area515 / Photonic3D

Control software for resin 3D printers
GNU General Public License v3.0
131 stars 115 forks source link

Bug and functionality release #310

Closed WesGilster closed 7 years ago

WesGilster commented 7 years ago

The new Photonic3d client has much more customizable features and command line parameters Tons of fixes in Photonic3d client Added help for each of the calculators and gcode templates Made several jar upgrades Added dual Raspberry Pi display functionality Don't show hidden wifi networks Tons of bug fixes Added GPIOInk detector for testing purposes

WesGilster commented 7 years ago

Anyone want to vote on this build?

jmkao commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately I just started a new job this week and don't have time to test it myself, but it seems that a number of people recently have used the dev branch successfully, which bodes well. I'm for it. I'll trigger a rebuild of the RPi image once it's merged.