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hAP Lite doesn't properly delete Tunnel client entries #1244

Open KenHorse opened 2 months ago

KenHorse commented 2 months ago

Press DEL button of an existing tunnel client entry appears to be deleted after clicking Save Changes but isn't actually deleted. Browser is FireFox with all latest updates

1) Click DEL button 2) Click Save Changes and wait for confirmation 3) Navigate to other weblink (such as Basic Setup) 4) Return to Tunnel Client link and "deleted" entry is still there.

(a friend noticed this behavior in his hAP)

k1ky commented 2 months ago

Same issue here on one particular HAP ac Lite - For the past many nightlies, deletion of a Tunnel Client entry comes back after refresh of screen. Behavior has been observed on this node only. Other HAP devices function correctly as expected. supportdata-W0ADD-HAP-150-BURNS-202406251849.tar.gz

aanon4 commented 2 months ago

Assuming this is not happening on all nodes, you can tell me how to reproduce it?

k1ky commented 2 months ago

That's a great question Tim - I think maybe there is old tunnel entry info buried somewhere within the node config files that should have been blanked out during deletion. I'm just chiming in on the original report since the submitter isn't alone with this issue. Can you tell me where all of the tunnel client entries are stored and I can maybe research to see what hasn't been cleared,

aanon4 commented 2 months ago

Look in the file /etc/config.mesh/vtun and you should see various lines of data, but the ones which matter begin config server. If you find lines without a corresponding name, (eg. config server 'server_0' is correct, but config server is not) then these lines are broken and must be removed by hand.

I dont know how they end up in these files - we don't write them like that.

k1ky commented 2 months ago

That got it! I found a config server section with no 'server x' designation that included information from a previous rename of the node. I deleted that section and all now appears to be stable without bringing back "old" tunnel client entries. I'm pretty sure this was probably a result of a past node renaming under previous firmware that had some issues with vtun entries. Probably "NOT" a bug in current firmware, rather some sort of ghost from previous upgrades.

k1ky commented 2 months ago

Kenhorse - I can probably help you resolve this issue if you haven't already fixed it based on the tips from Tim above. Feel free to contact me direct and we can get you fixed up and close this issue.

k1ky commented 1 month ago

The issue originator (Kenhorse) AH6LE has NOT responded to my offer for assistance. I suggest closing this issue as I don't think it's a "bug" rather a result of an upgrade corruption introduced from a prior upgrade. I have made direct contact - pending response.

Rob-HB9XBO commented 1 week ago

Same problem on a Miktrotik ac3: duplicate tunnel client entry refuses to disappear, and another possibly related problem - just viewing Tunnel SERVER entries causes the Server-Name to be lost and the Network-Adresses to be changed EVERY TIME..

aanon4 commented 1 week ago

Did the solution proposed earlier in this issue not fix your problem?

Rob-HB9XBO commented 1 week ago

Duplicate client was removed - thanks

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

Latest result. hAP is nightly 20240831-638bc9a. It had 2 tunnel clients defined, one legacy and one Wireguard and only the Wiregard is active. Clicked the DEL button next to the inactive legacy tunnel and when the hAP "came back", the inactive legacy tunnel was still listed but the WG one was gone. HOWEVER, the WG tunnel is still active. So as a test, rebooted hAP and no change. WG tunnel still active but not listed and legacy tunnel inactive but listed. This is an AC Lite

aanon4 commented 6 days ago

Want to confirm this is via the new UI?

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

The new UI doesn't allow for navigation on this particular hAP Lite. In other words, there is no way to get to the tunnels (either server or client) page on the new UI. I mouseover the usual spots but they don't highlight (darken). Would a screenshot be helpful?

k1ky commented 6 days ago

Confirm that you are logged into the unit?

KenHorse commented 6 days ago


aanon4 commented 6 days ago

@KenHorse I dont understand your navigation issue. No reason the new UI and hAP Lite shouldnt work together - they're certainly working fine on the one in front of me right now. Could you post a screen shot of the whole status page? Thanks.

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

I agree. They work fine on my own hAP AC2. Anyway, screencap attached (i think this is the page you wanted) Randy's

aanon4 commented 6 days ago

You are not logged in. If you were the little figure in the top / right would have a circle round it and the popup menu would say logout rather than login.

aanon4 commented 6 days ago

@KenHorse On the tunnel question itself, did you ever contact @k1ky when he reached out to you in June? He has some experience with faulty tunnel configs. Also, could you attached your support data here so I can also look? Thanks.

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

Firstly I am logged in (had to use the old GUI to do it however). Secondly, I updated my bug report today and made Tom aware of it

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

Here is the support file from the hAP in question supportdata-KH6COM-3-WAILUKU-HAP-EOC-TEST-202408311547.tar.gz

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

I think I see what is going on here.

On my hAP (ac2), I can log in using either the old or new UI and you're logged in both. On my buddy's hAP (Lite), you have to specifically log into the new UI to have access using IT. I originally logged in using the old UI and that gives me full access via the old UI but not the new one. Not until I specifically logged in using the new UI did I have full access using it. Hope this helps

aanon4 commented 6 days ago

On my hAP (ac2), I can log in using either the old or new UI and you're logged in both.

So no, it doesnt work that way as the mechanisms are completely different.

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

It does on MY hAP ac2. Want that support file?

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

Here it is, just in case supportdata-AH6LE-HAP-202408311901.tar.gz

aanon4 commented 6 days ago

Not sure what I can say - I wrote the code - one uses cookies the other uses basic authentication. They are not compatible and neither UI understands anything about the other.

KenHorse commented 6 days ago

Don't know what I can say either. I'm just reporting what I'm experiencing

K5RA commented 6 days ago

Experiment just performed on hAP ac lite running latest (20240831) nightly:

  1. Logged in on new UI. Went to old UI, was not logged in.
  2. Went to new UI, logged out. Went to old UI and logged in (Setup screen).
  3. Went back to new UI, was not logged in. Logged in to new UI. Now I am logged in to both.

I think my results agree with Tim W's observations. Maybe if you logged out of both new (click logout) and old UIs (reboot?) then log in on new UI and repeat this test.

aanon4 commented 6 days ago

Clicked the DEL button next to the inactive legacy tunnel and when the hAP "came back", the inactive legacy tunnel was still listed but the WG one was gone.

Just to confirm the steps listed above; did you click the DEL button next to the inactive legacy tunnel, then hit the Save button and then wait for the hAP to come back?

KenHorse commented 5 days ago

I have figured out the login issue(s).

Being logged into the old UI does eventually time out after x amount of time and you must log in again. The new UI does not appear to log me out, even after 8 to 10 hours. Hence the confusion about logging into one logs into both. (when first connecting to this hAP, I am always presented the old UI because I use a bookmark. I edited it and am now presented the new UI)

As for the original tunnel deletion issue, yes. SAVE was clicked after and the hAP rebooted on its own. When I noticed the wrong tunnel entry appeared to have been deleted, I rebooted again in an attempt to correct it