Closed soosp closed 3 years ago
The compilation process for the standard Tasmota uses the _my_userconfig.h and _user_configoverride.h. If you set platformio.ini to compile any other firmware type different than the standard, the compilation process will apply several #define
and #undef
specified at _tasmotaconfigurations.h file.
So, you should use _user_configoverride.h undefining everything you don't want and defining what you actually need, and compiling the standard version of Tasmota (as explained in the docs and in old issues).
Tasmota-Lite.bin is the smallest version with as few useful features as possible, so it is an inteded behaviour that TLS (memory and flash hungry) is disabled there.
Closing this issue as it is duplicated. Sorry.
See Docs for more information. See Chat for more user experience. See Code of Conduct See Contributing Guideline and Policy.
Yes, but tasmota_configurations.h processed after the my_user_config.h and user_config_override.h (see include/tasmota_options.h), so you can't override any #undef
in tasmota_configurations.h from these files.
Exactly. As designed.
You need to use the procedure explained in the docs that is:
1- Edit ONLY the _user_configoverride.h file. Add what you need AND disable what you don't need. 2- Compile standard Tasmota. Not the Lite version.
I have read the docs and usually I use it this way. Now I decided to use the lite version because I need a firmware with TLS for a Sonoff Basic. If you enable TLS, you won't able to upload the binary over the firmware minimal. With Tasmota version 9.2 it worked, but the version 9.5 with TLS is too big for Sonoff Basic. Alternatively it may be useful if it would be possible to enable or disable feature sets (e.g. #undef USE_SENSORS
Sorry, but that way of compiling is not as the one designed.
The documented and supported compilation procedure is:
0- Download the source code 1- Edit ONLY the _user_configoverride.h file 2- Hit compile in Platformio
That will compile the standard Tasmota with the #UNDEFs
and with the #DEFINEs
of your own _user_configoverride.h file
Changing user_config_override.h + use a predefined set of features like Tasmota-Lite is NOT SUPPORTED.
So, you need to just edit your _user_configoverride.h file and add at the bottom of the file (just above the last line of the file: #endif // _USER_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_H_
// ADD HERE YOUR DESIRED FEATURES TO BE ENABLED - And also the configurations you want
#define USE_MQTT_TLS
// ADD HERE YOUR DESIRED FEATURES TO BE DISABLED - In this example there are less features than the Lite version, so this will be better for your Sonoff Basic.
#undef USE_ARDUINO_OTA // Disable support for Arduino OTA
#undef USE_DOMOTICZ // Disable Domoticz
#undef USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Disable Home Assistant
#undef USE_KNX // Disable KNX IP Protocol Support
//#undef USE_WEBSERVER // Disable Webserver
#undef USE_ENHANCED_GUI_WIFI_SCAN // Disable wifi scan output with BSSID (+0k5 code)
#undef USE_WEBSEND_RESPONSE // Disable command WebSend response message (+1k code)
//#undef USE_EMULATION // Disable Wemo or Hue emulation
//#undef USE_EMULATION_HUE // Disable Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (+14k code, +2k mem common)
//#undef USE_EMULATION_WEMO // Disable Belkin WeMo emulation for Alexa (+6k code, +2k mem common)
#undef USE_CUSTOM // Disable Custom features
#undef USE_DISCOVERY // Disable Discovery services for both MQTT and web server
//#undef USE_TIMERS // Disable support for up to 16 timers
//#undef USE_TIMERS_WEB // Disable support for timer webpage
//#undef USE_SUNRISE // Disable support for Sunrise and sunset tools
//#undef USE_RULES // Disable support for rules
#undef USE_SCRIPT // Add support for script (+17k code)
#undef ROTARY_V1 // Disable support for MI Desk Lamp
#undef USE_SONOFF_RF // Disable support for Sonoff Rf Bridge (+3k2 code)
#undef USE_RF_FLASH // Disable support for flashing the EFM8BB1 chip on the Sonoff RF Bridge. C2CK must be connected to GPIO4, C2D to GPIO5 on the PCB
#undef USE_SONOFF_SC // Disable support for Sonoff Sc (+1k1 code)
#undef USE_TUYA_MCU // Disable support for Tuya Serial MCU
#undef USE_ARMTRONIX_DIMMERS // Disable support for Armtronix Dimmers (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_PS_16_DZ // Disable support for PS-16-DZ Dimmer and Sonoff L1 (+2k code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_IFAN // Disable support for Sonoff iFan02 and iFan03 (+2k code)
#undef USE_BUZZER // Disable support for a buzzer (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_ARILUX_RF // Disable support for Arilux RF remote controller
#undef USE_SHUTTER // Disable Shutter support for up to 4 shutter with different motortypes (+6k code)
#undef USE_DEEPSLEEP // Disable support for deepsleep (+1k code)
#undef USE_EXS_DIMMER // Disable support for EX-Store WiFi Dimmer
#undef USE_HOTPLUG // Disable support for HotPlug
#undef USE_DEVICE_GROUPS // Disable support for device groups (+3k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER // Disable support for MJ-SD01/acenx/NTONPOWER PWM dimmers (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_PWM_DIMMER_REMOTE // Disbale support for remote switches to PWM Dimmer
#undef USE_KEELOQ // Disable support for Jarolift rollers by Keeloq algorithm (+4k5 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_D1 // Disable support for Sonoff D1 Dimmer (+0k7 code)
#undef USE_LIGHT_VIRTUAL_CT // Disable support for Virtual White Color Temperature (SO106)
#undef USE_LIGHT // Also disable all Dimmer/Light support
#undef USE_WS2812 // Disable WS2812 Led string using library NeoPixelBus (+5k code, +1k mem, 232 iram) - Disable by //
#undef USE_MY92X1 // Disable support for MY92X1 RGBCW led controller as used in Sonoff B1, Ailight and Lohas
#undef USE_SM16716 // Disable support for SM16716 RGB LED controller (+0k7 code)
#undef USE_SM2135 // Disable support for SM2135 RGBCW led control as used in Action LSC (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SONOFF_L1 // Disable support for Sonoff L1 led control
#undef USE_ELECTRIQ_MOODL // Disable support for ElectriQ iQ-wifiMOODL RGBW LED controller
#undef USE_LIGHT_PALETTE // Disable support for color palette (+0k9 code)
#undef USE_SHELLY_DIMMER // Disable support for Shelly Dimmer (+3k code)
#undef USE_COUNTER // Disable counters
#define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices
#undef USE_DS18x20 // Disable DS18x20 sensor
#undef USE_I2C // Disable all I2C sensors and devices
#undef USE_SPI // Disable all SPI devices
#undef USE_DISPLAY // Disable Display support
#undef USE_MHZ19 // Disable support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_SENSEAIR // Disable support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor
#undef USE_PMS5003 // Disable support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_NOVA_SDS // Disable support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_HPMA // Disable support for Honeywell HPMA115S0 particle concentration sensor
#undef USE_SR04 // Disable support for HC-SR04 ultrasonic devices (+1k code)
#undef USE_DYP // Disable support for DYP ME-007 ultrasonic distance sensor, serial port version (+0k5 code)
#undef USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Disable support for software Serial Bridge
#undef USE_MP3_PLAYER // Disable DFPlayer Mini MP3 Player RB-DFR-562 commands: play, volume and stop
#undef USE_AZ7798 // Disable support for AZ-Instrument 7798 CO2 datalogger
#undef USE_PN532_HSU // Disable support for PN532 using HSU (Serial) interface (+1k8 code, 140 bytes mem)
#undef USE_ZIGBEE // Disable serial communication with Zigbee CC2530 flashed with ZNP
#undef USE_RDM6300 // Disable support for RDM6300 125kHz RFID Reader (+0k8)
#undef USE_IBEACON // Disable support for bluetooth LE passive scan of ibeacon devices (uses HM17 module)
#undef USE_GPS // Disable support for GPS and NTP Server for becoming Stratus 1 Time Source (+ 3.1kb flash, +132 bytes RAM)
#undef USE_HM10 // (ESP8266 only) Disable support for HM-10 as a BLE-bridge for the LYWSD03 (+5k1 code)
#undef USE_BLE_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for native BLE on ESP32 - use new driver
#undef USE_MI_ESP32 // (ESP32 only) Disable support for ESP32 as a BLE-bridge (+9k2 mem, +292k flash)
#undef USE_HRXL // Disable support for MaxBotix HRXL-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finders (+0k7)
#undef USE_TASMOTA_CLIENT // Disable support for Arduino Uno/Pro Mini via serial interface including flashing (+2k3 code, 44 mem)
#undef USE_OPENTHERM // Disable support for OpenTherm (+15k code)
#undef USE_MIEL_HVAC // Disable support for Mitsubishi Electric HVAC serial interface (+5k code)
#undef USE_PROJECTOR_CTRL // Disable support for LCD/DLP Projector serial control interface
#undef USE_ENERGY_SENSOR // Disable energy sensors
#undef USE_PZEM004T // Disable PZEM004T energy sensor
#undef USE_PZEM_AC // Disable PZEM014,016 Energy monitor
#undef USE_PZEM_DC // Disable PZEM003,017 Energy monitor
#undef USE_MCP39F501 // Disable MCP39F501 Energy monitor as used in Shelly 2
#undef USE_SDM72 // Disable support for Eastron SDM72-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM120 // Disable support for Eastron SDM120-Modbus energy meter
#undef USE_SDM630 // Disable support for Eastron SDM630-Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_DDS2382 // Disable support for Hiking DDS2382 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_DDSU666 // Disable support for Chint DDSU666 Modbus energy monitor (+0k6 code)
#undef USE_SOLAX_X1 // Disable support for Solax X1 series Modbus log info (+3k1 code)
#undef USE_LE01MR // Disable support for F&F LE-01MR Modbus energy meter (+2k code)
#undef USE_TELEINFO // Disable support for French Energy Provider metering telemetry
#undef USE_IEM3000 // Disable support for Schneider Electric iEM3000-Modbus series energy monitor (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_WE517 // Disable support for Orno WE517-Modbus energy monitor (+1k code)
#undef USE_DHT // Disable support for DHT11, AM2301 (DHT21, DHT22, AM2302, AM2321) and SI7021 Temperature and Humidity sensor
#undef USE_MAX31855 // Disable MAX31855 K-Type thermocouple sensor using softSPI
#undef USE_MAX31865 // Disable support for MAX31865 RTD sensors using softSPI
#undef USE_IR_REMOTE // Disable IR driver
#undef USE_TM1638 // Disable support for TM1638 switches copying Switch1 .. Switch8
#undef USE_HX711 // Disable support for HX711 load cell
#undef USE_TX20_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX20 anemometer
#undef USE_TX23_WIND_SENSOR // Disable support for La Crosse TX23 anemometer
#undef USE_WINDMETER // Disable support for analog anemometer (+2k2 code)
#undef USE_RC_SWITCH // Disable support for RF transceiver using library RcSwitch
#undef USE_RF_SENSOR // Disable support for RF sensor receiver (434MHz or 868MHz) (+0k8 code)
#undef USE_HRE // Disable support for Badger HR-E Water Meter (+1k4 code)
#undef USE_A4988_STEPPER // Disable support for A4988_Stepper
#undef USE_THERMOSTAT // Disable support for Thermostat
#undef DEBUG_THEO // Disable debug code
If you are struggling compiling, it is recommended to use instead Tasmocompiler that is a Graphical Interface to select which features you want and which ones you don't want to be added. The compilation with Tasmocompiler is very straight forward. Please check Tasmota documentation for more help on that. Thanks.
Thanks for the suggested solution. It was clear for me before. The disadvantage of this method that you have to check the whole feature set if a new version of Tasmota is released. I prefer to define only the diferences of my stuff to a predefined set. It results clear an easy to read custom configs.
If you set FIRMWARE_LITE flag you are not able to enable USE_MQTT_TLS option but only editing tasmota_configurations.h
Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!
Backlog Template; Module; GPIO 255
:Status 0
Try to compile with options
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. tasmota-lite.bin (aka. tasmota without sensors) with tls support
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Add any other context about the problem here. If you comment out
in the tasmota-lite.bin section of tasmota_configurations.h it solves the issue. In this way users don't have to edit tasmota_configurations.h. This solution does not hurt the precompiled binaries because they compiled without TLS support (without-DUSE_MQTT_TLS
).(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)