I've tried going through the tutorial with both the latest firmware image (861 (Release arduino-91.2)) and also 746 version, on my Portenta X8, tried both with and without the mid-carrier board.
I have py-serialrpc running as follows:
bash-5.1$ sudo docker compose up
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)
[+] Running 2/2
✔ Network py-serialrpc_default Created0.2s
✔ Container py-serialrpc-py-serialrpc-1 Created0.1s
Attaching to py-serialrpc-py-serialrpc-1
py-serialrpc-py-serialrpc-1 | server: m4-proxy, port: 5000
this is the output of my sudo journalctl -u m4-proxy -f:
bash-5.1$ sudo journalctl -u m4-proxy -f
Sorry, try again.
Jul 30 15:30:23 portenta-x8-200fc209dab6fad9 systemd[1]: Started M4 builtin led forwarder.
Jul 30 15:30:29 portenta-x8-200fc209dab6fad9 m4_proxy[750]: Registering service on port 5005 with functions map[count:5005 len:5005 tty:5005]
Jul 30 15:31:05 portenta-x8-200fc209dab6fad9 m4_proxy[750]: Registering service on port 5005 with functions map[count:5005 len:5005 tty:5005]
Here is the Arduino Sketch code according to the python-sensor-rpc mentioned in the tutorial without any sensors:
import time
from msgpackrpc import Address as RpcAddress, Client as RpcClient, error as RpcError
# Fixed configuration parameters
port = 8884
publish_interval = 5
# The M4 Proxy address needs to be mapped via Docker's extra hosts
m4_proxy_address = 'm4-proxy'
m4_proxy_port = 5001
def get_data_from_m4():
"""Get data from the M4 via RPC (MessagePack-RPC)
The Arduino sketch on the M4 must implement the following methods
returning the suitable values from the attached sensor:
* `temperature`
* `humidity`
* `pressure`
* `gas`
* `altitude`
rpc_address = RpcAddress(m4_proxy_address, m4_proxy_port)
data = ()
rpc_client = RpcClient(rpc_address)
temperature = rpc_client.call('temperature')
rpc_client = RpcClient(rpc_address)
humidity = rpc_client.call('humidity')
rpc_client = RpcClient(rpc_address)
pressure = rpc_client.call('pressure')
rpc_client = RpcClient(rpc_address)
gas = rpc_client.call('gas')
rpc_client = RpcClient(rpc_address)
altitude = rpc_client.call('altitude')
data = temperature, humidity, pressure, gas, altitude
except RpcError.TimeoutError:
print("Unable to retrive data from the M4.")
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("== Portenta X8 Sensor reading ==")
while True:
data = get_data_from_m4()
if len(data) > 0:
print("Temperature: ", data[0])
print("Humidity: ", data[1])
print("Pressure: ", data[2])
print("Gas: ", data[3])
print("Altitude: ", data[4])
except KeyboardInterrupt:
Here is the Dockerfile:
FROM python:3.9-alpine AS Build
RUN set -ex \
&& apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-dep \
git build-base python3-dev
RUN set -ex \
&& git clone https://github.com/kpn-iot/senml-python-library \
&& cd senml-python-library \
&& python3 setup.py bdist_wheel \
&& cd ..
RUN set -ex \
&& apk del .build-dep
FROM python:3.9-alpine
COPY --from=Build /senml-python-library/dist/kpn_senml-1.1.1-py3-none-any.whl ./
COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN set -ex \
&& pip3 --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir install \
-r requirements.txt \
&& rm ./kpn_senml-1.1.1-py3-none-any.whl \
&& rm ./requirements.txt
COPY src/m4_to_python.py .
ENTRYPOINT [ "python3", "m4_to_python.py"]
I basically haven't changed anything in the original python-sensor-rpc.zip and py-serialrpc.zip files, except for in py-serialrpc I also pip installed backports.ssl_match_hostname and backports.weakref packages. So no change whatsoever in the code.
Here is the error after bringing up the container:
sudo docker compose up
[+] Running 2/2
⠿ Network python-sensor-rpc_default Created 0.2s
⠿ Container python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 Created 0.1ss
Attaching to python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 |
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | ============================================
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | == Portenta X8 Sensor reading ==
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | ============================================
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 |
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
python-sensor-rpc-python-sensor-rpc-1 | Unable to retrive data from the M4.
I don't see any output in py-serialrpc output (I had to pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname and backports.weakref to make dockerfile compile though):
sudo docker compose up
[+] Running 2/2
⠿ Network py-serialrpc_default Created 0.1s
⠿ Container py-serialrpc-py-serialrpc-1 Created 0.1ss
Attaching to py-serialrpc-py-serialrpc-1
py-serialrpc-py-serialrpc-1 | server: m4-proxy, port: 5000
Any ideas what's wrong and why the code is unable to call the RPC functions? I can't even see any of the Serial outputs neither on py-serialrpc output nor Arduino Serial Monitor. Without serial support, this board will be useless for many industrial use cases, including ours.
It's very likely that the m4-proxy is not capturing the RPC.bind from the Arduino Sketch side, because I tried a simple client/server on Python side and it was working okay! I'm not sure what's the exact problem :(
I am having the same issue on version 881. I will keep tinkering however the lack of support is ... depressing. Someone please help us fix this. I can only imagine the hours collectively wasted on this issue.
I followed this tutorial to establish a "Data Exchange Between Python on Linux & Arduino Sketch": https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/portenta-x8/python-arduino-data-exchange/
I've tried going through the tutorial with both the latest firmware image (861 (Release arduino-91.2)) and also 746 version, on my Portenta X8, tried both with and without the mid-carrier board.
I have
running as follows:this is the output of my
sudo journalctl -u m4-proxy -f
:Here is the Arduino Sketch code according to the
mentioned in the tutorial without any sensors:...and here is the python code:
Here is the Dockerfile:
...and here is the docker-compose.yml:
I basically haven't changed anything in the original
files, except for in py-serialrpc I also pip installedbackports.ssl_match_hostname
packages. So no change whatsoever in the code.Here is the error after bringing up the container:
...I'm now getting this in m4-proxy output:
I don't see any output in
output (I had to pip install backports.ssl_match_hostname and backports.weakref to make dockerfile compile though):Any ideas what's wrong and why the code is unable to call the RPC functions? I can't even see any of the Serial outputs neither on
output nor Arduino Serial Monitor. Without serial support, this board will be useless for many industrial use cases, including ours.It's very likely that the m4-proxy is not capturing the RPC.bind from the Arduino Sketch side, because I tried a simple client/server on Python side and it was working okay! I'm not sure what's the exact problem :(