areaDetector / ADCore

The home of the core components of the EPICS areaDetector software. It includes base classes for drivers and code for all of the standard plugins.
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CONST attributes in attributes.xml file? #478

Closed prjemian closed 6 months ago

prjemian commented 2 years ago

Motivated by trying to write the bluesky RunEngine metadata into the NDAttributes here, is it possible to add a CONST type of attribute?

One use would be for a client to inject a specific metadata key:value to be found in an image's attributes (such as PVA). If the key:value is not matched, the client can skip processing of that image.

prjemian commented 6 months ago

Thank you!

MarkRivers commented 6 months ago

I changed the code a bit after the merge. The attributes did not have the correct attribute type, so that report() was giving misleading information.