Closed lboue closed 1 year ago
I add to compile a custom build and add the following to user_config_override.h:
#define USE_AHT2x // [I2cDriver43] Enable AHT20/AM2301B instead of AHT1x humidity and temperature sensor (I2C address 0x38) (+0k8 code)
Now it works fine:
00:00:00.682 I2C: BMP280 found at 0x77
00:00:00.731 I2C: AHT2X found at 0x38
BMP280 Temperature 27.1 °C
BMP280 Pressure 1016.7 hPa
AHT2X Temperature 25.2 °C
AHT2X Humidity 47.1 %
AHT2X Dew point 13.1 °C
In addition to building to make the needed driver available, It is not unexpected that a sensor driver may react to the wrong sensor when they use the same I2C address. The general "cure" for such is to disable to unwanted sensor driver, using the I2CDriver command, like I2CDriver12 0
to disable the VEML6070 driver.
Thus, there is no issue to be fixed.
Hello. I'm trying to connect the AHT20+BMP280 sensor to Tasmata 13.1.0 "Sensors". The "status 0" command does not show the number 43 in the list of available drivers. As a result, the BMP280 sensor works, but the AHT 20 does not work. When I experimented, I disabled all the drivers, but it didn't help. What driver should there be for device 43?
02:16:27.706 CMD: i2cscan
02:16:27.728 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/RESULT = {"I2CScan":"Device(s) found at 0x38 0x77"}
02:17:31.104 CMD: status 0
02:17:31.112 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":4,"DeviceName":"Sonoff","FriendlyName":["Sonoff"],"Topic":"sonoff_th10","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":1,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":1,"LedMask":"FFFF","SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"SwitchTopic":"0","SwitchMode":[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],"ButtonRetain":0,"SwitchRetain":0,"SensorRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0,"InfoRetain":0,"StateRetain":0,"StatusRetain":0}}
02:17:31.119 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"SerialConfig":"8N1","GroupTopic":"sonoffs","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Software/System restart","Uptime":"0T00:31:46","StartupUTC":"2023-09-14T00:45:45","Sleep":50,"CfgHolder":4617,"BootCount":4190,"BCResetTime":"2023-08-09T05:51:37","SaveCount":4369,"SaveAddress":"FB000"}}
02:17:31.123 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"13.1.0(sensors)","BuildDateTime":"2023-08-15T07:59:54","Boot":7,"Core":"2_7_4_9","SDK":"2.2.2-dev(38a443e)","CpuFrequency":80,"Hardware":"ESP8266EX","CR":"355/699"}}
02:17:31.127 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":2,"WebLog":2,"MqttLog":0,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["New",""],"TelePeriod":300,"Resolution":"558180C0","SetOption":["00008009","2805C80001000600003C5A64002800000000","00000080","00006000","00004000","00000000"]}}
02:17:31.145 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":700,"Free":300,"Heap":16,"ProgramFlashSize":1024,"FlashSize":1024,"FlashChipId":"1420C2","FlashFrequency":40,"FlashMode":"DOUT","Features":["00000809","8F9A8787","0415A005","B7F7BFCF","05DA9BC4","64367CC7","00084052","20000000","54000020","0008C081"],"Drivers":"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,17,20,21,24,29,34,62,65,66,68","Sensors":"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,21,22,26,31,34,37,39,40,42,43,45,51,52,55,56,58,59,62,64,66,67,74,98,103,105","I2CDriver":"!7,!8,!9,!10,!11,!12,!13,!14,!15,!17,!18,!20,!24,!29,!31,!36,!41,!42,!44,!46,!48,!69,!76"}}
02:17:31.153 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"sonoff-th10-2216","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer1":"","DNSServer2":"","Mac":"CC:50:E3:52:E8:A8","Webserver":2,"HTTP_API":1,"WifiConfig":2,"WifiPower":17.0}}
02:17:31.159 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS6 = {"StatusMQT":{"MqttHost":"","MqttPort":1883,"MqttClientMask":"DVES_%06X","MqttClient":"DVES_52E8A8","MqttUser":"AndyMQTT","MqttCount":1,"MAX_PACKET_SIZE":1200,"KEEPALIVE":30,"SOCKET_TIMEOUT":4}}
02:17:31.165 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"2023-09-14T01:17:31","Local":"2023-09-14T02:17:31","StartDST":"2023-03-26T02:00:00","EndDST":"2023-10-29T03:00:00","Timezone":"+01:00","Sunrise":"06:25","Sunset":"19:06"}}
02:17:31.172 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2023-09-14T02:17:31"}}
02:17:31.178 MQT: stat/sonoff_th10/STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2023-09-14T02:17:31","Uptime":"0T00:31:46","UptimeSec":1906,"Heap":16,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":50,"LoadAvg":19,"MqttCount":1,"POWER":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"New","BSSId":"4E:5E:0C:52:E7:D7","Channel":3,"Mode":"11n","RSSI":100,"Signal":-36,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:03"}}}
@MrPedalkin "i2cdriver" don´t show driver 43, so you have to compile your own version of "tasmota.bin" with included driver "AHT20"
The numbers for Driver
and I2CDriver
are not the same, thus both are listed separately in the Status command output. "Driver" 43 is MLX90640. And Sensor
43 is a different thing again, HR-E, just to add to the entertainment :grin:
Hi, we are having the same problem in our project. We want to use the AHT2X sensor on a ESP32C3 chip (Tasmota version 13.1.0), but there is no way to make it works. Tasmota does not detect the AHT2X even though the #define USE_AHT2x line is defined and the VEML6070 sensor is disabled. Is this a bug or we need to do or add something else? This used to work in the previous Tamsota 12 version.
P.D: I2CScan command detects a sensor in the 0x38 address
The command I2CDriver does not show the number 43. I understand that the I2C Driver for the AHT2X sensor is the 43, right?
Right (same number for AHT1x too). Hence your build does not include the driver.
I have disabled the sensors that conflict with the AHT"X and the TSL2591 (the other sensor i want to use) with the following lines in the user_config_override file:
And then, add this line
This worked in tasmota 12. What I am missing?
Changing that in your binary build only applies if your flashing the firmware on a black target (or perform a full flash erase) On upgrading, this is not taken into account so check the result of the i2cdriver command and disable what you don't need
Yes, I'm doing a full erase before flashing the factory binary. I do not know what else can I try...
Ah I missed that you did that and that 43 is not there So indeed bad build or missed upgrade
Instead of #define USE_AHT2X
you should #define USE_AHT2x
There is no AHT2X sensor, but the driver supports sensors like AHT20 and AHT25.
Yep, that seems to be the problem, my bad... Thank you guys!
Struggling with the same AHT20 sensor not showing up - though I only have the one sensor attached.
In amongst definitions for WiFi and a Template I've added the following to the user config override (and the other parts are making their way into the image I'm flashing):
#undef USE_VEML6070 // UV sensor with conflicting I2C address
#define USE_AHT2x // [I2cDriver43] Enable AHT20/AM2301B instead of AHT1x humidity and temperature sensor (I2C address 0x38) (+0k8 code)
And I get:
CMD: i2cdriver
RSL: RESULT = {"I2CDriver":"!7,43"}
CMD: i2cscan
RSL: RESULT = {"I2CScan":"Device(s) found at 0x38"}
using gitpod, and using Tasmotizer to erase and flash each time, so should, I think, be a clean slate.
Without the undef on the VEML I get the UV sensor, and the i2cdriver12 0
disables that, but I can't get the AHT20 to show up.
What I don't see is I2C: AHT2X found at 0x38
(Though I do see I2C: VEML6070 found at 0x38
when that driver is enabled).
Am I just looking at a bad sensor?
Found this comment: And that change has worked with my AHT20.
A wrong sensor is detected on the i2C bus. My AHT20 + BMP280 combined sensor. It is reported as
It should be AHT20 + BMP280.
Here is the display:
Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!
Backlog Template; Module; GPIO 255
:Status 0
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
It should be reported as AHT20 + BMP280.
Add any other context about the problem here.
(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)