arendst / Tasmota

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
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Berry outputs invalid JSON (nan issue) #21296

Closed ouinouin closed 3 months ago

ouinouin commented 3 months ago


While issuing the berry command, and trying to parse it on my comptuter with JQ, i discovered that nan is not a subset of JSON spec, we should use instead "null" or another significant string if needed


- [ ] If using rules, provide the output of this command: `Backlog Rule1; Rule2; Rule3`:
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issue the command and parse the result in the jq command on a linux computer


replace nan by a valid json string or a null.



indeed i discovered this because i have nan on reactive power , and i couldn t see the apparent power in the json despite being available on tasmota

{'data_valid': 0, 'today_delta_kwh': 144, 'frequency_common': 0, 'power_history_0_3': 11, 'today_kwh_3': 0, 'today_offset_init_kwh': 1, 'frequency_3': nan, 'power_history_1_2': 0, 'data_valid_2': 0, 'max_voltage_flag': 0, 'reactive_power': nan, 'energy_active_export': 0, 'start_energy': 0, 'yesterday_sum': 0, 'command_code': 0, 'today_offset_kwh_3': 0, 'frequency_2': nan, 'start_energy_2': 0, 'data_valid_3': 0, 'min_power_flag': 0, 'voltage_available': 1, 'total': 0.00763, 'daily': 0.00763, 'today_kwh': 763, 'max_power_flag': 0, 'frequency': nan, 'voltage_2': 0, 'import_active': 0, 'period': 0.00724, 'import_active_3': 0, 'start_energy_3': 0, 'voltage': 231.435, 'power_history_2_2': 0, 'type_dc': 0, 'total_sum': 0.00763, 'export_active_2': nan, 'total_3': 0, 'power_history_1': 0, 'current_available': 1, 'today_delta_kwh_2': 0, 'max_energy_state': 0, 'total_2': 0, 'import_active_2': 0, 'daily_sum_import_balanced': 0.00763004, 'power_factor': nan, 'today_offset_kwh_2': 0, 'power_factor_3': nan, 'current_2': 0, 'export_active_3': nan, 'power_factor_2': nan, 'mplw_counter': 0, 'today_kwh_2': 0, 'today_delta_kwh_3': 0, 'reactive_power_2': nan, 'phase_count': 1, 'power_history_2_3': 0, 'daily_3': 0, 'current_3': 0, 'current': 0.120211, 'active_power_3': 0, 'apparent_power_3': nan, 'use_overtemp': 1, 'power_steady_counter': 0, 'voltage_3': 0, 'min_current_flag': 0, 'period_2': 0, 'reactive_power_3': nan, 'mplh_counter': 0, 'period_3': 0, 'daily_2': 0, 'daily_sum_export_balanced': 0, 'voltage_common': 0, 'active_power_2': 0, 'active_power': 9.96319, 'apparent_power_2': nan, 'export_active': nan, 'power_history_2': 0, 'today_offset_kwh': 0, 'power_on': 1, 'power_history_0_2': 11, 'power_history_0': 9, 'mplr_counter': 0, 'apparent_power': nan, 'fifth_second': 1, 'daily_sum': 0.00763, 'min_voltage_flag': 0, 'max_current_flag': 0, 'power_history_1_3': 0}

(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)

sfromis commented 3 months ago

You did not post any JSON from Tasmota, but instead something else.

However, it does look like using Berry math.nan does not get handled gracefully when converting to JSON, using json.dump()

import math,json
barbudor commented 3 months ago

Apparently NaN is invalid in JSON

sfromis commented 3 months ago

Yeah, values can only be strings, numbers, nested objects, arrays, true, false or null.

Jason2866 commented 3 months ago

The question is what is a good replacement for nan? null is not correct.

barbudor commented 3 months ago

it's the only thing allowed by JSON standard

barbudor commented 3 months ago

however it appears that python is using "Nan" and that seems to work with parsers

sfromis commented 3 months ago

A question may be if the "message" of math.nan in this case is "really" not-a-number, or maybe is not too far from null/nil, in the meaning of "missing".

Here's a workaround.....

import math,energy,json
for key: em.keys() if math.isnan(em[key]) em[key]=nil end end
var ej=json.dump(em)
s-hadinger commented 3 months ago

This is definitely a bug in the json module. Will fix it.

sfromis commented 3 months ago

Or maybe should not be using math.nan from the start?

s-hadinger commented 3 months ago

nan is anyways used in Tasmota

ouinouin commented 3 months ago

seems i lifted a debate :-) indeed, discovered that issue while playing with, and it doesnt reports the apparent and reactive power ( @s-hadinger shall i open a dedicated issue for that ?) , been reading the code but its above my competencies to track why it reports nan. another point of confusion regarding sticking or not to json, its the simple vs double quoting, to my understanding, normally json requires surrounding strings with double quotes and not single quotes, in commands like, and i guess all what is a map in berry is surrounded by single quotes. despite map is not advertised as being json compatible, it might be a good idea to stick to json standard :-). I leave it for the doers, since im just a sayer :-).

sfromis commented 3 months ago

As I already mentioned, what you initially posted is indeed not JSON, and Berry makes no claim to it being JSON. It is instead the result of calling the tostring() method of the class, which will be done when printing the instance, or using the str() function. Instead of it being JSON, it is a way of representing a map directly in Berry source code. Well, except for this not working with nan, without using math.nan.

That's why I was careful to talk about "converting to JSON, using json.dump()". Similarly, when you have some JSON in a string, you can convert it to a map using json.load()

I see the usage of single quote in the string representation of a map as a "reminder" that it is not JSON, even through Berry would also support using double quote as string delimiter. However, using double quote would still not result it in being valid JSON, as Berry is using nil instead of null, and also supports nan. Of course, the "JSON-like" representation of a map in Berry source code also supports expressions, including numbers as hex.

s-hadinger commented 3 months ago

The bug still exists in Berry json.dump:

import json
import math
# outputs 'nan' which is not valid json, hence the bug in json module
s-hadinger commented 3 months ago

The json library is now fixed and converts non-numerical values to null