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Have visible explanations with functions #724

Open lemio opened 4 years ago

lemio commented 4 years ago

As in the discussion around the abs function, I think it could benefit the whole Arduino ecosystem to have explanations in animation format (explorable would be even better). This could put functions in context and could help non-readers, or people that don't understand the physical programming jargon to still make sense of what functions are doing.

In the best-case scenario, the images/animations don't have written text except for the functions/code.

Below is one example to trigger the discussion; I think for teachers and beginners this could be a great asset to explain or understand what certain functions are doing. In an optimal scenario, we could make something like choc where we could simulate Arduino behaviour and drag through time.

In a less optimal scenario, we make some standard for making graphics; that can than be used throughout the reference...

code_explained_best (1)

I fully agree with @robsoncouto about the issue of consistency

I think that uniformity may be a problem, so if images are to be used, there should be guidelines on how to create them, like the size, colors, etc. Also, If the images contain text, they may not be easily reused in the other translated references without editing.

I'm curious what you're thinking

lemio commented 4 years ago


I'm finishing of my thesis on making tools like Arduino more collaborative and fluid; if you want to check out the video it's here: But using this tool it's also possible to create material that could be potentially interesting for the reference; it gives an overview of the context; the use of a function; the output (range) of a function. Without describing it; but just by showing it...

Screenrecorder-2020-05-30-18-03-10-380 Screenrecorder-2020-05-30-17-59-01-953 Screenrecorder-2020-05-30-17-57-38-815 Screenrecorder-2020-05-30-17-55-51-800 Screenrecorder-2020-05-30-17-53-41-826

I'm curious about any thoughts on this, these little videos are quite easy to make...