arduino / arduino-ide

Arduino IDE 2.x
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Option for menu to wait for Pro Micro and similar board that need to reset with jumper #2409

Open Thaina opened 1 month ago

Thaina commented 1 month ago

Describe the request

Since there is a board that has a short period of time to reset to become serial port that ready to push and flash, I wish there could be command in IDE that can wait for specific port to exist before upload and flash command to executed

Describe the current behavior

The command to compile and upload only work immediately and throw error if the port is not yet become COM serial, which always happen when just a bit timing mismatch

Arduino IDE version


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Additional context

I can make my own batch file like this and this is behaviour I wish it should be. By specifying the COM port it should just loop to wait and see if the target COM port become existed

@echo off
FOR /L %%i in (0,0,1) DO (
    FOR /F %%p IN ('wmic path Win32_SerialPort get DeviceID') DO (
        IF %%p == %1 (
            call %avrdude%\bin\avrdude.exe -C%avrdude%\etc\avrdude.conf -p m32u4 -P %1 -c avr109 -Uflash:w:./firmware.hex:i
            EXIT 0

But it would be more productive to support it inside IDE directly.

It could be option when the IDE fail to upload to target port, just retry with popup until success or cancel

Is it possible?

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