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Arduino IDE 2.x
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Spurious output in Serial Monitor after upload #927

Open per1234 opened 2 years ago

per1234 commented 2 years ago

Describe the problem

The first output printed to Serial Monitor after an upload is some "garbage" characters.


To reproduce



  1. Upload a sketch to your board that prints to Serial:
    void setup() {
     Serial.println("hello world");
    void loop() {}
  2. Open the "Serial Monitor" view.

🐛 The output starts with some unexpected content:

□□□□□□□□□□□hello world

Expected behavior

Serial monitor output always reflects the data sent by the board.

Arduino IDE version


Operating system


Operating system version


Additional context

The number of in the demonstration matches the number of characters that are printed by the sketch.

The spurious output does not occur when the output is triggered by resetting the board, so it is specific to the upload operation.

The spurious output still occurs even if you add a delay before the print, so it is not a matter of timing from initialization as is sometimes the cause of corrupted serial output.

The issue does not occur when using Arduino IDE 1.x

I have only been able to reproduce this issue with the Arduino boards that use an ATmega16U2 USB to serial adapter chip.

I could not reproduce it when using boards with other USB interfaces:

Originally reported at

Additional reports

Issue checklist

woolseyj commented 2 years ago

I am seeing similar issues with version 2.0.0-rc6 of the IDE running on macOS 12.3.1 with an Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2 board. If I upload via the IDE, I get mostly garbled output in the Serial Monitor, however, if I upload via the arduino-cli tool, the output is correct whether it is viewed through the screen command or with arduino-cli monitor.

cmaglie commented 1 year ago

Reopening because the fix has been reverted:

We need to investigate this issue further and find a better solution.

ubidefeo commented 1 year ago

@per1234 I have noticed that the number of characters is equal to the ones printed, but the line ending is missing. For "hello world" it should be 12 chars, rather than 11 when println() is used.

I am wild-guessing here, but it could be that on some Windows (not int'l English systems) the character encoding plays a role (ISO-8859-12 vs 8859-1 or other encoding). As I climb the conspiracy theory ladder I might say that how that particular text output view handles the text is to be further investigated.

The flow of operations is as follows, and it causes a chopping of the output printed, but it shouldn't grant the replacement of valid characters with squares.

shortening the string might produce a different output

these are our findings for now

SimonArrowhead commented 1 year ago

@ubidefeo @per1234 I have the same issue but number of squares is deafferent than number of characters:


I tried switching system, keyboard and regional settings from polish to united states and number of squares was the same. I switched arduino to usb 2.0 and squares disappeared but hello word was printed two time in serial monitor. Before uploading it to arduino and after uploading. The first one has some strange characters in it.


Tried this on my old mac (MacBook Air 13 inch, Early 2015, macOS Monterey 12.6.5) and at the beginning it looked like it was also printing two times in one run but after I ran it twice it worked just fine (printed just once every run without any squares). I supposed something was left in the memory from previous tests.


edit: delay (on windows 10) at the beginning of the setup fixed it for me. It looks like new run catches some data from previous run and it is unable to parse it.


When I change baud to 115200 it is able to parse it and with one run I get two hello worlds


If my analyze is not helpful please delete it. I'm new to arduino and above might be just normal behavior.

aliphys commented 1 year ago

I am able to partially replicate this issue on my laptop (Windows 11) with a Arduino Uno with IDE 2.1.1 as well as the latest nightly build


  1. Upload Blink.ino sketch. Wait at least two seconds.
  2. Upload the following sketch, provided in OP. Wait until hello world is printed in the Serial Monitor
  3. Repeat

Output with IDE 2.1.1


Zoomed in image on the Serial monitor. Red numbers indicate number of boxes. I cannot copy and paste into, the boxes shrink into a single � symbol.


On line 4, the Serial Monitor displays hhello world. This suggests that the board was going to print hello world, but then reset before finishing the output. The output is consistent with @ubidefeo 's hypothesis.

Output with Nightly Build Version: 2.2.1-nightly-20230901


The square boxes are more consistent in the nightly build, alternating between 30 and 31

Note: I am using a USB hub to connect the Uno to my laptop. image