area17 / blast

Storybook for Laravel Blade 🚀
Apache License 2.0
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With a fresh install and Laravel Herd, Blast doesn't work #116

Closed domthomas-dev closed 4 months ago

domthomas-dev commented 4 months ago


I install a fresh Laravel 10 with Laravel Herd. I install this package, and I try to launch it, but there are much errors in terminal I followed the doc, twice, but without result.

[storybook] info => Serving static files from ./../../../public at /
[storybook] info => Starting manager..
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for @prettier/plugin-php
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for eslint
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for eslint-config-prettier
WARN unable to find package.json for eslint-plugin-prettier
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for husky
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for lint-staged
WARN unable to find package.json for prettier
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for stylelint
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for stylelint-config-recommended
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for stylelint-order
[storybook] WARN unable to find package.json for stylelint-prettier
[storybook] info Addon-docs: using MDX2
[storybook] info => Using implicit CSS loaders
[storybook] info => Using default Webpack5 setup

And when I start the website : Too few arguments to function A17\Blast\Controllers\StoryController::__invoke(), 1 passed

When I launch the button demo, I have this : Undefined variable $href

mrtimbrook commented 4 months ago

After starting blast are you going to http://localhost:6006?

domthomas-dev commented 4 months ago

Indeed .... I'm sorry.

So, now, I have this Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 11 12 13

mrtimbrook commented 4 months ago

If you open the network tab in your dev tools you'll see the request storybook is making to your application. Open that url in a new tab you should see the full error causing the fetch error

domthomas-dev commented 4 months ago

It's a CORS problem My Storybook have an URL in *.test

domthomas-dev commented 4 months ago

I will use Laravel 11 to do this. When do you think is it available ?

mrtimbrook commented 4 months ago

@domthomas-dev I published blast 1.10.0 last night which adds Laravel 11 support

domthomas-dev commented 4 months ago

I'm going to test it the night. I think I need this storybook for my project :) And I'm going to resume with a fresh install :)