area17 / twill

Twill is an open source CMS toolkit for Laravel that helps developers rapidly create a custom admin console that is intuitive, powerful and flexible. Chat with us on Discord at
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Refactor and improve list of available blocks #2513

Open Tofandel opened 6 months ago

Tofandel commented 6 months ago


This PR adresses issues regarding performance of having a lot of defined blocks combined with a lot of block editors on a page

It also improves the way we can exclude blocks with a global exclusion list accepting names of blocks as well as allowlist by group and callbacks running on block, allowing for more advanced filter using component methods or regexes for example

It also adds the ability to sort blocks (before they could only be sorted by the order in the directory or in the block list which resulted in a messy list of blocks)

excludeBlocks now also accepts a callback as an argument

It also now only prints templates of all the availableBlocks on the page (it still prints all the repeaters templates and not just the used ones though)


ifox commented 6 months ago

Great stuff, thank you!

I'm not sure I'm following your point about the ability to sort blocks. The order specified in the array of available blocks passed to the block editor field is already preserved, so I'm curious what you mean.

Tofandel commented 6 months ago

Ah yes I see what the sortBy was for then, I'll make sure to restore it if a block list is given

The issue is now the rules have gotten a lot more options so it's especially more likely a list of blocks is not given and only working from excluded blocks or a list of groups in which case we can't order by the list of blocks so we need more sorting options

Maybe we can add a config list of block order, only used for sorting

Tofandel commented 6 months ago

I didn't yet figure out what's causing the js error in the tests as when using the PR anywhere else there is no issue, I can't run dusk on WSL to figure it out

This PR would take care of

Tofandel commented 3 months ago

I need to check why the tests are failing, only the Web tests are failing, it seems due to a js error, how can I debug this (in a normal instance I never encountered any) ?

ifox commented 3 months ago

If you check the artefact at the bottom of, you'll see this error:


Tofandel commented 3 months ago

Ah thanks that's very helpful, so weird though that I'm not getting any error myself when it's in the main.blade.php template

Tofandel commented 3 months ago

Okay I know why, it's because TwillBlocks is registered in the aliases in composer.json, but aliases are not applied when running the tests locally

ifox commented 3 months ago

This PR would take care of

That roadmap item isn't about disabling blocks programmatically, but that's a good addition, still! Disabled blocks in the roadmap are about a feature in the CMS UI to let users disable a specific block (so they can keep the content and not render it on the frontend). This can already be achieved easily by adding a field in every block, but we'd like to support it better natively.

Tofandel commented 3 months ago

@ifox I see, yes it would be nice, much like a "Draft" feature on a block basis