Closed rettigl closed 3 years ago
Because this camera cannot set the frame rate independently of the exposure time, I have built a work around ...
Are you sure about that? Can you post screen shots of the main ADSpinnaker screen and the camera-specific screens?
the memory consumption of the ioc process starts to continously increase with a rate of around 7 mByte/hour at 1s Scan interval
That works out to about 2 KB per image, which is quite small.
What happens if you use a normal internal trigger and acquire at 10 frames/s. Does the memory usage also increase at 2 KB per image?
I just ran ADSpinnaker on Ubuntu 18 with an Oryx 51S5M camera.
What command did you run to get the memory usage you plotted above? With "top" I see this:
30904 epics 20 0 55316 5024 3544 R 1.0 0.0 0:03.90 top
29077 epics 20 0 7776280 726956 42916 S 0.7 1.5 0:48.55 spinnakerApp
So I am seeing the spinnakerApp using about 7.8 GB of virtual memory, much more than the 95 MB you are seeing. I clicked repeatedly on the TriggerSoftware button and watched the Virtual Memory in "top". It moved up and down a bit, but I did not see any upward trend.
Hi Mark, thanks for your questions.
Because this camera cannot set the frame rate independently of the exposure time, I have built a work around ...
Are you sure about that? Can you post screen shots of the main ADSpinnaker screen and the camera-specific screens?
The options to do that are there, but the camera does not want to do that.
This is the main screen of the ADSpinnaker for my camera. If I set ExposureAuto to Off, and Frame Rate Enable to On, and then set a FrameRate, I get an error in the Epics shell:
epics> 2021/05/19 08:55:05.510 Param[GC_FRAMERATE] GenICamFeature::write: node AcquisitionFrameRate is not writable
I also cannot change the frame rate in the independently in the FLIR software, so I think it is a limitation of the camera.
That works out to about 2 KB per image, which is quite small.
I think it is not related to the actual size of the image, because it does not change if I change the binning or region size, as far as I can tell.
What happens if you use a normal internal trigger and acquire at 10 frames/s. Does the memory usage also increase at 2 KB per image?
Do you just mean free running? That's what I did in the example above. Actually, in all the example above the Trigger was actually off, and the camera was free running at 130 Hz (with a small region size as you can see in the screen shot). If I do not process the SoftwareTrigger PV, the memory stays ~constant.
What command did you run to get the memory usage you plotted above? With "top" I see this:
I used a profiling bash snipped based on ps, which records the "resident set size", i.e. the non-swapped memory. This corresponds to the RES column in top :
logpid() { while sleep 60; do ps -p $1 -o pcpu= -o rss= ; done; }
The virtual memory actually does not increase, it appears.
So I am seeing the spinnakerApp using about 7.8 GB of virtual memory, much more than the 95 MB you are seeing. I clicked repeatedly on the TriggerSoftware button and watched the Virtual Memory in "top". It moved up and down a bit, but I did not see any upward trend.
I am using a fairly small image size (because of a small region size), maybe that makes a difference. The relevant parts of the ioc startup file are these:
# Really large queue so we can stream to disk at full camera speed
epicsEnvSet("QSIZE", "2000")
# The maximim image width; used for row profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("XSIZE", "2592")
# The maximim image height; used for column profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("YSIZE", "1944")
# The maximum number of time series points in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("NCHANS", "2048")
# The maximum number of frames buffered in the NDPluginCircularBuff plugin
epicsEnvSet("CBUFFS", "500")
# Define NELEMENTS to be enough for a 2592x1944x3 (color) image
epicsEnvSet("NELEMENTS", "15116544")
# ADSpinnakerConfig(const char *portName, const char *cameraId, int numSPBuffers,
# size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)
ADSpinnakerConfig("$(PORT)", $(CAMERA_ID),40)
# Main database. This just loads and modifies ADBase.template
dbLoadRecords("$(ADSPINNAKER)/db/spinnaker.template", "P=$(PREFIX),R=cam1:,PORT=$(PORT)")
# Load the autogenerated file of GenICam features
dbLoadRecords("$(GENICAM_DB_FILE)", "P=$(PREFIX),R=cam1:,PORT=$(PORT)")
# Create a standard arrays plugin
NDStdArraysConfigure("Image1", 5, 0, "$(PORT)", 0, 0)
# Use this line for 8-bit or 16-bit data
dbLoadRecords("$(ADCORE)/db/NDStdArrays.template", "P=$(PREFIX),R=image1:,PORT=Image1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(PORT),TYPE=Int16,FTVL=SHORT,NELEMENTS=$(NELEMENTS)")
With the trigger scanning off, I see also with top and initial small increase in memory consumption, and then a flattening at ~95 mbytes (5 sec interval):
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 90824 38248 S 73.3 2.4 0:16.13 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 91124 38248 S 66.2 2.4 0:19.44 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 91812 38248 S 62.9 2.4 0:22.59 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 92524 38248 S 67.0 2.4 0:25.94 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746080 92756 38248 S 67.1 2.4 0:29.30 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 92736 38248 S 67.0 2.4 0:32.65 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746080 92760 38248 S 66.6 2.4 0:35.98 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 92776 38248 S 63.9 2.4 0:39.18 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 92756 38248 S 64.6 2.4 0:42.41 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746080 92764 38248 S 66.7 2.4 0:45.75 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 93064 38248 S 65.6 2.4 0:49.03 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746080 93040 38248 S 63.8 2.4 0:52.22 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754276 93016 38248 S 63.5 2.4 0:55.40 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 93636 38248 S 66.6 2.4 0:58.73 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 93604 38248 S 65.1 2.4 1:01.99 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 93892 38248 S 65.8 2.4 1:05.28 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 93860 38248 S 65.3 2.4 1:08.55 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94096 38248 S 66.2 2.5 1:11.86 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94248 38248 S 66.1 2.5 1:15.17 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 94216 38248 S 64.4 2.5 1:18.39 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94524 38248 S 63.9 2.5 1:21.59 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 94492 38248 S 65.6 2.5 1:24.87 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94468 38248 S 66.1 2.5 1:28.18 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94444 38248 S 65.8 2.5 1:31.47 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 94412 38248 S 65.8 2.5 1:34.76 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94388 38248 S 67.3 2.5 1:38.13 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 94732 38248 S 66.4 2.5 1:41.45 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94972 38248 S 64.3 2.5 1:44.67 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94948 38248 S 66.4 2.5 1:47.99 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 94916 38248 S 64.4 2.5 1:51.21 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 94984 38248 S 63.8 2.5 1:54.40 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 94952 38248 S 66.7 2.5 1:57.74 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95248 38248 S 67.2 2.5 2:01.10 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95224 38248 S 66.9 2.5 2:04.45 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95192 38248 S 66.4 2.5 2:07.77 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95488 38248 S 66.6 2.5 2:11.10 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95456 38248 S 67.3 2.5 2:14.47 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95432 38248 S 65.1 2.5 2:17.73 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95604 38248 S 65.4 2.5 2:21.00 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95580 38248 S 66.7 2.5 2:24.34 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95556 38248 S 66.6 2.5 2:27.67 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95528 38248 S 66.0 2.5 2:30.97 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95504 38248 S 67.7 2.5 2:34.36 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95472 38248 S 65.2 2.5 2:37.62 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95448 38248 S 65.4 2.5 2:40.89 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95424 38248 S 66.2 2.5 2:44.20 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95392 38248 S 65.1 2.5 2:47.46 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95628 38248 S 63.8 2.5 2:50.65 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95596 38248 S 64.9 2.5 2:53.90 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95572 38248 S 65.8 2.5 2:57.19 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95548 38248 S 67.4 2.5 3:00.56 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95516 38248 S 64.3 2.5 3:03.78 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95492 38248 S 65.6 2.5 3:07.06 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95460 38248 S 64.9 2.5 3:10.31 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95436 38248 S 65.8 2.5 3:13.60 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95412 38248 S 64.3 2.5 3:16.82 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95380 38248 S 64.0 2.5 3:20.02 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95620 38248 S 63.4 2.5 3:23.19 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95588 38248 S 62.9 2.5 3:26.34 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95564 38248 S 64.2 2.5 3:29.55 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95540 38248 S 64.9 2.5 3:32.80 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95516 38248 S 67.0 2.5 3:36.15 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95492 38248 S 66.1 2.5 3:39.46 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95460 38248 S 65.8 2.5 3:42.75 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95436 38248 S 65.4 2.5 3:46.02 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95616 38248 S 66.6 2.5 3:49.35 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95584 38248 S 66.1 2.5 3:52.66 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95560 38248 S 66.4 2.5 3:55.98 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95528 38248 S 65.7 2.5 3:59.27 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95504 38248 S 64.2 2.5 4:02.48 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95480 38248 S 65.2 2.5 4:05.74 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95624 38248 S 67.5 2.5 4:09.12 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95600 38248 S 66.8 2.5 4:12.46 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95568 38248 S 64.7 2.5 4:15.70 st.cmd
Now I start manually clicking the button 500 times:
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95424 38248 S 66.7 2.5 5:56.66 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95400 38248 S 64.1 2.5 5:59.87 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95636 38248 S 66.6 2.5 6:03.20 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95620 38248 S 67.8 2.5 6:06.59 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95604 38248 S 67.9 2.5 6:09.99 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95600 38248 S 68.0 2.5 6:13.39 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95704 38248 S 68.1 2.5 6:16.80 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95680 38248 S 68.2 2.5 6:20.21 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95648 38248 S 69.2 2.5 6:23.67 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95624 38248 S 68.5 2.5 6:27.10 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95592 38248 S 67.8 2.5 6:30.49 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95568 38248 S 67.9 2.5 6:33.89 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95800 38248 S 68.2 2.5 6:37.30 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95776 38248 S 67.5 2.5 6:40.68 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95756 38248 S 68.2 2.5 6:44.09 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95728 38248 S 68.2 2.5 6:47.50 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95704 38248 S 68.3 2.5 6:50.92 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95672 38248 S 67.6 2.5 6:54.30 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95660 38248 S 67.9 2.5 6:57.70 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95664 38248 S 68.2 2.5 7:01.11 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95884 38248 S 67.4 2.5 7:04.48 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95876 38248 S 68.3 2.5 7:07.90 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 95856 38248 S 67.8 2.5 7:11.29 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 95844 38248 S 68.1 2.5 7:14.70 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96096 38248 S 69.0 2.5 7:18.15 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96080 38248 S 68.2 2.5 7:21.56 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96072 38248 S 67.9 2.5 7:24.96 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96220 38248 S 68.2 2.5 7:28.37 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96208 38248 S 67.9 2.5 7:31.77 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96208 38248 S 67.6 2.5 7:35.15 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96260 38248 S 68.3 2.5 7:38.57 st.cmd
That's an increase of about 800 kbyte in RES, no change in VIRT.
I repeat the same with scan at 0.1 s:
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96488 38248 S 68.4 2.5 9:01.11 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96456 38248 S 66.5 2.5 9:04.44 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96440 38248 S 70.2 2.5 9:07.95 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96520 38248 S 70.4 2.5 9:11.47 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96768 38248 S 69.7 2.5 9:14.96 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96824 38248 S 70.0 2.5 9:18.46 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96792 38248 S 69.7 2.5 9:21.95 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96752 38248 S 66.2 2.5 9:25.26 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96724 38248 S 68.0 2.5 9:28.66 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96700 38248 S 69.7 2.5 9:32.15 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96668 38248 S 70.0 2.5 9:35.65 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96644 38248 S 69.7 2.5 9:39.14 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96848 38248 S 70.2 2.5 9:42.65 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96812 38248 S 69.2 2.5 9:46.11 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96828 38248 S 70.1 2.5 9:49.62 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96796 38248 S 69.6 2.5 9:53.10 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96820 38248 S 70.5 2.5 9:56.63 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 96832 38248 S 69.6 2.5 10:00.11 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 96808 38248 S 70.5 2.5 10:03.64 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97148 38248 S 69.6 2.5 10:07.12 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 97612 38248 S 69.7 2.5 10:10.61 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97668 38248 S 69.6 2.5 10:14.09 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97644 38248 S 69.6 2.5 10:17.57 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 97700 38248 S 69.9 2.5 10:21.07 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97676 38248 S 70.0 2.5 10:24.57 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 97644 38248 S 69.9 2.5 10:28.07 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97620 38248 S 70.2 2.5 10:31.58 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97596 38248 S 69.2 2.5 10:35.04 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 97564 38248 S 69.7 2.5 10:38.53 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97800 38248 S 70.0 2.6 10:42.03 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 97768 38248 S 69.3 2.6 10:45.50 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97780 38248 S 69.0 2.6 10:48.95 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97772 38248 S 70.6 2.6 10:52.48 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97776 38248 S 70.3 2.6 10:56.00 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97768 38248 S 69.6 2.6 10:59.48 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2746368 97748 38248 S 70.3 2.6 11:03.00 st.cmd
10795 epics 20 0 2754564 97740 38248 S 69.8 2.6 11:06.49 st.cmd
RES continuously grows, VIRT is not affected, as far as I can tell.
epics> 2021/05/19 08:55:05.510 Param[GC_FRAMERATE] GenICamFeature::write: node AcquisitionFrameRate is not writable I also cannot change the frame rate in the independently in the FLIR software, so I think it is a limitation of the camera.
I think that your problem is that some FLIR cameras have a GenICam feature called AcquisitionFrameRateAuto. I suspect that feature is set to On on your camera. In that case you cannot control the frame rate. Look at the second medm screen shot on this page for an example with the BFLY-PGE-20E4C camera: Note that AcquisitionFrameRateAuto is set to Off on that screen. That is what you need to do.
RES continuously grows, VIRT is not affected, as far as I can tell.
Then that is not a memory leak. Memory leaks cause VIRT to grow, because that is the total memory that has been allocated but not freed. RES is resident memory. The OS controls that to optimize performance, and so it can grow as new memory locations are written to.
I think that your problem is that some FLIR cameras have a GenICam feature called AcquisitionFrameRateAuto. I suspect that feature is set to On on your camera. In that case you cannot control the frame rate. Look at the second medm screen shot on this page for an example with the BFLY-PGE-20E4C camera: Note that AcquisitionFrameRateAuto is set to Off on that screen. That is what you need to do. Yes, you are right that there is this AquisitionFramRateAuto setting. This indeed allows some control, but still not what I need. Here is what I observe:
Then that is not a memory leak. Memory leaks cause VIRT to grow, because that is the total memory that has been allocated but not freed. RES is resident memory. The OS controls that to optimize performance, and so it can grow as new memory locations are written to.
RES is the actual physical memory used by the program, no? So whatever it is, it's causing the IOC to use more and more physical memory, and the computer with 3-4 of these iocs running for several days went out of memory and started to show huge load and became ineccessible, that's how I became aware of the problem. So definitely something I need to solve if I want to keep using this approach. And so far, I don't see a different one with my camera.
If I set AquisitionFramRateAuto to off and AquisitionFramRateEnable to on, and also Exposure auto to off, I can control expsoure time and Frame rate independently, but, with the following limitations: Maximal exposure time is capped at 66 ms, and minimal frame rate at 15.148 Hz:
Are you sure that you are setting the parameters in the correct order? For example if FrameRate=20 then you cannot set the exposure time above 0.05. But if you first decrease the frame rate to 2 then you should be able to increase the exposure time to 0.5. I just tested this on a Blackfly camera with ADSpinnaker and it worked fine.
You had not previously reported that RES kept increasing forever and was causing a problem. That does seem incorrect. I will test and see if I can reproduce the problem.
I ran 2 tests with my BlackFly camera, 1600x1200 pixels, Mono8 mode.
So I can reproduce the problem, RES does not increase when using the internal frame rate, but it does increase when using the software trigger.
There is really no code in ADSpinnaker that does anything when the TriggerSoftware record is processed. It just writes to the TriggerSoftware GenICam feature, and then everything is done in the Spinnaker library. I don't see any place there can be a memory leak in the areaDetector code.
I suggest running the FLIR viewer and seeing whether RES also increases when you use SoftwareTrigger with that.
Hi Mark, thanks again for taking this on. Without finding time yet to do more tests myself, I had a glance at the release notes of the Spinnaker SDK. In version, they mention a fixed issue:
The ADSpinnaker currently used, no? so this could be related to the problem. I will have a closer look once I find time.
I will have a closer look once I find time.
I would suggest also trying to see if you can make FrameRate and AcquireTime work with normal triggered acquisition. I am able to control those over the full range on a BlackFly as long as I change them in the correct order.
I agree that updating the Spinnaker SDK is the first thing to try.
Are you sure that you are setting the parameters in the correct order? For example if FrameRate=20 then you cannot set the exposure time above 0.05. But if you first decrease the frame rate to 2 then you should be able to increase the exposure time to 0.5. I just tested this on a Blackfly camera with ADSpinnaker and it worked fine.
I tried again what you suggested. AquisitionFramRateAuto=0, AquisitionFramRateEnable=1 Now, when I try to set the frame rate to e.g. 10 Hz, it will set it to 15.148 Hz. See my screenshot above. No matter what I do. And I cannot increase the Exposure time above 0.066 s. What I can reproduce is that if I set frame rate e.g. to 40 Hz, then the highest exposure time is 0.02 s. But I think the limitation in Frame rate comes from the camera model.
Just changing the libraries to the new version in the ioc did not do the trick, apparently they changed something in the SDK. It builds, but produces the following error when running:
ADSpinnakerConfig("SP1", 16119088,40)
c++ error: Spinnaker: System instance cannot be acquired. Could not load producer. Make sure that the environment variable FLIR_GENTL64_CTI exists, and points to the location of the file FLIR_GenTL.cti [-1012]
Just setting this variable to the file copied from the respective package also does not help yet...
I have created a new spinnaker2.4 branch in this repository. It contains the files from the latest version of the Spinnaker SDK, It builds and runs fine for me on Ubuntu 18.
I tested first acquiring 1000 frames in TriggerMode=Off, 0.1 second acquisition. When | VIRT | RES |
Before | 7708904 | 317868 |
After | 7708904 | 317868 |
There was no increase in VIRT or RES during this acquisition.
I then repeated the testing using TriggerMode=On, TriggerSource=Software, and an IDL script that wrote 1 to the TriggerSoftware PV 1000 times.
When | VIRT | RES |
Before | 7708904 | 318048 |
After | 7708904 | 320508 |
RES has increased by 2460 KB in 1000 images, or about 2.5 KB per image. This is the same as with the previous version of Spinnaker, So the new version of Spinnaker does not seem to have fixed the problem.
Run on Windows, SDK, Trigger=Off.
Name PID Status User name CPU Memory (private working set) Commit size Description
spinnakerApp.exe 11632 Running rivers 00 264,676 K 303,500 K SpinnakerApp
Name PID Status User name CPU Memory (private working set) Commit size Description
spinnakerApp.exe 11632 Running rivers 00 264,636 K 303,444 K SpinnakerApp
So there is not increase in private working set of Commit size when TriggerMode=Off.
I then repeated the testing using TriggerMode=On, TriggerSource=Software, and an IDL script that wrote 1 to the TriggerSoftware PV 1000 times.
Name PID Status User name CPU Memory (private working set) Commit size Description
spinnakerApp.exe 11632 Running rivers 01 264,636 K 303,436 K SpinnakerApp
Name PID Status User name CPU Memory (private working set) Commit size Description
spinnakerApp.exe 11632 Running rivers 00 266,348 K 305,184 K SpinnakerApp
So both the private working set and the Commit size increased by about 1700 KB for 1000 images, or about 1.7 KB per image.
It seems that this problem occurs on both Linux and Windows.
I've tested with a small program derived from the BufferHandling.cpp delivered with the SDK/also in ADSpinnaker. I configured it to just trigger and read one camera 1000x, and here I saw no memory increase during the read loop, just some small increase before.
I also could not reproduce the problem with the spinView QT application. So maybe the problem is not inside the SDK after all? Here is the code I used:
I tested the behavior with ADAravis, and observed the same thing. So it appears likely to me this is something rooted in the ADGenICam code, rather than in the code of the SDK.
I tested the behavior with ADAravis, and observed the same thing.
That's what I was going to test next, so thanks for doing it,
I have done another test which I believe proves that the issue has nothing to do with the TriggerSoftware PV, or even with image acquisition at all. I wrote a script which continuously writes 0.05 to the AcquireTime PV at about 100Hz, when TriggerMode=Off and acquisition is stopped. I see a growth in RES that continues as long as the script is running. The ReadStatus.SCAN PV was Passive when doing this.
I can also reproduce the problem by simply setting ReadStatus.SCAN to 0.1 second. I see RES increase by about 256 KB every few 10s of seconds.
This looks like a memory leak in the code that reads GenICam feature values.
I believe I have fixed the problem. The problem occurred with GenICam enum features. The main problem was that epicsStrDup was being called when it did not need to be, and the duplicated string was never freed. I also fixed an issue where unneeded enum callbacks were being done, and I made the code internally consistent regarding when an enum feature is set to have a single "N.A." state, i.e. when it is not implemented, or is not available, or is not readable.
I have pushed the fix to the master branch.
I have merged the spinnaker2.4 branch into master, so it is now using SDK version (Linux) and (Windows).
I believe I have fixed the problem. The problem occurred with GenICam enum features. The main problem was that epicsStrDup was being called when it did not need to be, and the duplicated string was never freed. I also fixed an issue where unneeded enum callbacks were being done, and I made the code internally consistent regarding when an enum feature is set to have a single "N.A." state, i.e. when it is not implemented, or is not available, or is not readable.
I have pushed the fix to the master branch.
Great, thanks for looking into this. I will test this and let you know.
I have merged the spinnaker2.4 branch into master, so it is now using SDK version (Linux) and (Windows).
I compiled the new 2.4 version of the ADSpinnaker on linux, but still could not get it to run with my camera. I get a segfault:
# ADSpinnakerConfig(const char *portName, const char *cameraId, int numSPBuffers,
# size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)
ADSpinnakerConfig("SP1", 16119088,1)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
(independent on the stackSize)
ADSpinnakerConfig("SP1", 16119088,1)
In that command you are setting numSPBuffers=1. Try removing the last argument completely, which will then use the default of 100 buffers.
If it still crashes then run the IOC under gdb
gdb ../../bin/linux-x86_64/spinnakerApp
run st.cmd
(wait to get the segfault)
@rettigl be sure to do the following when you rebuild the new release of ADSpinnaker:
make clean uninstall
make -sj
I forgot to mention that the fix for the memory leak is not in ADSpinnaker, it is in ADGenICam. You also need to get the master branch of ADGenICam and build that before you build ADSpinnaker.
@rettigl be sure to do the following when you rebuild the new release of ADSpinnaker:
make clean uninstall make -sj
Thanks, that apparently did the trick. I did a "make clean" before, but not uninstall. Did not know this was necessary... Now it runs.
In that command you are setting numSPBuffers=1. Try removing the last argument completely, which will then use the default of 100 buffers.
With my camera, I experienced that the default of 100 Framebuffers does not work. Depending on settings, only values of 20-40 or so work:
ADSpinnakerConfig("SP1", 16119088)
2021/05/26 15:58:12.649 ADSpinnaker::connectCamera exception Spinnaker: GenICam::OutOfRangeException= Value = 100 must be equal or smaller than Max = 26. : OutOfRangeException thrown in node 'StreamBufferCountManual' while calling 'StreamBufferCountManual.SetValue()' (file 'IntegerT.h', line 79) [-2002]
2021/05/26 15:58:12.649 ADSpinnaker:ADSpinnaker: camera connection failed (3)
I forgot to mention that the fix for the memory leak is not in ADSpinnaker, it is in ADGenICam. You also need to get the master branch of ADGenICam and build that before you build ADSpinnaker.
Thanks, this I surely did before, however also without uninstall, but seemed to have worked.
The memory consumtion looks good now, this is in the triggered mode I used before:
I suppose we can close this then.
I did a "make clean" before, but not uninstall. Did not know this was necessary...
"uninstall" is not normally necessary. But in this case the vendor spinnaker library in spinnakerSupport/os/linux-x86_64/ uses the normal Linux soft links. When gnumake installs the files the soft links are lost. gnumake was probably confused about the file dates, and so it did not install the new spinnaker library when it should have. "uninstall" deletes the ADSpinnaker/lib directory and that fixes it.
I'm using a FLIR Blackfly BFLY-PGE-50A2C-CS GigE camera with areadetector and ADSpinnaker on linux Ubuntu 18.04 and epics 7 and quite recent github versions of support modules, which mostly works fine. However, I am experiencing the following strange behavior:
Because this camera cannot set the frame rate independently of the exposure time, I have built a work around using its software trigger, with the idea to set it to software trigger and use a bo soft channel with periodic scan to write to the "TriggerSoftware" PV of the camera (I only need low frame rates for monitoring, but small exposure times). This functionality all works well, however, with the problem that whenever I have the bo record repeatedly trigger the "TriggerSoftware" PV, the memory consumption of the ioc process starts to continously increase with a rate of around 7 mByte/hour at 1s Scan interval (the rate scales with the trigger frequency, the example below has a trigger frequency of 0.5 seconds). This does not happen if I stop the scanning of the softchannel, but it is independent of whether the camera is actually triggered or not "TriggerMode=Off or On". No plugins apart from an Image plugin are loaded. When I stop the acquisition of the camera, the memory consumption drops to a baseline and stays there constant, but if I resume acquisition later, it resumes at a higher memory consumtion, as if it was running all the time:
The definition of the softchannel PV is the following:
record(bo,"$(P)trigger") { field(DESC,"Camera trigger") field(VAL,1) field(OUT,"$(P)cam1:TriggerSoftware PP MS") field(SCAN,"1 second") }
Is this a bug in ADSpinnaker or the Spinnaker SDK, or am I doing something silly here?
Best, Laurenz