arduino / arduino-lint

Tool to check for problems with Arduino projects
GNU General Public License v3.0
106 stars 12 forks source link

Release a new version of the arduino-lint #756

Open Xayton opened 4 months ago

Xayton commented 4 months ago

Some fixes have been done to arduino-lint, release a new version of it.

per1234 commented 1 month ago

I believe it will be necessary to pull in (and adjust the repository secrets to reflect the change to the workflows) before a release can be made.

I see that the nightly build publishing is already failing at the "Upload release files on Arduino downloads servers" step:

time="2024-10-16T01:34:16Z" level=info msg="Attempting to upload" bucket=*** endpoint= region=us-east-1
time="2024-10-16T01:34:16Z" level=info msg="Uploading file" bucket=*** name=dist/nightly-20241016-checksums.txt target=/arduino-lint/nightly/nightly-20241016-checksums.txt
time="2024-10-[16](" level=error msg="Could not upload file" bucket=*** error="InvalidAccessKeyId: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.\n\tstatus code: 403, request id: A65GYVE37E9YMYYY, host id: OgxUt1Kv4V884Alqfmf8+troHhvYoV8uMJXwCNTuVMPT/IssnVGYSsiu9JNPTHQv2Hehu5ABT68=" name=dist/nightly-20241016-checksums.txt target=/arduino-lint/nightly/nightly-20241016-checksums.txt
time="2024-10-16T01:34:16Z" level=fatal msg="InvalidAccessKeyId: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.\n\tstatus code: 403, request id: A65GYVE37E9YMYYY, host id: OgxUt1Kv4V884Alqfmf8+troHhvYoV8uMJXwCNTuVMPT/IssnVGYSsiu9JNPTHQv2Hehu5ABT68="

and I'm sure the same error would occur if the "Release" workflow was triggered by a release without the workflow having been updated per

per1234 commented 1 month ago

We also need to pull in before making a release. If that isn't done then the macOS release won't be notarized due to the regression introduced by pulling in via

UPDATE: this has now been completed: