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[Question to the community]: Add the possibility to download the reference as PDF (or EPUB)? #593

Open SeppPenner opened 5 years ago

SeppPenner commented 5 years ago

From the German forum (See, I got the question if the reference is available as PDF (or EPUB) download for offline availability.

As far as I know, this is not yet possible. Does it make sense to add this as a feature?

SeppPenner commented 5 years ago

Maybe something like this could help here...

per1234 commented 5 years ago

A forum member made a PDF version of the Arduino Language Reference some years ago and there was a good deal of interest in it (though perhaps some of that was based on a misunderstanding of what it was): The problem was that the Language Reference content is regularly being added to and improved, and that person only made the PDF once, so their PDF quickly became outdated. It was frustrating to see people complain about documentation problems that had been fixed long ago in the online Language Reference.

If this was to be done by Arduino, I think it's very important for it to be set up to update automatically so that the PDF version is always in sync with the latest Language Reference content.

Maybe something like this could help here...

I've been working with asciidoctor-pdf a lot lately and it's really great.

SeppPenner commented 5 years ago

@per1234 I totally agree with you. Automatic updates need to be there. I have not yet worked with asciidoctor-pdf yet, but good to know that it's great 👍

SeppPenner commented 5 years ago

@per1234 Did you work with the Ruby version? I just saw that asciidoctor-pdf is available in Ruby and Java. I would really like to push this feature but I have no experience with Ruby yet (I would prefer some .Net code :D)

per1234 commented 5 years ago

I'm using the asciidoctor-pdf Ruby gem. I don't think you'd need any knowledge of Ruby to use it though. You run the command asciidoctor-pdf myAsciidocFile.adoc from the command line and a PDF magically appears. The only reason I even know the thing is a Ruby gem is because I needed to install Ruby to use it.

SeppPenner commented 5 years ago

@per1234 Okay, I guess I'll give it a try :D

SeppPenner commented 5 years ago

I doesn't look that bad... The headings are not formatted properly though.


SeppPenner commented 5 years ago

Something's wrong here...


SeppPenner commented 5 years ago

Maybe this is also worth a look: (Depending on which languages are supported with the arduino build scripts).