arduino / wifishield

Arduino Wifi Shield
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can´t upgrade firmware of wifi shield with instructions from #44

Open Getiteasygithub opened 9 years ago

Getiteasygithub commented 9 years ago

Matthiass-MBP:scripts matthias$ sudo ./ -a /wifishield-master/firmware -f all

   Arduino WiFi Shield upgrade

Disclaimer: to access to the USB devices correctly, the dfu-programmer needs to be used as root. Run this script as root.

./ line 55: cd: /wifishield-master/firmware/hardware/tools/avr/bin: No such file or directory ./ line 56: ./avr-objcopy: No such file or directory ./ line 57: ./avr-objcopy: No such file or directory _Upgrade HD WiFi module firmware_

Error opening the file. Something went wrong with creating the memory image. -n Remove the J3 jumper then press the RESET button on the shield then type [ENTER] to upgrade the firmware of the shield..

_Upgrade WiFi Shield firmware_

dfu-programmer: no device present. dfu-programmer: no device present. dfu-programmer: no device present.

Done. Remove the J3 jumper and press the RESET button on the shield. Thank you!

Matthiass-MBP:scripts matthias$

Getiteasygithub commented 9 years ago

Ok Problem gelöst.

Abhilfe bekommt man dadurch, das man sich genau anschaut wo das Skript sich befindet und wo dieses Skript die Daten sucht. also: Das Script im Texteditor von MacOS öffnen und sich die Verzeichnisse im oberen Teil anschauen. Es ist einfachen nicht die Verzeichnisse in der Skriptdatei zu ändern, sondern die Ordner so auf die Platte zu kopieren, wie es dort steht. Der andere Weg hat bei mir nicht funktioniert. Dann das Skript an sich an die richtige Stelle kopieren. Die Dateien waren bei mir nicht in der > "Packetinhalte zeigen" oder halt Programme/ nicht vorhanden. Abhilfe hat da der download des "source" von der Arduinowebseite gebracht. Die Skript datei dort ist ein wenig anders. Andere Verzeichnisse. Ich habe die Skriptdatei in den Unterordner Java kopieren müssen, und den Arduino Ordner in das Macintosh HD Verzeichnis kopiert. Dann das Komando im Terminal angepasst auf " Matthiass-MBP:java matthias$
sudo sh -a /Arduino/Contents/Resources/Java/ -f shield " Dann hat es funktioniert.

Viel Glück

agdl commented 9 years ago

@Getiteasygithub I translate it using google translate

Ok problem solved.

Remedy gets you the fact that you look exactly where the script is located and where this script searches the data. ie: Open the script in the text editor of MacOS and look at the directories in the upper part. It is easy not to change the directories in the script file, but to copy the folder to the plate, as it is there. The other way did not work for me. Then, copy the script to be in the right place. The files were not with me in the> "Packet contents show" or stop programs / / contents / No. Remedy has brought since the download of the "source" of the Arduinowebseite. The script file there is a little different. Other directories. I need to copy the script file in the subfolder Java, and copies the Arduino folder in the Macintosh HD directory. Then the Komando adjusted in the terminal on "Matthiass-MBP: $ java matthias

sudo sh -a / Arduino / Contents / Resources / Java / -f shield " Then it worked.

Good Luck

Thank you for your effort. Let me know if this issue can be closed.

HansDeCock1 commented 9 years ago

I have a similar problem when trying to upgrade the firmware (when I run the WIFI demo's sketches they tell me to upgrade the firmware; the WiFi shield was recently bought however...). Anyway, the description on Arduino website seems also to be outdated since it mentions Atmel Flip 3.4.5 which is now version 3.4.7. What is worse, it does not work. When I edit the cmd command line to use the correct folder names, it starts to run but stops with error message : "cannot findAtLibUsbDfu.dll" although it is in the same bin folder. It also looks like the PC does not recognize the WifiShield when it is connected to the PC, with micro-usb cable (and the jumper J3 set). Can anyone help me out here ? Thanks