area17 / blast

Storybook for Laravel Blade 🚀
Apache License 2.0
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Add ability to define custom Storybook version #107

Closed mrtimbrook closed 3 months ago

mrtimbrook commented 5 months ago

Due to the frequency with which new Storybook version were being released, it has become difficult to keep up and would result in constant new version of blast without really adding new features. To get around this and allow people to use the latest versions of Storybook, you can now set the version in your blast config.

As of right now it defaults to 7.1.1 as I need to test newer versions. I've encountered issues when trying to use 7.6.12 and 8.0 so will investigate more and work on updating it.

This update may require the ability to customize the Storybook config files from within blast. I'm currently trying to figure out the best approach for that, whether we override or merge configs. More on that later.