ardumont / markdown-toc

Generate a TOC in markdown file
GNU General Public License v3.0
127 stars 102 forks source link

Ignore # characters in GFM code blocks #13

Closed Wilfred closed 8 years ago

Wilfred commented 9 years ago

Given the markdown:

# Heading

## subheading




## another subheading

markdown-toc generates:

<!-- markdown-toc start - Don't edit this section. Run M-x markdown-toc-generate-toc again -->
**Table of Contents**

- [Heading](#heading)
    - [subheading](#subheading)
- [bar](#bar)
    - [another subheading](#another-subheading)

<!-- markdown-toc end -->
ardumont commented 9 years ago


hirose31 commented 9 years ago

jrblevin/markdown-mode#40 will fix this issue!

ardumont commented 9 years ago



syohex commented 8 years ago

@Wilfred jrblevin/markdown-mode#40 had been merged. Please upgrade markdown-mode and try again.

Wilfred commented 8 years ago

Indeed it does! Thanks :)