areebbeigh / RSS2IRC

An IRC bot that'll return feeds from an RSS feed to 1 or more IRC channels. The bot has a couple of commands (admin and public) too.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 6 forks source link

RSS2IRC flood the channel #6

Closed YamashitaRen closed 7 years ago

YamashitaRen commented 7 years ago

RSS2IRC print the latest feed, every 2 minutes. It should print it only once, when a new entry is created.

From the chan :

[11:30:54] --> [RSS]Cassandre (~Cassandre@285D2ECA.37E883BE.45B6C803.IP) a rejoint #Genshiken
[11:30:54] <[RSS]Cassandre> [RSS]Cassandre Now Online - Checking latest feed - !feed help to view commands
[11:30:54] <[RSS]Cassandre> [GSK]Yolocr-OCR |
[11:32:59] <[RSS]Cassandre> [RSS]Cassandre Now Online - Checking latest feed - !feed help to view commands
[11:32:59] <[RSS]Cassandre> [GSK]Yolocr-OCR |
[11:33:28] <YamashitaRen> k
[11:33:38] <-- [RSS]Cassandre (~Cassandre@285D2ECA.37E883BE.45B6C803.IP) est parti (Remote host closed the connection)

From the console :

[':[RSS]Cassandre!~Cassandre@285D2ECA.37E883BE.45B6C803.IP', 'JOIN', ':#Genshiken']
Joined to: set()
Kicked from: set()
['', '332', '[RSS]Cassandre', '#Genshiken', ':Releases', ':', 'card', 'captor', 'Sakura??', '|Macross', 'Delta', 'complete', '|', 'Tricksters', '17/24', '|', 'Kab$neri', 'complete', '(BD)', '|', 'Genshiken', 'Nidaime', '04/13', 'on', 'need', 'un', 'enco', '|', '', '|', 'USA', 'MAKE', 'AMERICA', 'GREAT', 'AGAIN', '|', $YoloCR', ':', '']
['', '333', '[RSS]Cassandre', '#Genshiken', 'Shuuta!', '1486578119']
['', '353', '[RSS]Cassandre', '=', '#Genshiken', ':[RSS]Cassandre', '@YamashitaRen', '@Tintalle', '@cavallone', '@Shuuta', 'Nala_Alan', 'Alexandre1er', 'Usavich', 'Muse-Kami-Sama', '@AnimeHQ', '+[XDCC]Genshiken|NEW']
['', '366', '[RSS]Cassandre', '#Genshiken', ':End', 'of', '/NAMES', 'list.']

['PING', '']
Responded to PING

[':YamashitaRen!', 'PRIVMSG', '#Genshiken', ':k']

Everytime the console shows "Responded to PING", rss2irc flood the channel with the entry message.

The chan is #Genshiken on

areebbeigh commented 7 years ago

Ah, it was a silly mistake. The problem's fixed now. Thanks for the report. Feel free to open a new issue if you find any other problems.

YamashitaRen commented 7 years ago

Doesn't seem fixed unforunately :/

[':YamashitaRen!', 'PRIVMSG', '#Genshiken', ':!feed']

['PING', '']
Responded to PING
[Channel Check] Joining #Genshiken

[':Kaccinko!', 'JOIN', ':#Genshiken']
Joined to: set()
Kicked from: set()
[Channel Check] Joining #Genshiken

[':YamashitaRen!', 'PRIVMSG', '#Genshiken', ':rofl']
[Channel Check] Joining #Genshiken

['PING', '']
Responded to PING
[Channel Check] Joining #Genshiken

I guess the bot send the message every "[Channel Check] Joining #Genshiken"...