arendst / Sonoff-MQTT-OTA-Arduino

Provide ESP8266 based itead Sonoff with Web, MQTT and OTA firmware using Arduino IDE - Now EOL
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Sonoff Touch two presses #261

Open Beetle-II opened 7 years ago

Beetle-II commented 7 years ago

Hello! Not work two,three and more short presses on Sonoff Touch. This is normal?

arendst commented 7 years ago

It might not work as the sonoff touch button works a bit differently. I'll need time to investigate.

maizim commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue and i will be very happy, if you could solve this problem. Because my wife - and i can understand this - don´t like this button because of needing more then one attempt to switch the light on or of! Thank you for this great projekt!!

mdelpire commented 7 years ago

Hi, Thanks a lot for this amazing job working perfectly. I confirm the fact that the button needs to be pressed twice in order to trigger the siwtch.

arendst commented 7 years ago

Can you send the output of command status 0?

mdelpire commented 7 years ago

Here you are :)

15:46:46 HTTP: Handle console 15:46:46 MQTT: Receive topic cmnd/sonoffTouch/status, data size 1, data 0 15:46:46 MQTT: DataCb Topic sonoffTouch, Group 0, Index 1, Type STATUS, Data 0 (0) 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = 3.1.1, 1, sonoffTouch, 0, POWER, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = PRM: Baudrate 115200, GroupTopic sonoff2s, OtaUrl, Uptime 309 Hr, BootCount 18, SaveCount 258 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = FWR: Program 3.1.1, Boot 4, SDK 1.5.3(aec24ac9) 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = LOG: Seriallog 4, Weblog 4, Syslog 4, LogHost, SSId1 WiFi-2.4-950F, Password1 xxxxxxxxxxxxx, SSId2 indebuurt2, Password2 VnsqrtnrsddbrN, TelePeriod 300 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = MEM: ProgramSize 385kB, Free 552kB (Heap 13kB), SpiffsStart 940kB (64kB), FlashSize 1024kB (1024kB) 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = NET: Host sonoffTouch-3383, IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, Mac 60:01:94:82:ED:37, Webserver 2, WifiConfig 1 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = MQT: Host, Port 1883, Client DVES_%06X (DVES_82ED37), User DVES_USER, Password DVES_PASS, MAX_PACKET_SIZE 400, KEEPALIVE 15 15:46:46 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/RESULT = TIM: UTC Sun Jan 22 14:46:46 2017, Local Sun Jan 22 15:46:46 2017, StartDST Sun Mar 26 02:00:00 2017, EndDST Sun Oct 29 03:00:00 2017

arendst commented 7 years ago

I see no strange config errors. If I touch once it just switches as does tapping it twice too as expected:

16:29:18 APP: Multipress 1
16:29:18 MQTT: stat/touch1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
16:29:18 MQTT: stat/touch1/POWER = ON
16:29:18 Config: Saved configuration (1160 bytes) to flash at F7 and count 38
16:29:27 APP: Multipress 1
16:29:28 MQTT: stat/touch1/RESULT = {"POWER":"OFF"}
16:29:28 MQTT: stat/touch1/POWER = OFF
16:29:28 Config: Saved configuration (1160 bytes) to flash at F8 and count 39
16:29:29 APP: Multipress 1
16:29:30 APP: Multipress 2
16:29:30 MQTT: stat/touch1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
16:29:30 MQTT: stat/touch1/POWER = ON
16:29:30 Config: Saved configuration (1160 bytes) to flash at F7 and count 40

If you try to switch your touch how many APP: Multipress x do you see?

mdelpire commented 7 years ago

Here is the log when I press twice the button to switch the light on :

16:42:09 APP: Multipress 1 16:42:10 MQTT: domoticz/in = {"idx":11, "nvalue":1, "svalue":""} 16:42:10 MQTT: stat/sonoffTouch/POWER = ON 16:42:10 Config: Saved configuration (924 bytes) to flash at F7 and count 260 16:42:10 MQTT: Receive topic domoticz/out, data size 211, data { "Battery" : 255, "RSSI" : 12, "dtype" : "Light/Switch", "id" : "0001405B", "idx" : 11, "name" : "Entrée", "nvalue" : 1, "stype" : "Switch", "switchType" :

What's the frequency when you press twice your button? do you "double click" or do you press twice with one seconde in between? I need to press it with one seconde in between.

arendst commented 7 years ago

If I tap the button twice with more than 1 second interval it switches on at the first tap and off at the second tap. If I tap it quickly (within 1 second as that is the window I allow for multipress) then it receives two presses showing by multipress and switches the relay as expected as it executes the second tap option:

What happens if you tap it twice within 1 second?

mdelpire commented 7 years ago

Well strange enough... now if I click once it works multipress1 and if I click twice quickly it's multipress 2... I don't get it... I'll try to check again later... It's like now it's awake so it works directly but otherwise, the first click is to wake it up...

maizim commented 7 years ago

I would only like to press the button once and the light should go on or off. I thought yes it is s.Sensor, but I simply do not find regularity. Sometimes the light goes with a touch and then I need again several attempts to switch the light. It is very strange.

arendst commented 7 years ago

Stop logging too many on too many media. I guess your touch is not connected to serial anymore so set seriallog to 0. Having syslog set to 4 with domoticz flooding MQTT is a path to disaster too. set it to 2 at most. When done debugging also set weblog to 2.

Now you should be able to enjoy your sonoff touch with just a single tap (I hope...)

mdelpire commented 7 years ago

Hi, I stoped all the logs (set to 0 for serial, syslog and web) but still the same behaviour... 90% of the time, two presses are needed.

maizim commented 7 years ago

For me it is the same. It seems like the touchfunction is a little bit more sensitiv, but i often need more attemps to switch the light. Can I reduce traffic, if i disable other functions (e.g. mqtt)?

maizim commented 7 years ago

Today, i have tested another thin script and it runs smooth and every touch is successfull. Then i have cross tested the actual version 3.2.13 and i have the same problems with the touch. I think, this super script is to big for the touch (and the prozessor). Is there a possility to make it smaller? I don´t need the whole support of this firmware for the touch. I think a web-interface and the possibility to control the device with http: requests (e.g. http://sonoff/ is perfect for me and it could be working nice and smooth without probles. Thanx for your great work!

arendst commented 7 years ago

Try and disable MQTT and Wemo and Hue in the web interface or just don't compile them in.

Same for this version though, just disable MQTT in user_config.h

maizim commented 7 years ago

Now, I am back on 3.1.9, because the higher version "kills" the sonoff touch". After some the device is suddenly unreachable. I can only reactivate the sonoff touch by flashing it again! My first question is, where in the user_config.h can I disable the MQTT? And second can I flash it ota, after exporting it to a bin-file? thanx ;-)


I´ve tried the Tasmota, but after the first reboot (choose touch) the sonoff don´t want to restart. No more function - I think I must flash again.

dtavares07 commented 7 years ago

Can you guys tell me in witch gpio the touch button is connected to?

Best regards, Daniel Tavares