arendst / Tasmota

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
GNU General Public License v3.0
22.04k stars 4.78k forks source link

Platformio OTA Upload to webserver failing #2423

Closed ScottyDS closed 6 years ago

ScottyDS commented 6 years ago

Not a Tasmota Issue!

Please could someone advise me on where to look to fix the below error? I have scoured the web and cant find an answer. pycurl is installed, and the upload works once after a re-install of Atom, Python and Platformio, and configuration of platformio.ini. (I am using Windows 10)

I then configure the user_config.h, and when I try upload to the web server again I get the below error. Yet when I restore the unedited user_config.h, the upload works perfectly.

Uploading .pioenvs\sonoff\firmware.bin Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\Platformio\Sonoff-Tasmota-development\pio\", line 16, in import pycurl ImportError: No module named pycurl

Here is my edited user_config.h

`/* user_config.h - user specific configuration for Sonoff-Tasmota

Copyright (C) 2018 Theo Arends

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see */




// -- Localization -------------------------------- //#define MY_LANGUAGE cs-CZ // Czech in Czech //#define MY_LANGUAGE de-DE // German in Germany

define MY_LANGUAGE en-GB // English in Great Britain. Enabled by Default

//#define MY_LANGUAGE es-AR // Spanish in Argentina //#define MY_LANGUAGE fr-FR // French in France //#define MY_LANGUAGE hu-HU // Hungarian in Hungary //#define MY_LANGUAGE it-IT // Italian in Italy //#define MY_LANGUAGE nl-NL // Dutch in the Netherlands //#define MY_LANGUAGE pl-PL // Polish in Poland //#define MY_LANGUAGE pt-PT // Portuguese in Portugal //#define MY_LANGUAGE ru-RU // Russian in Russia //#define MY_LANGUAGE zh-CN // Chinese (Simplified) in China //#define MY_LANGUAGE zh-TW // Chinese (Traditional) in Taiwan

// -- Project -------------------------------------

define PROJECT "DuanesLamp" // PROJECT is used as the default topic delimiter and OTA file name

                                             //   As an IDE restriction it needs to be the same as the main .ino file

define CFG_HOLDER 0x20161209 // [Reset 1] Change this value to load following default configuration parameters

//#define USE_CONFIG_OVERRIDE // Uncomment to use your own user_config_override.h file. See

define SAVE_DATA 1 // [SaveData] Save changed parameters to Flash (0 = disable, 1 - 3600 seconds)

define SAVE_STATE 1 // [SetOption0] Save changed power state to Flash (0 = disable, 1 = enable)

// -- Wifi ----------------------------------------

define WIFI_IP_ADDRESS "" // [IpAddress1] Set to for using DHCP or IP address

define WIFI_GATEWAY "" // [IpAddress2] If not using DHCP set Gateway IP address

define WIFI_SUBNETMASK "" // [IpAddress3] If not using DHCP set Network mask

define WIFI_DNS "" // [IpAddress4] If not using DHCP set DNS IP address (might be equal to WIFI_GATEWAY)

define STA_SSID1 "MyWifi" // [Ssid1] Wifi SSID

define STA_PASS1 "Universe" // [Password1] Wifi password

define STA_SSID2 "" // [Ssid2] Optional alternate AP Wifi SSID

define STA_PASS2 "" // [Password2] Optional alternate AP Wifi password

define WIFI_CONFIG_TOOL WIFI_WPSCONFIG // [WifiConfig] Default tool if wifi fails to connect

                                             //   (WIFI_RESTART, WIFI_SMARTCONFIG, WIFI_MANAGER, WIFI_WPSCONFIG, WIFI_RETRY, WIFI_WAIT)

// -- Syslog --------------------------------------

define SYS_LOG_HOST "" // [LogHost] (Linux) syslog host

define SYS_LOG_PORT 514 // [LogPort] default syslog UDP port




// -- Ota -----------------------------------------

define OTA_URL "" // [OtaUrl]

//#define USE_ARDUINO_OTA // Add optional support for Arduino OTA (+4k5 code)


// -- MQTT ----------------------------------------

define MQTT_USE 1 // [SetOption3] Select default MQTT use (0 = Off, 1 = On)

// !!! TLS uses a LOT OF MEMORY (20k) so be careful to enable other options at the same time !!! //#define USE_MQTT_TLS // Use TLS for MQTT connection (+53k code, +15k mem) - Disable by // // Needs Fingerprint, TLS Port, UserId and Password


define MQTT_HOST "" // [MqttHost]

define MQTT_FINGERPRINT1 "A5 02 FF 13 99 9F 8B 39 8E F1 83 4F 11 23 65 0B 32 36 FC 07" // [MqttFingerprint1]

define MQTT_FINGERPRINT2 "A5 02 FF 13 99 9F 8B 39 8E F1 83 4F 11 23 65 0B 32 36 FC 07" // [MqttFingerprint2]

define MQTT_PORT 20123 // [MqttPort] MQTT TLS port

define MQTT_USER "Flash " // [MqttUser] Mandatory user

define MQTT_PASS "Gordon" // [MqttPassword] Mandatory password


define MQTT_HOST "" // [MqttHost]

define MQTT_PORT 1883 // [MqttPort] MQTT port (10123 on CloudMQTT)

define MQTT_USER "Flash" // [MqttUser] Optional user

define MQTT_PASS "Gordon" // [MqttPassword] Optional password


define MQTT_BUTTON_RETAIN 0 // [ButtonRetain] Button may send retain flag (0 = off, 1 = on)

define MQTT_POWER_RETAIN 0 // [PowerRetain] Power status message may send retain flag (0 = off, 1 = on)

define MQTT_SWITCH_RETAIN 0 // [SwitchRetain] Switch may send retain flag (0 = off, 1 = on)

define MQTT_STATUS_OFF "OFF" // [StateText1] Command or Status result when turned off (needs to be a string like "0" or "Off")

define MQTT_STATUS_ON "ON" // [StateText2] Command or Status result when turned on (needs to be a string like "1" or "On")

define MQTT_CMND_TOGGLE "TOGGLE" // [StateText3] Command to send when toggling (needs to be a string like "2" or "Toggle")

define MQTT_CMND_HOLD "HOLD" // [StateText4] Command to send when button is kept down for over KEY_HOLD_TIME * 0.1 seconds (needs to be a string like "HOLD")

// -- MQTT topics --------------------------------- //#define MQTT_FULLTOPIC "tasmota/bedroom/%topic%/%prefix%/" // Up to max 80 characers

define MQTT_FULLTOPIC "%topic%/%prefix%/" // [FullTopic] Subscribe and Publish full topic name - Legacy topic

// %prefix% token options

define SUB_PREFIX "cmnd" // [Prefix1] Sonoff devices subscribe to %prefix%/%topic% being SUB_PREFIX/MQTT_TOPIC and SUB_PREFIX/MQTT_GRPTOPIC

define PUB_PREFIX "stat" // [Prefix2] Sonoff devices publish to %prefix%/%topic% being PUB_PREFIX/MQTT_TOPIC

define PUB_PREFIX2 "tele" // [Prefix3] Sonoff devices publish telemetry data to %prefix%/%topic% being PUB_PREFIX2/MQTT_TOPIC/UPTIME, POWER and TIME

                                             //   May be named the same as PUB_PREFIX

// %topic% token options (also ButtonTopic and SwitchTopic)

define MQTT_TOPIC PROJECT // [Topic] (unique) MQTT device topic

define MQTT_GRPTOPIC "sonoffs" // [GroupTopic] MQTT Group topic

define MQTT_CLIENTID "DVES%06X" // [MqttClient] Also fall back topic using Chip Id = last 6 characters of MAC address

// -- MQTT - Telemetry ----------------------------

define TELE_PERIOD 300 // [TelePeriod] Telemetry (0 = disable, 10 - 3600 seconds)

// -- MQTT - Domoticz ----------------------------- //#define USE_DOMOTICZ // Enable Domoticz (+6k code, +0.3k mem) - Disable by // // #define DOMOTICZ_IN_TOPIC "domoticz/in" // Domoticz Input Topic //#define DOMOTICZ_OUT_TOPIC "domoticz/out" // Domoticz Output Topic //#define DOMOTICZ_UPDATE_TIMER 0 // [DomoticzUpdateTimer] Send relay status (0 = disable, 1 - 3600 seconds) (Optional)

// -- MQTT - Home Assistant Discovery ------------- //#define USE_HOME_ASSISTANT // Enable Home Assistant Discovery Support (+2k code) //#define HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX "homeassistant" // Home Assistant discovery prefix //#define HOME_ASSISTANT_DISCOVERY_ENABLE 0 // [SetOption19] Home Assistant Discovery (0 = Disable, 1 = Enable)

// -- HTTP ----------------------------------------

define USE_WEBSERVER // Enable web server and wifi manager (+66k code, +8k mem) - Disable by //

define WEB_SERVER 2 // [WebServer] Web server (0 = Off, 1 = Start as User, 2 = Start as Admin)

define WEB_PORT 80 // Web server Port for User and Admin mode

define WEB_USERNAME "admin" // Web server Admin mode user name

define WEB_PASSWORD "" // [WebPassword] Web server Admin mode Password for WEB_USERNAME (empty string = Disable)

define FRIENDLY_NAME "DuanesLamp" // [FriendlyName] Friendlyname up to 32 characters used by webpages and Alexa

//#define USE_EMULATION // Enable Belkin WeMo and Hue Bridge emulation for Alexa (+16k code, +2k mem) // #define EMULATION EMUL_NONE // [Emulation] Select Belkin WeMo (single relay/light) or Hue Bridge emulation (multi relay/light) (EMUL_NONE, EMUL_WEMO or EMUL_HUE)

// -- mDNS ----------------------------------------

define USE_DISCOVERY // Enable mDNS for the following services (+8k code, +0.3k mem) - Disable by //

define WEBSERVER_ADVERTISE // Provide access to webserver by name .local/

define MQTT_HOST_DISCOVERY // Find MQTT host server (overrides MQTT_HOST if found)

// -- Time - Up to three NTP servers in your region

define NTP_SERVER1 "" // [NtpServer1] Select first NTP server by name or IP address (

define NTP_SERVER2 "" // [NtpServer2] Select second NTP server by name or IP address (

define NTP_SERVER3 "" // [NtpServer3] Select third NTP server by name or IP address (

define USE_TIMERS // Add support for up to 16 timers (+2k2 code)

define USE_TIMERS_WEB // Add timer webpage support (+4k5 code)

// -- Time - Start Daylight Saving Time and timezone offset from UTC in minutes

define TIME_DST North, Last, Sun, Mar, 2, +120 // Northern Hemisphere, Last sunday in march at 02:00 +120 minutes

// -- Time - Start Standard Time and timezone offset from UTC in minutes

define TIME_STD North, Last, Sun, Oct, 3, +60 // Northern Hemisphere, Last sunday in october 02:00 +60 minutes

// -- Application ---------------------------------

define APP_TIMEZONE 2 // [Timezone] +1 hour (Amsterdam) (-12 .. 12 = hours from UTC, 99 = use TIME_DST/TIME_STD)


define APP_PULSETIME 0 // [PulseTime] Time in 0.1 Sec to turn off power for relay 1 (0 = disabled)

define APP_POWERON_STATE 3 // [PowerOnState] Power On Relay state (0 = Off, 1 = On, 2 = Toggle Saved state, 3 = Saved state)

define APP_BLINKTIME 10 // [BlinkTime] Time in 0.1 Sec to blink/toggle power for relay 1

define APP_BLINKCOUNT 10 // [BlinkCount] Number of blinks (0 = 32000)

define APP_SLEEP 0 // [Sleep] Sleep time to lower energy consumption (0 = Off, 1 - 250 mSec)

define KEY_HOLD_TIME 40 // [SetOption32] Number of 0.1 seconds to hold Button or external Pushbutton before sending HOLD message


define WS2812_LEDS 30 // [Pixels] Number of WS2812 LEDs to start with

define TEMP_CONVERSION 0 // [SetOption8] Return temperature in (0 = Celsius or 1 = Fahrenheit)

define TEMP_RESOLUTION 1 // [TempRes] Maximum number of decimals (0 - 3) showing sensor Temperature

define HUMIDITY_RESOLUTION 1 // [HumRes] Maximum number of decimals (0 - 3) showing sensor Humidity

define PRESSURE_RESOLUTION 1 // [PressRes] Maximum number of decimals (0 - 3) showing sensor Pressure

define ENERGY_RESOLUTION 3 // [EnergyRes] Maximum number of decimals (0 - 5) showing energy usage in kWh

// -- Internal Analog input -----------------------

define USE_ADC_VCC // Display Vcc in Power status. Disable for use as Analog input on selected devices

// -- One wire sensors ---------------------------- // WARNING: Select none for default one DS18B20 sensor or enable one of the following two options for multiple sensors //#define USE_DS18x20 // Optional for more than one DS18x20 sensors with id sort, single scan and read retry (+1k3 code) //#define USE_DS18x20_LEGACY // Optional for more than one DS18x20 sensors with dynamic scan using library OneWire (+1k5 code)

// -- I2C sensors --------------------------------- //#define USE_I2C // I2C using library wire (+10k code, 0k2 mem, 124 iram)

ifdef USE_I2C

define USE_SHT // Add I2C emulating code for SHT1X sensor (+1k4 code)

define USE_SHT3X // Add I2C code for SHT3x or SHTC3 sensor (+0k7 code)

define USE_HTU // Add I2C code for HTU21/SI7013/SI7020/SI7021 sensor (+1k5 code)

define USE_BMP // Add I2C code for BMP085/BMP180/BMP280/BME280 sensor (+4k code)

// #define USE_BME680 // Add additional support for BME680 sensor using Adafruit Sensor and BME680 libraries (+6k code)

define USE_SGP30 // Add I2C code for SGP30 sensor (+1k1 code)

define USE_BH1750 // Add I2C code for BH1750 sensor (+0k5 code)

// #define USE_VEML6070 // Add I2C code for VEML6070 sensor (+0k5 code) // #define USE_TSL2561 // Add I2C code for TSL2561 sensor using library Joba_Tsl2561 (+2k3 code) // #define USE_ADS1115 // Add I2C code for ADS1115 16 bit A/D converter based on Adafruit ADS1x15 library (no library needed) (+0k7 code) // #define USE_ADS1115_I2CDEV // Add I2C code for ADS1115 16 bit A/D converter using library i2cdevlib-Core and i2cdevlib-ADS1115 (+2k code) // #define USE_INA219 // Add I2C code for INA219 Low voltage and current sensor (+1k code) // #define USE_MGS // Add I2C code for Xadow and Grove Mutichannel Gas sensor using library Multichannel_Gas_Sensor (+10k code)

define MGS_SENSOR_ADDR 0x04 // Default Mutichannel Gas sensor i2c address

endif // USE_I2C

// -- Serial sensors ------------------------------ //#define USE_MHZ19 // Add support for MH-Z19 CO2 sensor (+2k code) //#define USE_SENSEAIR // Add support for SenseAir K30, K70 and S8 CO2 sensor (+2k3 code) // #define CO2_LOW 800 // Below this CO2 value show green light (needs PWM or WS2812 RG(B) led and enable with SetOption18 1) // #define CO2_HIGH 1200 // Above this CO2 value show red light (needs PWM or WS2812 RG(B) led and enable with SetOption18 1) //#define USE_PMS5003 // Add support for PMS5003 and PMS7003 particle concentration sensor (+1k3 code) //#define USE_NOVA_SDS // Add support for SDS011 and SDS021 particle concentration sensor (+0k7 code) //#define USE_PZEM004T // Add support for PZEM004T Energy monitor (+2k code) //#define USE_SERIAL_BRIDGE // Add support for software Serial Bridge (+0k8 code)

// -- Low level interface devices ----------------- //#define USE_IR_REMOTE // Send IR remote commands using library IRremoteESP8266 and ArduinoJson (+4k code, 0k3 mem, 48 iram) // #define USE_IR_HVAC // Support for HVAC system using IR (+2k code) // #define USE_IR_RECEIVE // Support for IR receiver (+5k5 code, 264 iram)

//#define USE_WS2812 // WS2812 Led string using library NeoPixelBus (+5k code, +1k mem, 232 iram) - Disable by // // #define USE_WS2812_CTYPE NEO_GRB // WS2812 Color type (NEO_RGB, NEO_GRB, NEO_BRG, NEO_RBG, NEO_RGBW, NEO_GRBW) // #define USE_WS2812_DMA // DMA supports only GPIO03 (= Serial RXD) (+1k mem). When USE_WS2812_DMA is enabled expect Exceptions on Pow

//#define USE_ARILUX_RF // Add support for Arilux RF remote controller (+0k8 code, 252 iram (non 2.3.0))


//#define USE_ALL_SENSORS // Create sonoff-xxl with all sensors enabled (See sonoff_post.h for selected sensors)


//#define BE_MINIMAL // Minimal version if upgrade memory gets tight (-45k code, -2k mem)


if defined(USE_MQTT_TLS) && defined(USE_WEBSERVER)

error "Select either USE_MQTT_TLS or USE_WEBSERVER as there is just not enough memory to play with"


endif // _USER_CONFIGH


Geitde commented 6 years ago

i never did that, but the problem seems to be your upload tool, not Tasmota itself. The python module pycurl is missing or not found on your computer, but required for the uploader.

My guess is reinstalling the is required, if you cannot find the module on the website containing that script tool.

ScottyDS commented 6 years ago

That is what I initially thought. And that is why I reinstalled everything. But the issue only occurs when I edit the user_config.h. When I restore the defaults to the userconfig.h, the upload works again. Have been struggling with this for 3 days now. I will attempt the same on my Linux machine this evening and if the issue does not occur there, I will close the issue.