arechnitzer / CLP3

Repository for source files for CLP3 Multivariable Calculus
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definition of differentiability #56

Open cbm755 opened 11 months ago

cbm755 commented 11 months ago

I have not found---in CLP3---a definition of what it means for a fcn of two vars to be differentiable.

"Example 2.2.9. Optional — A Little Weirdness" flirts with this: partials existing when fcn is not cts. Some exercises too. But AFAICT its never resolved.

If I've missed something, please add a link after this example. "Somewhat counterintuitively, it would seem that having the two partials is not enough for a function to be differentiable! This is explained further in Sec X Y Z".

If its really not in the book it should be! An appendix?

arechnitzer commented 4 weeks ago

We will think about this an put in something. Likely we'll just say something like "This is out of scope for this text and the interested reader is invited to look at more advanced texts, such as Ruden (somewhere blah blah)"