Closed mgtm98 closed 3 years ago
Web server example (server library
Example code for the (http) server library
Author : Mohamed Gamal
Date : 2/3/2020
http server to control the rgb led in tiva-c
-esp32 is connected to tiva-c through UART1
-web page have 7 buttons for varuis colors
-when a button is pressed it send an http request indicating which button
is pressed
-the server handler sends the first letter of the color by UART1
import socket
from server import setHandler , serve, runServer, setResourceFolder
from machine import UART
uart = UART(1)
def testServer(_, object):
addr = socket.getaddrinfo("",8080)[0][-1]
setHandler({"/" : [serve,"web.html"]})
setHandler({"connect" : [serve,"connect.html"]})
setHandler({"test" : [testServer,1]})
@alranel Is it fine to implement new libraries (ROS lib.) in upython or should i stick with the existing ones and write example with them? Is there an available upython build for Portenta or It's not available yet? finally... I sent a mail but didn't get an answer soo kindly can u check itπ π
Hello @mgtm98, congrats for your work! It is totally fine (and very welcome!) to implement new libraries. The MicroPython build for Portenta will be released in the next weeks. Let's communicate in this issue rather than e-mail :-) Thank you!
I am Mohamed Gamal, a 22 year old Computer Engineering student from Egypt (3rd year Ain Shams University) and i'd like to introduce my self for GSOC20 .
I started studying programming since I was 15 years old. Since then I studied many languages in various fields
In the university I studied C,C++,python and for the first time I worked in the field of robotics starting from lighting a led, RC cars to making a dron and i am currently in a team (Ain Shams University Racing Team ROV software member) making an ROV for the mate competition. I also studied computer vision (openCV) as we are using it in mate competition (
My Experiences:
My projects:
I would like to work on this project as my field of study is related to it and I'm interested in robotics field in general. I have written many libs. for micropython before and for me it will be a challenging project to participate in.