino:avr:ethernet" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:mbed_edge", "installed": "3.1.1", "latest": "3.1.1", "name": "Arduino Mbed OS Edge Boards", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino Edge Control", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_edge:edge_control" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:mbed_nano", "installed": "3.1.1", "latest": "3.1.1", "name": "Arduino Mbed OS Nano Boards", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_nano:nanorp2040connect" }, { "name": "Arduino Nano 33 BLE", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_nano:nano33ble" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:mbed_nicla", "installed": "3.1.1", "latest": "3.1.1", "name": "Arduino Mbed OS Nicla Boards", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino Nicla Vision", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_nicla:nicla_vision" }, { "name": "Nicla Sense ME", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_nicla:nicla_sense" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:mbed_portenta", "installed": "3.1.1", "latest": "3.1.1", "name": "Arduino Mbed OS Portenta Boards", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino Portenta H7 (M7 core)", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_portenta:envie_m7" }, { "name": "Arduino Portenta H7 (M4 core)", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_portenta:envie_m4" }, { "name": "Arduino Portenta X8", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_portenta:portenta_x8" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:mbed_rp2040", "installed": "3.1.1", "latest": "3.1.1", "name": "Arduino Mbed OS RP2040 Boards", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Raspberry Pi Pico", "fqbn": "arduino:mbed_rp2040:pico" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:megaavr", "installed": "1.8.102", "latest": "1.8.102", "name": "Arduino megaAVR Boards - Pre-release", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2", "fqbn": "arduino:megaavr:uno2018" }, { "name": "Arduino Nano Every", "fqbn": "arduino:megaavr:nona4809" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:nrf52", "installed": "1.0.2", "latest": "1.0.2", "name": "Arduino nRF52 Boards", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino Primo", "fqbn": "arduino:nrf52:primo" }, { "name": "Arduino Primo Core", "fqbn": "arduino:nrf52:primo_core" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:sam", "installed": "1.6.12", "latest": "1.6.12", "name": "Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M3)", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino Due (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "arduino:sam:arduino_due_x" }, { "name": "Arduino Due (Programming Port)", "fqbn": "arduino:sam:arduino_due_x_dbg" } ] }, { "id": "arduino:samd", "installed": "1.8.13", "latest": "1.8.13", "name": "Arduino SAMD Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0+)", "maintainer": "Arduino", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Arduino M0 Pro (Programming Port)", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mzero_pro_bl_dbg" }, { "name": "Arduino M0", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mzero_bl" }, { "name": "Arduino MKR FOX 1200", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkrfox1200" }, { "name": "Arduino MKR Vidor 4000", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkrvidor4000" }, { "name": "Adafruit Circuit Playground Express", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:adafruit_circuitplayground_m0" }, { "name": "Arduino MKR NB 1500", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkrnb1500" }, { "name": "Arduino M0 Pro (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mzero_pro_bl" }, { "name": "Arduino MKR1000", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkr1000" }, { "name": "Arduino Zero (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:arduino_zero_native" }, { "name": "Arduino MKR WiFi 1010", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkrwifi1010" }, { "name": "Arduino MKR GSM 1400", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkrgsm1400" }, { "name": "Arduino Tian", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:tian" }, { "name": "Arduino Zero (Programming Port)", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:arduino_zero_edbg" }, { "name": "Arduino MKR WAN 1300", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkrwan1300" }, { "name": "Arduino Tian (MIPS Console port)", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:tian_cons" }, { "name": "Arduino MKR WAN 1310", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkrwan1310" }, { "name": "Arduino NANO 33 IoT", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:nano_33_iot" }, { "name": "Arduino MKRZERO", "fqbn": "arduino:samd:mkrzero" } ] }, { "id": "Arrow:samd", "installed": "2.1.0", "latest": "4.0.0", "name": "Arrow Boards", "maintainer": "IOTEAM S.r.l.", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "SmartTutto (via Atmel-ICE)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:NetTrotter_atmel_ice" }, { "name": "SmartEverything Fox (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:SmartEverything_Fox_native" }, { "name": "SmartEverything Lion (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:SmartEverything_Lion_native" }, { "name": "Analog ADI (via Atmel-ICE)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:adi_atmel_ice" }, { "name": "SmartEverything Dragonfly (via Atmel-ICE)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:SmartEverything_Dragonfly_atmel_ice" }, { "name": "SmartEverything Dragonfly (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:SmartEverything_Dragonfly_native" }, { "name": "SmartEverything Fox3 (via Atmel-ICE)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:SmartEverything_Fox3_atmel_ice" }, { "name": "Analog ADI (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:adi_native" }, { "name": "SmartTutto (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:NetTrotter_native" }, { "name": "SmartEverything Fox (via Atmel-ICE)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:SmartEverything_Fox_atmel_ice" }, { "name": "SmartEverything Fox3 (Native USB Port)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:SmartEverything_Fox3_native" }, { "name": "SmartEverything Lion (via Atmel-ICE)", "fqbn": "Arrow:samd:SmartEverything_Lion_atmel_ice" } ] }, { "id": "atmel-avr-xminis:avr", "installed": "0.6.0", "latest": "0.6.0", "name": "Atmel AVR Xplained-minis", "maintainer": "Atmel University France", "website": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Atmel atmega328p Xplained mini", "fqbn": "atmel-avr-xminis:avr:atmega328p_xplained_mini" }, { "name": "Atmel atmega328pb Xplained mini", "fqbn": "atmel-avr-xminis:avr:atmega328pb_xplained_mini" }, { "name": "Atmel atmega168pb Xplained mini", "fqbn": "atmel-avr-xminis:avr:atmega168pb_xplained_mini" } ] }, { "id": "attiny:avr", "installed": "1.0.2", "latest": "1.0.2", "name": "attiny", "maintainer": "David A. Mellis", "website": "", "boards": [ { "name": "ATtiny25/45/85", "fqbn": "attiny:avr:ATtinyX5" }, { "name": "ATtiny24/44/84", "fqbn": "attiny:avr:ATtinyX4" } ] }, { "id": "ATTinyCore:avr", "installed": "1.5.2", "latest": "1.5.2", "name": "ATTinyCore", "maintainer": "Spence Konde", "website": "", "boards": [ { "name": "ATtiny87/167 (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx7" }, { "name": "ATtiny43 (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attiny43" }, { "name": "ATtiny261/461/861(a)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx61" }, { "name": "ATtiny84a (Micronucleus / California STEAM)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx4micr" }, { "name": "ATtiny441/841 (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx41" }, { "name": "ATtiny167 (Micronucleus / DigiSpark Pro)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx7micr" }, { "name": "ATtiny841 (Micronucleus / Wattuino)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx41micr" }, { "name": "ATtiny44/84(a) (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx4opti" }, { "name": "ATtiny48/88 (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx8opti" }, { "name": "ATtiny88 (Micronucleus, MH-ET t88 w/16MHz CLOCK)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx8micr" }, { "name": "ATtiny25/45/85 (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx5" }, { "name": "ATtiny48/88 (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx8" }, { "name": "ATtiny2313(a)/4313 (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx313" }, { "name": "ATtiny828 (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attiny828" }, { "name": "ATtiny1634 (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attiny1634opti" }, { "name": "ATtiny461/861(a) (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx61opti" }, { "name": "ATtiny441/841 (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx41opti" }, { "name": "ATtiny828 (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attiny828opti" }, { "name": "ATtiny1634 (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attiny1634" }, { "name": "ATtiny167/87 (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx7opti" }, { "name": "ATtiny24/44/84(a) (No bootloader)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx4" }, { "name": "ATtiny45/85 (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx5opti" }, { "name": "ATtiny85 (Micronucleus / DigiSpark)", "fqbn": "ATTinyCore:avr:attinyx5micr" } ] }, { "id": "Balanduino:avr", "installed": "1.2.0", "latest": "1.2.0", "name": "Balanduino", "maintainer": "TKJ Electronics", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Balanduino", "fqbn": "Balanduino:avr:balanduino" } ] }, { "id": "bitDuino10-aTPI:avr", "installed": "1.0.0", "latest": "1.0.0", "name": "bitDuino10-aTPI", "maintainer": "maris_HY /modified by Kosaka.Lab", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "ATtiny10 (bitDuino10-arduinoTPI)", "fqbn": "bitDuino10-aTPI:avr:bitDuino10ar-8" } ] }, { "id": "digistump:avr", "installed": "1.7.5", "latest": "1.7.5", "name": "Digistump AVR Boards", "maintainer": "Digistump,ArminJo", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Digispark", "fqbn": "digistump:avr:digispark-tiny" }, { "name": "Digispark Pro (16 MHz)", "fqbn": "digistump:avr:digispark-pro" } ] }, { "id": "DxCore:megaavr", "installed": "1.4.7", "latest": "1.4.10", "name": "DxCore", "maintainer": "Spence Konde", "website": "", "boards": [ { "name": "AVR DA-series (no bootloader)", "fqbn": "DxCore:megaavr:avrda" }, { "name": "AVR DB-series (no bootloader)", "fqbn": "DxCore:megaavr:avrdb" }, { "name": "AVR DA-series (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "DxCore:megaavr:avrdaopti" }, { "name": "AVR DB-series (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "DxCore:megaavr:avrdbopti" }, { "name": "Azduino Boards (Optiboot)", "fqbn": "DxCore:megaavr:azduinoboard" } ] }, { "id": "electroniccats:mbed", "installed": "1.0.5", "latest": "1.0.6", "name": "Electronic Cats Boards (Mbed OS)", "maintainer": "Electronic Cats", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Electronic Cats Bast Frontier", "fqbn": "electroniccats:mbed:bast_frontier" }, { "name": "Electronic Cats Bast BLE", "fqbn": "electroniccats:mbed:bastble" } ] }, { "id": "electroniccats:samd", "installed": "2.0.7", "latest": "2.1.2", "name": "Electronic Cats SAMD Boards", "maintainer": "Electronic Cats", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Electronic Cats Escornabot Makech", "fqbn": "electroniccats:samd:electroniccats_makech" }, { "name": "Electronic Cats Bast Pro Mini M0", "fqbn": "electroniccats:samd:electroniccats_bast_pro_mini_m0" }, { "name": "Electronic Cats CatWAN Tracker", "fqbn": "electroniccats:samd:electroniccats_catwan_tracker" }, { "name": "Meow Meow Mini", "fqbn": "electroniccats:samd:electroniccats_meowmeow_mini" }, { "name": "Electronic Cats CatWAN USB Stick", "fqbn": "electroniccats:samd:electroniccats_catwan_usb_stick" }, { "name": "Electronic Cats CatWAN Relay Board", "fqbn": "electroniccats:samd:electroniccats_catwan_relay_board" }, { "name": "Electronic Cats CatWAN Citizen", "fqbn": "electroniccats:samd:electroniccats_catwan_citizen" }, { "name": "Magspoof V3", "fqbn": "electroniccats:samd:electroniccats_magspoofv3" }, { "name": "Electronic Cats Meow 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"SparkFun ProMicro RP2040", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:sparkfun_promicrorp2040" }, { "name": "Cytron Maker Nano RP2040 (pico-debug)", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:cytron_maker_nano_rp2040picodebug" }, { "name": "Adafruit MacroPad RP2040 (Picoprobe)", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:adafruit_macropad2040picoprobe" }, { "name": "Adafruit Feather RP2040", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:adafruit_feather" }, { "name": "Generic RP2040 (Picoprobe)", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:genericpicoprobe" }, { "name": "uPesy RP2040 DevKit", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:upesy_rp2040_devkit" }, { "name": "Adafruit Feather RP2040 (pico-debug)", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:adafruit_featherpicodebug" }, { "name": "iLabs Challenger 2040 LTE (pico-debug)", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:challenger_2040_ltepicodebug" }, { "name": "iLabs RPICO32", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:ilabs_rpico32" }, { "name": "WIZnet W5100S-EVB-Pico", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:wiznet_5100s_evb_pico" }, { "name": "Seeed XAIO RP2040 (Picoprobe)", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:seeed_xiao_rp2040picoprobe" }, { "name": "Adafruit ItsyBitsy RP2040", "fqbn": "rp2040:rp2040:adafruit_itsybitsy" } ] }, { "id": "realtek:AmebaD", "installed": "3.1.1", "latest": "3.1.3", "name": "Realtek Ameba Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M33 @200MHz)", "maintainer": "Realtek", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "RTL8722DM/RTL8722CSM", "fqbn": "realtek:AmebaD:ameba_rtl8721d" }, { "name": "RTL8722DM_MINI", "fqbn": "realtek:AmebaD:ameba_rtl8722dm_mini" }, { "name": "RTL8720DN(BW16)", "fqbn": "realtek:AmebaD:ameba_rtl8720dn_bw16" } ] }, { "id": "RedBear:nRF51822", "installed": "1.0.8", "latest": "1.0.8", "name": "RedBear nRF51822 Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M0)", "maintainer": "RedBear", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "RBL nRF51822(V1.0 16KB)", "fqbn": "RedBear:nRF51822:nRF51822" }, { "name": "BLE Nano(V1.0 16KB)", "fqbn": "RedBear:nRF51822:nRF51822_NANO" }, { "name": "RBL nRF51822(V1.5 32KB)", "fqbn": "RedBear:nRF51822:nRF51822_32KB" }, { "name": "BLE Nano(V1.5 32KB)", "fqbn": "RedBear:nRF51822:nRF51822_NANO_32KB" } ] }, { "id": "RedBear:nRF52832", "installed": "0.0.2", "latest": "0.0.2", "name": "RedBear nRF52832 Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M4F)", "maintainer": "RedBear", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "nRF52DK(PCA10040)", "fqbn": "RedBear:nRF52832:nRF52DK" }, { "name": "RBL_Blend2", "fqbn": "RedBear:nRF52832:RBL_Blend2" }, { "name": "BLE_Nano2", "fqbn": "RedBear:nRF52832:BLE_Nano2" } ] }, { "id": "Sanguino:avr", "installed": "1.0.3", "latest": "1.0.3", "name": "Sanguino", "maintainer": "Kristian Sloth Lauszus", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Sanguino", "fqbn": "Sanguino:avr:sanguino" } ] }, { "id": "Seeeduino:samd", "installed": "1.8.2", "latest": "1.8.3", "name": "Seeed SAMD Boards", "maintainer": "Seeed Studio", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Seeeduino Wio lite MG126", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:Wio_Lite_MG126" }, { "name": "Seeeduino Wio GPS Board", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:WioGPS" }, { "name": "Seeeduino Zero", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:zero" }, { "name": "Seeeduino Femto", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:Seeed_femto_m0" }, { "name": "Seeeduino LoRaWAN", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:rolawan" }, { "name": "Seeeduino Grove UI Wireles (SAMD51)", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:seeed_grove_ui_wireless" }, { "name": "Seeeduino Wio Terminal", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:seeed_wio_terminal" }, { "name": "Wio LTE Cat.1", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:Wio_LTE_CAT" }, { "name": "Seeeduino XIAO", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:samd:seeed_XIAO_m0" } ] }, { "id": "Seeeduino:rp2040", "installed": "1.9.3", "latest": "2.7.2", "name": "Seeed XIAO RP2040", "maintainer": "Seeed Studio", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Seeed XIAO RP2040", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:rp2040:Seeed_XIAO_RP2040" }, { "name": "Wio RP2040 Mini Dev Board", "fqbn": "Seeeduino:rp2040:Wio_RP2040_Mini_Dev_Board" } ] }, { "id": "SparkFun:apollo3", "installed": "2.1.1", "latest": "2.2.1", "name": "SparkFun Apollo3 Boards", "maintainer": "SparkFun Electronics", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Edge2", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_edge2" }, { "name": "Artemis Module", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_artemis_module" }, { "name": "Artemis Dev Kit", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_artemis_dk" }, { "name": "Artemis Thing Plus", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_artemis_thing_plus" }, { "name": "RedBoard Artemis ATP", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_artemis_atp" }, { "name": "RedBoard Artemis Nano", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_artemis_nano" }, { "name": "Artemis MicroMod Processor", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_artemis_mm_pb" }, { "name": "RedBoard Artemis", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_artemis" }, { "name": "Edge", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:sfe_edge" }, { "name": "LoRa Thing Plus expLoRaBLE", "fqbn": "SparkFun:apollo3:lora_thing_plus" } ] }, { "id": "SparkFun:avr", "installed": "1.1.13", "latest": "1.1.13", "name": "SparkFun AVR Boards", "maintainer": "SparkFun Electronics", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "SparkFun Digital Sandbox", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:digitalsandbox" }, { "name": "LilyPad USB Plus", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:LilyPadProtoUSB" }, { "name": "SparkFun Mega Pro", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:megapro" }, { "name": "SparkFun ATmega128RFA1 Dev Board", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:atmega128rfa1" }, { "name": "SparkFun Fio v3", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:fiov3" }, { "name": "Qduino Mini", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:qduinomini" }, { "name": "SparkFun Pro Micro", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:promicro" }, { "name": "SparkFun Serial 7-Segment Display", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:Serial7Seg" }, { "name": "SparkFun SerLCD", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:SerLCD" }, { "name": "SparkFun RedBoard", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:RedBoard" }, { "name": "SparkFun MaKey MaKey", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:makeymakey" }, { "name": "SparkFun RedBot", "fqbn": "SparkFun:avr:RedBot" } ] }, { "id": "SparkFun:samd", "installed": "1.8.7", "latest": "1.8.7", "name": "SparkFun SAMD Boards (dependency: Arduino SAMD Boards 1.8.1)", "maintainer": "SparkFun Electronics", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "SparkFun SAMD51 Thing Plus", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:samd51_thing_plus" }, { "name": "SparkFun RedBoard Turbo", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:RedBoard_Turbo" }, { "name": "LilyPad LilyMini", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:LilyMini" }, { "name": "SparkFun SAMD51 MicroMod", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:micromod_samd51" }, { "name": "SparkFun SAMD21 Dev Breakout", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:samd21_dev" }, { "name": "SparkFun SAMD21 Pro RF", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:samd21_proRF" }, { "name": "SparkFun SAMD21 Pro RF 1W", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:samd21_proRF_1w" }, { "name": "SparkFun LoRaSerial", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:LoRaSerial" }, { "name": "SparkFun Qwiic Micro", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:qwiic_micro_samd21e" }, { "name": "SparkFun SAMD21 Mini Breakout", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:samd21_mini" }, { "name": "SparkFun 9DoF Razor IMU M0", "fqbn": "SparkFun:samd:samd21_9dof" } ] }, { "id": "STMicroelectronics:stm32", "installed": "2.2.0", "latest": "2.3.0", "name": "STM32 MCU based boards", "maintainer": "STMicroelectronics", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "Nucleo-64", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:Nucleo_64" }, { "name": "Generic STM32F3 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF3" }, { "name": "Generic STM32F4 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF4" }, { "name": "Generic STM32F2 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF2" }, { "name": "Generic STM32L0 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenL0" }, { "name": "Generic STM32G0 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenG0" }, { "name": "Generic STM32L1 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenL1" }, { "name": "Generic STM32F0 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF0" }, { "name": "Nucleo-144", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:Nucleo_144" }, { "name": "Discovery", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:Disco" }, { "name": "Generic STM32F7 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF7" }, { "name": "Eval", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:Eval" }, { "name": "3D printer boards", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:3dprinter" }, { "name": "Midatronics boards", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:Midatronics" }, { "name": "Generic STM32U5 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenU5" }, { "name": "Generic STM32L5 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenL5" }, { "name": "Nucleo-32", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:Nucleo_32" }, { "name": "Generic STM32L4 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenL4" }, { "name": "LoRa boards", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:LoRa" }, { "name": "Generic STM32G4 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenG4" }, { "name": "Elecgator boards", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:Elecgator" }, { "name": "Generic STM32H7 Series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenH7" }, { "name": "Generic Flight Controllers", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenFlight" }, { "name": "Blues Wireless boards", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:BluesW" }, { "name": "STM32MP1 series coprocessor", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:STM32MP1" }, { "name": "Electronic speed controllers", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:ESC_board" }, { "name": "Garatronic-McHobby", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:Garatronic" }, { "name": "Generic STM32F1 series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenF1" }, { "name": "Generic STM32WB series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenWB" }, { "name": "Generic STM32WL series", "fqbn": "STMicroelectronics:stm32:GenWL" } ] }, { "id": "TL7788:arm", "installed": "1.0.3", "latest": "1.0.3", "name": "TL7788 Boards", "maintainer": "Nufront", "website": "", "email": "", "boards": [ { "name": "TL7788", "fqbn": "TL7788:arm:TL7788" } ] } ] ```

To reproduce

Expected behavior

No error.

Arduino IDE version

HEAD of the main

Operating system


Operating system version


Additional context

3rd party URLs:


Issue checklist

per1234 commented 1 year ago

I searched the collection of package index files and found that these two package indexes both contain a platform with the value "STM32 MCU based boards" in their packages[*].platforms[*].name field:

So maybe that is the source of the error.

packages[*].platforms[*].name is only the human identifier for the platform. The machine identifiers of the two are unique (STMicroelectronics:stm32 vs Seeeduino:stm32).