area17 / blast

Storybook for Laravel Blade 🚀
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE-REQUEST] Use @stack directive #133

Closed yokozawa0701 closed 1 month ago

yokozawa0701 commented 1 month ago

Hi, We're using Alpine.js in my project. And I like using with push directive rather than writing in HTML like below.


<div data="darkMode"
  <!-- some component -->

      document.addEventListener('alpine:init', () => {
'darkMode', {
              on: false,

              toggle() {
                  this.on = ! this.on

What do you think about making push directives available?

mrtimbrook commented 1 month ago

Hi! This should work out of the box. You'll need to publish the storybook.blade.php layout to your app using php artisan vendor:publish --provider="A17\Blast\BlastServiceProvider" --tag="blast-views" and then add the @stack directive there.

yokozawa0701 commented 1 month ago


Oh, it's has work very well! Thanks!