arendst / Tasmota

Alternative firmware for ESP8266 and ESP32 based devices with easy configuration using webUI, OTA updates, automation using timers or rules, expandability and entirely local control over MQTT, HTTP, Serial or KNX. Full documentation at
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Sonoff Pow erases the Measures when it initializes. #3613

Closed vicentecandido closed 6 years ago

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

The sonoff pow with tasmota is erasing the data several times. I already reinstalled the system and it did not work. It worked perfectly, but suddenly it presented this problem. I noticed that whenever it loses the signal or that it initializes it erases the recorded data.


00:00:05 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/INFO1 = {"Module":"Sonoff Pow","Version":"","FallbackTopic":"DVES_3B41C8","GroupTopic":"sonoffs"}
00:00:05 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/INFO2 = {"WebServerMode":"Admin","Hostname":"sonoff_pow1-0456","IPAddress":""}
00:00:05 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/INFO3 = {"RestartReason":"Software/System restart"}
00:00:05 MQT: stat/sonoff_pow1/RESULT = {"EnergyReset":{"Total":0.025,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000}}
00:00:05 MQT: stat/sonoff_pow1/RESULT = {"EnergyReset":{"Total":0.025,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000}}
00:00:05 MQT: stat/sonoff_pow1/RESULT = {"EnergyReset":{"Total":0.000,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000}}
ascillato commented 6 years ago

use wificonfig 5

ascillato commented 6 years ago

Please, also share your Status 0 as the Troubleshooting Template states.

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

Ascillato, Thanks for answer. However, I'm noob. I don't understand: "wificonfig 5" and "Status 0"

How do I configure this?

ascillato2 commented 6 years ago


Those are commands for the console.

In the webmenu of Tasmota, go to the console and type there wificonfig 5 in order to make Tasmota not to reboot when losing wifi or mqtt.

The other command (status 0) will show all your configuration. Just copy that and paste here.

When we ask that in the Troubleshooting Template is because gave us a lot of information to understand your problem.

ascillato2 commented 6 years ago

There is a lot of information in Tasmota wiki: Also you have the Forum: And the chat:

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

Thanks again. I understood now.

18:52:10 RSL: STATUS = {"Status":{"Module":6,"FriendlyName":["Sonoff"],"Topic":"sonoff_pow1","ButtonTopic":"0","Power":1,"PowerOnState":3,"LedState":1,"SaveData":1,"SaveState":1,"ButtonRetain":0,"PowerRetain":0}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS1 = {"StatusPRM":{"Baudrate":115200,"GroupTopic":"sonoffs","OtaUrl":"","RestartReason":"Software/System restart","Uptime":"0T01:49:24","StartupUTC":"2018-08-27T20:02:46","Sleep":0,"BootCount":21,"SaveCount":51,"SaveAddress":"F9000"}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS2 = {"StatusFWR":{"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2018-08-26T22:37:48","Boot":31,"Core":"2_3_0","SDK":"1.5.3(aec24ac9)"}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS3 = {"StatusLOG":{"SerialLog":2,"WebLog":2,"SysLog":0,"LogHost":"","LogPort":514,"SSId":["CiscoE900",""],"TelePeriod":300,"SetOption":["00008001","55818000","00000000"]}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS4 = {"StatusMEM":{"ProgramSize":469,"Free":532,"Heap":19,"ProgramFlashSize":1024,"FlashSize":4096,"FlashMode":3,"Features":["00000809","0FDAE794","0C0003A0","23B6179E","00000000"]}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS5 = {"StatusNET":{"Hostname":"sonoff_pow1-0456","IPAddress":"","Gateway":"","Subnetmask":"","DNSServer":"","Mac":"2C:3A:E8:3B:41:C8","Webserver":2,"WifiConfig":5}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS7 = {"StatusTIM":{"UTC":"Mon Aug 27 21:52:10 2018","Local":"Mon Aug 27 18:52:10 2018","StartDST":"Sun Mar 25 02:00:00 2018","EndDST":"Sun Oct 28 03:00:00 2018","Timezone":-3,"Sunrise":"02:00","Sunset":"15:43"}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS9 = {"StatusPTH":{"PowerDelta":80,"PowerLow":0,"PowerHigh":0,"VoltageLow":0,"VoltageHigh":0,"CurrentLow":0,"CurrentHigh":0}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS10 = {"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2018-08-27T18:52:10","ENERGY":{"Total":0.102,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.102,"Power":59,"Factor":0.74,"Voltage":201,"Current":0.397}}}
18:52:10 RSL: STATUS11 = {"StatusSTS":{"Time":"2018-08-27T18:52:10","Uptime":"0T01:49:24","Vcc":3.213,"POWER":"ON","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"CiscoE900","RSSI":96,"APMac":"78:11:DC:42:B4:79"}}}
ascillato2 commented 6 years ago

Now, with wificonfig 5 your sonoff POW will not restart when wifi or mqtt are lost.

If your Sonoff POW loses energy will forget the Today energy. All that information is intended to be saved in your Home Automation Software

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much, Ascillato2.

ascillato commented 6 years ago

If you think that your questions has been answered, please close this issue.

Remember that if you close it, then you can reopen it, if you need more help.

afaucogney commented 6 years ago

A kind of same issue with me. My sonoff pow is powered only a few hours a day, because the device is mapped in serial with a Peak hour contact. The Total Energy is lost every days. You said :

All that information is intended to be saved in your Home Automation Software"

Why is the reason of this business rule ?

arendst commented 6 years ago

Reason: Flash wear. Google flash usage statistics and you learn that writing state changes to flash every second will ruin your device.

Solution in your case is doing a restart first before the power down. The restart will write the current values to flash before the reboot and so you won't lose values.

EDIT: Alternatively you could execute command savedata just before the power down. This will also write the latest values to flash.

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

The problem has not been resolved. Below, the graphs display the moments resetting.


ascillato commented 6 years ago


What is the variable that you are showing in your graph?

If it is Energy today it is reseted as expected.

The value saved in Tasmota is Energy Total. Besides, take into account that Energy Total and Energy Yesterday values are saved into the memory only at midnight OR when you tell tasmota to restart OR when you give the savedata command.

But, remember that should be best that you keep track of your energy consumption in your Home Automation Software.

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

The graph is my HomeAssistant 0.76 The graph is variable Energy Today

It should be reset after 24h. The problem is that it resets after random intervals.

Below is the log (All data has been deleted)

12:18:00 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:00","ENERGY":{"Total":0.538,"Yesterday":0.031,"Today":0.507,"Power":2,"Factor":0.16,"Voltage":202,"Current":0.060}}
12:18:02 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:02","ENERGY":{"Total":0.538,"Yesterday":0.031,"Today":0.507,"Power":6,"Factor":0.12,"Voltage":202,"Current":0.248}}
12:18:15 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:15","ENERGY":{"Total":0.538,"Yesterday":0.031,"Today":0.507,"Power":9,"Factor":0.72,"Voltage":202,"Current":0.063}}
12:18:21 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:21","ENERGY":{"Total":0.538,"Yesterday":0.031,"Today":0.507,"Power":2,"Factor":0.14,"Voltage":202,"Current":0.072}}
12:18:24 RSL: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:24","ENERGY":{"Total":0.538,"Yesterday":0.031,"Today":0.507,"Power":4,"Factor":0.18,"Voltage":201,"Current":0.113}}
12:18:25 MQT: Attempting connection...
12:18:25 MQT: Connect failed to 192.168.107:1883, rc -2. Retry in 10 sec
12:18:31 RSL: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:31","ENERGY":{"Total":0.538,"Yesterday":0.031,"Today":0.507,"Power":2,"Factor":0.11,"Voltage":202,"Current":0.079}}
12:18:36 MQT: Attempting connection...
12:18:36 MQT: Connected
12:18:36 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/LWT = Online (retained)
12:18:36 MQT: cmnd/sonoff_pow1/POWER = 
12:18:36 MQT: stat/sonoff_pow1/RESULT = {"POWER":"ON"}
12:18:36 MQT: stat/sonoff_pow1/POWER = ON
12:18:36 MQT: stat/sonoff_pow1/RESULT = {"EnergyReset":{"Total":0.538,"Yesterday":0.031,"Today":0.000}}
12:18:36 MQT: stat/sonoff_pow1/RESULT = {"EnergyReset":{"Total":0.538,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000}}
12:18:36 MQT: stat/sonoff_pow1/RESULT = {"EnergyReset":{"Total":0.000,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000}}
12:18:38 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:38","ENERGY":{"Total":0.000,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000,"Power":7,"Factor":0.32,"Voltage":202,"Current":0.105}}
12:18:42 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:42","ENERGY":{"Total":0.000,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000,"Power":4,"Factor":0.19,"Voltage":202,"Current":0.093}}
12:18:56 MQT: tele/sonoff_pow1/SENSOR = {"Time":"2018-08-28T12:18:56","ENERGY":{"Total":0.000,"Yesterday":0.000,"Today":0.000,"Power":6,"Factor":0.08,"Voltage":202,"Current":0.379}}
ascillato commented 6 years ago


In the log it shows stat/sonoff_pow1/RESULT = {"EnergyReset": ........

That is telling us the result of executing the command ENERGYRESET. So, your POW is receiving the ENERGYRESET command.

So, seems that your HomeAutomation Software has an automation to reset your ENERGY when the POW connects to it. Or your MQTT broker has a retained message and It is sending that command each time your POW reconnects.

In my POW with last Tasmota version I don't have those 3 RESULT lines when reconnecting MQTT.

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

Do you have an idea how I can fix this?

ascillato2 commented 6 years ago

Check your configuration files of your Home Assistant:


If that automation is there, is because you added it.

Which broker are you using? the embedded or mosquitto? If moquitto try to delete the database

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

Broker: mosquitto

My code:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "sonoff_pow1_reset_counter_today"
    state_topic: "stat/sonoff_pow1/EnergyReset1"
    command_topic: "cmnd/sonoff_pow1/energyreset1"
    qos: 1
    payload_on: "0"
    retain: true
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "sonoff_pow1_reset_counter_yesterday"
    state_topic: "stat/sonoff_pow1/EnergyReset2"
    command_topic: "cmnd/sonoff_pow1/energyreset2"
    qos: 1
    payload_on: "0"
    retain: true
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "sonoff_pow1_reset_counter_total"
    state_topic: "stat/sonoff_pow1/EnergyReset3"
    command_topic: "cmnd/sonoff_pow1/energyreset3"
    qos: 1
    payload_on: "0"
    retain: true
ascillato2 commented 6 years ago


Your issue is all the lines retain: true Your broker is sending ENERGYRESET everytime your POW connects to it!

Change ALL 'retain: trueforretain: false'

and stop your mosquitto, delete its database, and restart HA and MQTT it.

vicentecandido commented 6 years ago

Ascillato2, thank you so much again.

God bless you.

I'll close case for moment.

ascillato2 commented 6 years ago
