arempe93 / bunny-mock

A mock client for RabbitMQ modeled after the Bunny client in ruby
MIT License
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Examples for raising errors #10

Open dsandstrom opened 8 years ago

dsandstrom commented 8 years ago

Can you provide an example on how to raise Bunny::ConnectionClosedError and Bunny::TCPConnectionFailed errors. I'm having trouble getting these to fire.

Maybe something like:

it 'should route messages from exchanges' do
  channel =

  xchg = channel.topic 'xchg.topic'
  queue = channel.queue 'queue.test'

  queue.bind xchg
  allow(xchg).to receive(:publish).and_raise(Bunny::ConnectionClosedError)
  xchg.publish 'Routed message', routing_key: '*.test'

  expect(queue.message_count).to eq(1)
  expect(queue.pop[:message]).to eq('Routed message')
arempe93 commented 8 years ago

Hmmm....perhaps I can have a toggle to simulate certain errors. Something like


expect {  xchg.publish('Routed message', routing_key: '*.test') }.to raise_error(Bunny::ConnectionClosedError)
expect(error_handler).to do_stuff

I'll have to look at this and the relevant Bunny code to see what the actual implementation of that might look like tonight