arendst / Tasmota

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Berry Scripting Language on Tasmota32 Driver: json.load(tasmota.read_sensors()) returns nil #21658

Closed MechatronikMonkey closed 1 week ago

MechatronikMonkey commented 1 week ago


json.load(tasmota.read_sensors()) returns nil after tasmota.response_append(msg) in a driver


Make sure your have performed every step and checked the applicable boxes before submitting your issue. Thank you!

  Configuration output here:
- [ ] Provide the output of this command: `Status 0`:
  STATUS 0 output here:

Hello World. nil Hello World. nil Hello World. nil Hello World. nil

_Steps to reproduce the behavior:_

Copy this to Berry Console:

class MyTestClass : Driver

def DoIt()
    print("Hello World.")

    # Read Sensor data
    import json
    var MySensors = json.load(tasmota.read_sensors())


def every_second()
    if !self.DoIt return nil end


def web_sensor()
    import string
    var msg = string.format(
              "Show this in Web UI")

def json_append() 
    import string
    var msg = string.format(",\"TestValue\":123}")


test_instance = MyTestClass() tasmota.add_driver(test_instance)


if you remove the response_append statement, the json.load can load the sensors as expected:

def json_append() import string var msg = string.format(",\"TestValue\":123}")



_If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem._

It looks like that the response_append(msg) method kind of crashes json. If you try to parse a json string after response_append() you see the nil pointer. 

**(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)**
barbudor commented 1 week ago

You have an unexpected closing bracket that break the JSON syntax Correct would be

var msg = string.format(",\"TestValue\":123")

If you were just printing the result from tasmota.read_sensors() without trying to load it, you would have seen that your JSON was broken

There is no problem wiht tasmota.response_append()

You should better open a discussion instead of an issue when you don't have a qualified bug

MechatronikMonkey commented 1 week ago

Ok that is the problem... dohh ...

I printed the json string over and over again, but didn´t see the incorrect syntax...

Lol, what do you mean I don't have a qualified bug... I just thought it was a bug... I didn't know I needed to qualify somewhere first... Sorry, I am unworthy. Forgive me, honorable Tasmota gods, for I have sinned.

barbudor commented 1 week ago

The best way to qualify if it's a bug worth an issue is to first start a discussion If someone say "right, looks like you found a bug" then you're good to go for the Issue 🤣

Enjoy Berry

sfromis commented 1 week ago

Beware that while the JSON syntax indeed gets better by keeping those {} balanced, what you produce is not how a Berry driver is meant to produce sensor values. The appropriate format would be including a name for the sensor object in the JSON, to house individual values, like: var msg = ',"MyTest":{"TestValue":123}' As you had no string formatting, no use for string.format.

But if you had, like a var named myvalue, you could use a f-string like: var msg = f',"MyTest":{{"TestValue":{myvalue}}}' A downside of this easy syntax is that you need to double "your own" {} in the string.

(I also took the opportunity to improve readability by having ' as string delimiter around the whole string, meaning that then it is no longer needed to escape as \").

BTW... I'm not saying can't work without, more like recommending to follow the usual JSON formatting, to be compatible with other tools handling the JSON payloads produced.

MechatronikMonkey commented 1 week ago

The best way to qualify if it's a bug worth an issue is to first start a discussion If someone say "right, looks like you found a bug" then you're good to go for the Issue 🤣

Enjoy Berry

Got it... I open a discussion first in the future...