area515 / Photonic3D

Control software for resin 3D printers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[bug?] : CW code not liked anymore #211

Closed kloknibor closed 8 years ago

kloknibor commented 8 years ago

So I used to use this code :

;\ Lift Sequence G1{$SlideTiltVal != 0? X$SlideTiltVal:} Z($ZLiftDist * $ZDir) F{$CURSLICE < $NumFirstLayers?$ZBottomLiftRate:$ZLiftRate} ; %d($ZLiftDist_60000/$ZLiftRate+200) G1{$SlideTiltVal != 0? X($SlideTiltVal * -1):} Z(($LayerThickness-$ZLiftDist) * $ZDir) F$ZRetractRate ; %d($ZLiftDist_60000/$ZRetractRate+200+$BlankTime) ;\ Lift Sequence **

But this won't convert quite well.... :

2016-04-16 21:33:10,677 INFO o.a.r.g.GCodeControl [PrintJobProcessorThread-1] Write 0: G1{$SlideTiltVal != 0? X($SlideTiltVal * -1):} Z((0.1-9) * 1) F$ZRetractRate

2016-04-16 21:33:10,678 INFO o.a.r.g.GCodeControl [PrintJobProcessorThread-1] lineRead: error: parse failure: can't parse Z value at line '< 4?$ZBLR:0.25'

2016-04-16 21:33:20,912 INFO o.a.r.g.GCodeControl [PrintJobProcessorThread-1] Write 0: G1{$SlideTiltVal != 0? X$SlideTiltVal:} Z(20.204 * 1) F{5 < 4?$ZBottomLiftRate:6.926}

2016-04-16 21:33:20,913 INFO o.a.r.g.GCodeControl [PrintJobProcessorThread-1] lineRead: error: line is too long

2016-04-16 21:33:20,914 INFO o.a.r.g.GCodeControl [PrintJobProcessorThread-1] Write 0: G1{$SlideTiltVal != 0? X($SlideTiltVal * -1):} Z((0.1-20.204) * 1) F$ZRetractRate

2016-04-16 21:33:20,915 INFO o.a.r.g.GCodeControl [PrintJobProcessorThread-1] lineRead: ok 1-9) * 1) F$ZRR

This used to work so what changed? I'll try to set up an custom code anyway but didn't understand why it did work and now it didn't ;)!


WesGilster commented 8 years ago

That's never been valid FreeMarker syntax. Keep in mind, the help button will take you to the FreeMarker web site, and the "test" button usually gives really good info to help build those expressions.

kloknibor commented 8 years ago

Alright I'll make an free marker template than :) no problem ;)! Was just wondering ;)!

kloknibor commented 8 years ago

What are the available variables within Photonic3D I can use to create my templates? (will forward this later to the wiki, I'll try to make 1 page a day there can't promise ;))

WesGilster commented 8 years ago

You'll find these in TemplateEngine: root.put("now", new Date()); root.put("shutterOpen", printer.isShutterOpen()); root.put("bulbHours", printer.getCachedBulbHours()); root.put("CURSLICE", job.getCurrentSlice()); root.put("LayerThickness", printer.getConfiguration().getSlicingProfile().getSelectedInkConfig().getSliceHeight()); root.put("ZDir", printer.getConfiguration().getSlicingProfile().getDirection().getVector()); root.put("ZLiftRate", job.getZLiftSpeed()); root.put("ZLiftDist", job.getZLiftDistance()); Double buildArea = job.getPrintFileProcessor().getBuildAreaMM(job); root.put("buildAreaMM", buildArea == null || buildArea < 0?null:buildArea); root.put("LayerTime", printer.getConfiguration().getSlicingProfile().getSelectedInkConfig().getExposureTime()); root.put("FirstLayerTime", printer.getConfiguration().getSlicingProfile().getSelectedInkConfig().getFirstLayerExposureTime()); root.put("NumFirstLayers", printer.getConfiguration().getSlicingProfile().getSelectedInkConfig().getNumberOfFirstLayers()); root.put("SlideTiltVal", printer.getConfiguration().getSlicingProfile().getSlideTiltValue()); root.put("buildPlatformXPixels", printer.getConfiguration().getSlicingProfile().getxResolution()); root.put("buildPlatformYPixels", printer.getConfiguration().getSlicingProfile().getyResolution()); root.put("hostProperties", HostProperties.Instance()); root.put("job", job); root.put("printer", printer);

kloknibor commented 8 years ago
