area515 / Photonic3D

Control software for resin 3D printers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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On-screen slice render intermittently stops working #66

Closed ps-bond closed 8 years ago

ps-bond commented 9 years ago

Slicing a test STL, the on-screen display (is this the console output referenced?) stops displaying any slices.

WesGilster commented 9 years ago

The term "Console Output" means that it won't actually send the gcode to the printer, instead it sends the gcode directly to sysout which is currently redirected to your logs: /opt/cwh/log.out.

I'll need your logs to determine why it stopped working. Keep in mind, if you've shutoff CWH since you experienced the problem, we've lost the ability to troubleshoot this. Is this easily repeatable? Someday I'll build a log bundling facility or something else to make this easier. Maybe just use an email appender for log4j or something like that.

WesGilster commented 9 years ago

Keep in mind, you can drag and drop files directly into this comment section so we can see them right here in Github.

ps-bond commented 9 years ago

So there is debug output? OK, that's useful to know.

I'll have a mooch around the FS, probably later today, and see if the log files still show anything; neither the Pi nor CWH have been shutdown. The test print completed but never showed slices (or updated the slice count unless the print was paused).

Added - OK, I've got the logs but Git is refusing to upload them (despite renaming them to .txt). Git complains that copy & paste is too long as well.

WesGilster commented 9 years ago

Ah, now that you explain further I'll bet I know what happened. Is it possible that you closed down, or left the browser? Our notification framework uses web sockets so that all clients watching the printer are notified when an event happens. However, if you closed down or left the browser, the web socket won't attempt to reattach since it doesn't know which printer to "attach" to. I probably won't fix that in the Old gui. The new gui will automatically "attach" to a printer when you browse to it.

ps-bond commented 9 years ago

Left the browser? I switched between tabs, but not shut it down. I'll run it again and see what happens from boot.

WesGilster commented 9 years ago

Sorry I messed this up pretty bad in the "stable" area515 build. Here's what I've done to fix it, and hopefully the tests will prevent this from happening again in the future. I'll post this in a couple of other places...

Use: sudo ./ to get the latest version of CWH from development until we can get the area515 build up-to-date.

Fixed in cwh-0.154 Rewrote EOL parsing and welcome chitchat parsing Fixed NPE on close issue Fixed automatic firmware detection on printer start Fixed tests to perform firmware detection and 3dfirmware serial startup 10 times in a row Fixed "can't start printer after it started once" Optimized performance for JSSCCommPort thereby breaking RXTXCommPort Changed default SerialPort implementation to JSSCCommPort I'm starting to really dislike the RXTX implementation

WesGilster commented 8 years ago

Completed and tested in cwh-0.178 with new GUI.

Problem was with unstable websockets. I built a recovery mechanism so that the web sockets will reconnect after no activity or other problems.